一年一度萬聖節快將到來,「奇妙處處通」會員 可率先體驗「Disney Halloween Time」。誠邀你於2018年9月14日及15日*參加「奇妙處處通『反轉迪士尼』晚會」,暢玩至晚上10:30,享受詭異萬聖節派對。記得換上萬聖節服飾#,和一眾「迪士尼朋友」一起體驗別具迪士尼特色的萬聖節傳統。
It's Halloween Time again, and you're invited to take part in the Member exclusive "Disney Halloween Time" Magic Access Night, where you can enjoy the preview of the most wickedly fun Disney Halloween Time ever at Hong Kong Disneyland until 10:30 PM on September 14-15, 2018*. Be part of the Disney Halloween tradition and dress up in your favorite Halloween costume# to party along with Mickey and Friends.
登記晚會的會員可專享全新的「怪誕城之旅」,再到「Halloween詭趣花園」會見一眾「迪士尼惡人」,然後齊齊參與「迪士尼惡人大出巡3.0」,連同由 黑巫婆 率領的一眾「迪士尼惡人」狂歡反轉樂園!參加晚會前,也不要錯過下午於「美國小鎮大街」的「米奇Halloween玩轉大街派對」!
Registered member may exclusively enjoy the Magic Access Night - visit the all-new "Journey to Halloween Town", meet your favorite Disney Villains in Halloween Time Festival Gardens and watch Maleficent turn the park upside down in "Villains Night Out! Chapter 3"! Don't miss the "Mickey's Halloween Time Street Party" during the day time.
With so much more wicked fun to enjoy, register now for spook-tacular night out at Hong Kong Disneyland!
“Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night
時間:暢玩至 晚上10:30
.September 14, 2018 (Friday)
.September 15, 2018 (Saturday)*
Time: Extend enjoyment until 10:30 PM
* 2018年9月15日之晚會只限白金卡及金卡會員參加。
* Event on September 15, 2018 is only available for Platinum and Gold Card Members.
# 「奇妙處處通『反轉迪士尼』晚會」賓客的服飾必須依照 香港迪士尼樂園 的「賓客裝扮服飾提示」。
# Members participating the "Disney Halloween Time" Magic Access Night must follow the Costume Tips set out by Hong Kong Disneyland.
^ 「奇妙處處通」白金卡、金卡 和 銀卡 會員 將會分階段地安排在會員專頁上登記。
^ Platinum, Gold, and Silver Magic Access Members can register on the member site according to their respective stages.
** 每一位登記者可為其本人及最多三位於登記日至晚會場次當日持有有效「奇妙處處通」會員卡的參加者(每位稱之為「賓客」)登記一日晚會場次。每位參加者不可登記或被登記多於一日晚會場次。參加者亦可只為其個人登記為登記者。
** Each Registrant may register for the Special Event only once, for himself / herself and together with a maximum of three other participants who each hold a valid Magic Access Membership Card during the period from (and including) the date of registration to (and including) the day on which the Special Event will be held. Single participant is also eligible for registration as Registrant.
~ 活動內容(Event Details) ~
Journey to an all-new Halloween Town

The all-new "Journey to Halloween Town" walkthrough experience will take you on an unforgettable journey as Jack Skellington and his friends create mayhem in Halloween Town. You'll be immersed in the iconic music and scenes from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (Exclusive for Magic Access Night from 5:00 PM.).
黑巫婆 率領迪士尼惡人出巡
Disney Villains Night Out with Maleficent!
隨着黑夜降臨,樂園的詭異氣氛更趨濃烈,黑巫婆 率領一眾惡人出巡,齊齊反轉迪士尼。趕快加入派對列陣,與惡名昭著的迪士尼惡人一較高下(會員專享時段於晚上9:30開始)。
As the sun goes down, the fiendish fun begins again as Maleficent leads the vilest Disney Villains to turn the park upside down. Be part of the merry mayhem as the procession snakes along Main Street, U.S.A.. Let's join your favorite baddies and unleash your inner evilness (Exclusive for Magic Access Night at 9:30 PM.)!
「Halloween 詭趣花園」
Halloween Time Festival Gardens

黑夜降臨,迪士尼惡人進駐「Halloween詭趣花園」。你或會見到女魔頭 庫伊拉、紅心皇后、鐵鈎船長 還有更多惡名昭著的惡人,《大力士》的 凱帝斯 也可能來到詭趣花園。記得準備好相機跟他們來個鬼馬合照(會員專享時段由晚上7點00開始)。
Disney Villains will come out at night in Halloween Time Festival Gardens! You may meet Cruella de Vil, Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook and more. Hades from Hercules may also be there. So get your camera ready and strike a pose with these baddies (Exclusive for Magic Access Night from 7:00 PM.).
Disney Characters in Halloween Costumes

今年「奇妙處處通『反轉迪士尼』晚會」中,米奇及好友 將穿上全新萬聖節服飾,在「幻想世界」驚喜現身。小熊維尼及好友 也會在晚上7:30後特別來到,在「米奇幻想曲」花盡心思扮鬼扮馬,與你一起搗蛋。
This year, the surprises continue as Mickey and his friend will make a surprise appearance at Fantasyland during "Disney Halloween Time" Magic Access Night in their brand-new Halloween costumes! Don't miss Winnie the Pooh and friends as they will welcome you in their Halloween costumes at Mickey's PhilharMagic after 7:30 PM.
~ 賓客裝扮服飾提示 ~
~ Costume Tips ~
- 部份遊樂設施不能接待某些裝扮服飾的賓客,例如,戴帽、披斗蓬或穿上天使翅膀,以免造成危險或影響設施運作。
- 如賓客之服飾、裝扮或所攜帶之配件會對你或其他賓客之安全造成危險,將不能進入樂園。
- 不可佩戴任何會遮蓋整個臉孔的面具。
You are invited to be part of our "Disney Halloween Time" atmosphere by putting on Halloween-themed costume. We work hard to offer a safe and enjoyable experience for all our Guest, so please help us by keeping in mind the following:
- In some attractions costume accessories such as hats, capes and wings may not be worn as they may cause safety concerns to Guests or disrupt the operation.
- Guests with costume, make-up and props which cause safety hazard to Guests may not be allowed in the Park.
- Full-face-masks are not allowed to be worn.
Please ask our Cast Members for clarification if you have questions.
To keep an enjoyable experience for all of our Guests, please do not engage in any act that may impede the operation of the Park or any associated facility.
~ 會員專享晚會當日優惠± ~
~ Exclusive Offers for On-Day Event Guests± ~
± 以下所有優惠只適用於2018年9月14日及15日。「奇妙處處通」會員需出示有效會員卡、當日活動手帶及其他指定憑證(如適用)以獲取優惠。每項優惠均受其條款及細則約束。
± All special offers mentioned below are only valid on September 14 and 15, 2018. Magic Access Members must present their valid Membership Card, on-day event wristband and additional proof (where applicable) to enjoy the offers. Subject to Terms and Conditions of each offer.
Halloween Refreshment

驚嚇過後,需要「冷靜」一下?已登記會員到 火箭餐廳、皇室宴會廳 或 笑匠歡宴坊 購買每兩份套餐(兒童套餐除外),我們即送上免費果味冰杯一杯;或到 大街餐廳由Coca-Cola®呈獻 用餐並消費滿港幣$400元(不包括加一服務費),即可獲贈Cookie's Mango Lagoon特選飲品一杯。
Event guests can stay cool for Halloween with a free Magic Ice Cup when you purchase two combo meals (excluding Kids' Meal) at Starliner Diner, Royal Banquet Hall and Clopin's Festival of Foods. Also, enjoy a Cookie's Mango Lagoon for free when you spend HK$400 or more (before 10% service charge) at Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®.
Special Brunch Offers

奇妙處處通「反轉迪士尼」晚會期間,芊彩餐廳 或 華特餐廳 為你準備了精選早午餐,讓每位已登記會員可與最多3位會員以優惠價享用。到樂園狂歡萬聖節之前當然要飽餐一頓,確保精力充沛。
Visit World of Color Restaurant and Walt's Cafe for a special brunch during "Disney Halloween Time" Magic Access Night. Each event guest may bring 3 other Magic Access friends together for a scrumptious brunch at a special price. Enjoy a delicious meal before the fun night begins.
Game Ticket Offer

Tsum Tsum開心嘉年華將於2018年9月13日至16日舉行。於9月14日及15日下午1:00至晚上7:00前,已登記會員只需憑當日活動手帶及會員晚會活動指南參加遊戲,即可享港幣$20折扣優惠一次。千萬別錯過!
Tsum Tsum Fun Fair will be held from September 13-16, 2018. When you register for the Magic Access Night, you may enjoy HK$20 off on game ticket for one time on September 14-15, 2018, between 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM just by presenting your valid event wristband and Members Night Event Guide.
PANDORA Jewelry 20% Off

Now is a great time to get something special for your loved ones. Members with valid event wristband may enjoy 20% discount upon a single net purchase of HK$2,000 or more on PANDORA jewelry, including at least one piece from the PANDORA Disney collection^.
^ 包括PANDORA迪士尼珠寶系列、迪士尼樂園系列及香港迪士尼樂園系列。
^ Including PANDORA Disney Jewelry Collection, Disney Parks Collection & Hong Kong Disneyland Collection.
*** 活動手帶 ***
*** Event Wristband ***

請於指定時間親身前往香港迪士尼樂園 一號售票處(樂園入口左側),並出示有效及合資格的「奇妙處處通」會員卡及身份證明文件領取手帶以便進場。所有參加者必須於整個特別活動期間戴上手帶。
Please present your valid Magic Access Membership Card and personal identification in person at Ticket Booth 1, which is on the left hand side of the Hong Kong Disneyland Park entrance at the designated time on the selected date to redeem the wristband. All Participants are required to wear the wristband at all time during the event.
Wristband Redemption Location: Ticket Booth 1, Main Entrance
*** 請即報名(Register Now) ***

「奇妙處處通」會員專頁(Magic Access Member Site):
* 晚會設有人數限制,先到先得,會員並需於指定截止時間前完成登記。
* Quota is limited on a first-come-first-served basis, and are subject to the registration deadline.
** 參加者須於所選的晚會場次舉行之兩日前的晚上11:59或之前完成登記(香港時間)。主辦單位有權取消任何過遲、錯誤、不完整、損毀、遺失、不明或不正確的參加者之參加資格。
** Registration for the Event (including any change of information submitted in the registration) must be completed on or before 23:59 (Hong Kong Time) 2 clear days prior to the scheduled Event Session. HKITP reserves the right to disqualify any late, misdirected, incomplete, corrupted, lost, illegible or invalid registrations.
*** 參加者須出示指定晚會場次手帶(「晚會手帶」)方可進入晚會。每一位參加者須親身於指定之 香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 出示其有效「奇妙處處通」會員卡及身份證明文件以換領晚會手帶一條。晚會手帶只可於已登記的晚會場次當日換領。假若不能出示手帶,主辦單位可拒絕參加者參與該晚會場次。
*** Participants are required to present a designated wristband issued by HKITP (“Event Wristband”) for admission to the Event Session, which may be redeemed by the Participant in person by presenting their valid Magic Access Membership Cards and such personal identification as HKITP may require at designated ticket booths located at the main entrance of the Park. The Event Wristband may only be redeemed on the day of the Event Session. HKITP may refuse admission to the Event Session if the Event Wristband cannot be presented.
- 基於惡劣天氣或情況所需,主辦單位或會暫停或取消奇妙處處通「反轉迪士尼」晚會而不作事先通知及毋須退款或賠償。
- “Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night is subject to delay or cancellation due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances without prior notice and without compensation.
Based on the "Winnie the Pooh" works by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard
Jack Skellington and Sally inspired by Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas