


中文版《美女與野獸》百老匯音樂劇(BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Musical)將於2018年6月14日在 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)隆重上演!

百老匯音樂劇《美女與野獸》中文版 定於2018年6月14日
上海迪士尼度假區 首演


Shanghai Disney Resort to Raise the Curtain on Mandarin Production of the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Musical on June 14, 2018

Tickets for the popular Broadway musical to go on sale May 24

      上海迪士尼度假區 今天宣佈,備受期待的 中文版百老匯音樂劇《美女與野獸》將於2018年6月14日起於位於「迪士尼小鎮」的「華特迪士尼大劇院」震撼上演。這一享譽世界的舞台巨制中文版的演出票將於5月24日起正式發售。

Shanghai Disney Resort today revealed the premiere date for the highly anticipated Broadway musical BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, set to take the stage at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown on June 14, 2018.  Tickets for the world-renowned stage performance will go on sale beginning May 24.

       上海迪士尼度假區 總經理 郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)表示:「《美女與野獸》的全新中文版將為 上海迪士尼度假區 別具一格的沉醉娛樂體驗添加濃重的新彩。這個古老雋永的浪漫故事將在『華特迪士尼大劇院』的舞台上煥發新的『生命』,並將用中文進行演繹,相信它將與中國觀眾產生強烈共鳴。」

“The new Mandarin production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a magnificent addition to the one-of-a-kind, immersive entertainment at Shanghai Disney Resort,” said Philippe Gas, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. “We believe it will resonate deeply with the Chinese audience, as this tale as old as time is brought to life on stage in Mandarin at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre.”

        迪士尼戲劇集團總裁和製作人 托馬斯·舒馬赫(Thomas Schumacher)表示:「《美女與野獸》是迪士尼在百老彙的開山之作,並成功打造了百老匯音樂劇史上演出時間最久、最為成功的劇目之一。我們非常高興能夠在音樂劇《獅子王》中文版巨大成功的基礎上,與 上海迪士尼度假區 再度攜手,並邀請到由 羅伯·羅斯(Rob Roth)帶領的原班主創團隊進行再度創作,將原汁原味的百老匯巨制帶給中國觀眾。」

“BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was Disney’s first musical on Broadway and ultimately became one of the longest-running and most beloved shows of all time. Following the success of THE LION KING, I am thrilled to collaborate with the Shanghai Disney Resort team once again and to welcome the Broadway production’s original director, Rob Roth and his creative team as they recreate this treasured story for Chinese audiences at the beautiful Walt Disney Grand Theatre,” said Thomas Schumacher, president and producer, Disney Theatrical Productions.

       音樂劇《美女與野獸》講述的浪漫故事經久不衰、風靡全球,這一百老匯演出適合各年齡層觀眾,將成為震撼視聽、溫暖心靈的全家共享新體驗。該劇講述了少女 貝兒 的經典故事,面對一頭脾氣暴躁但內心善良的「野獸」,貝兒 一開始心存懼怕卻慢慢被「野獸」打動,而「野獸」其實是一位被困在動物軀殼裡的年輕王子。這部全新演出讓遊客可以在 上海迪士尼度假區 欣賞到原汁原味、難以忘懷的百老匯音樂劇,將成為到訪度假區不容錯過的體驗之一。

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST tells a timeless story with universal appeal that makes it an ideal live-entertainment experience for guests of all ages, and a truly memorable family outing. It is the classic story of Belle, a young woman who is first repelled by, then attracted to a gruff yet big-hearted Beast, who is really a young prince trapped within a beast’s body. The new production offers guests the chance to witness an authentic and unforgettable Broadway show at a Disney resort, providing a unique opportunity and making this a must-see part of any visit.

       《美女與野獸》中文版將於2018年6月14日舉行 特別首映禮,並於次日起向公眾開放。 2018年5月24日起,賓客可通過上海迪士尼度假區官方網站(,大麥網(及其他度假區官方旅遊業界合作夥伴等渠道購票。

The musical’s premiere will be held on June 14, before opening to public the following day. Tickets will be available from May 24 on the Shanghai Disney Resort official website (,, and the other official resort travel trade providers.

        這部全新百老匯演出的甄选和招募歷時超過半年,自去年起在全國各地展開,精心挑選了超過80位出色的本地演員及劇組成員。該劇的百老匯原班主創團隊包括導演 羅伯·羅斯(Rob Roth)、音樂總監 邁克爾·柯薩林(Michael Kosarin)、編舞 馬特·韋斯特(Matt West)、舞美設計 斯坦利A·梅耶(Stanley A. Meyer)、服裝設計 安·豪沃德(Ann Hould-Ward)及 燈光設計 娜塔莎·卡茨(Natasha Katz)等也已經來到上海,與本地演員和劇組成員共同進行排練,傾力準備這部不同凡響的音樂劇。新劇的準備和製作繼續充分體現迪士尼旨在為上海引入一流娛樂演出、培養本地演員和音樂劇人才、以及支持中國文化行業發展的承諾。

The extensive auditions and recruitment of the new production search spanned six months around China, leading to the selection of more than 80 gifted performers and crew members who will bring the show to life when it premieres this June. The original Broadway Creative Team, including Rob Roth (Director), Michael Kosarin (Music Director), Matt West (Choreographer), Stanley A. Meyer (Set Designer), Ann Hould-Ward (Costume Designer) and Natasha Katz (Lighting Designer), are in Shanghai working with the local cast and crew as they rehearse this spectacular production. The preparation and production of the new show is another example showcasing Disney’s commitment to delivering world-class entertainment in Shanghai, supporting Chinese performers and musical theatre talent, and fostering a strong musical theatre industry in China.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 中文版《美女與野獸》百老匯音樂劇(BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Musical)將於2018年6月14日在 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)隆重上演!
中文版《美女與野獸》百老匯音樂劇(BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Musical)將於2018年6月14日在 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)隆重上演!
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