「Remember Me」大家還記得《玩轉極樂園》的故事嗎?由今天起(2018年9月6日)至2018年11月30日,充滿墨西哥異國色彩的「亡靈節」將會在「幻想世界」活靈活現。大家可以在「《玩轉極樂園》異國奇想慶典」參與臉部彩繪,以及製作墨西哥民間剪紙藝術「Papel Picado」,而穿上傳統墨西哥服飾的遊唱詩人亦會粉墨登場,用結他彈奏動畫原聲音樂。
The magic of Disney‧Pixar’s Coco is coming to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort! From now till November 30, you can immerse in the world of this magical story through interactive offerings and live entertainment in Fantasyland*. You can try face painting and make your own decorative Mexican paper banners known as “Papel Picado”. A Fantasyland Troubadour will play music on his guitar too! Come to join “A Celebration of Coco”!
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort