「購物有禮」獎賞計劃是「奇妙處處通」會員專屬活動。第三回「購物有禮」計劃,現已展開,讓你可換得迪士尼此刻最熱門的點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔!
It's time for round 3 of our “Shop & Reward” Program where you can redeem one of the most popular items at Disney - The Exclusive Dim Sum “Tsum Tsum” Plush!
由2018年5月1日至7月31日,「奇妙處處通」會員於 香港迪士尼樂園或酒店商店* 單一宗購物淨交易額 滿港幣$50#^,即可獲得印花一個。此外,園內餐廳亦首次參與「購物有禮」計劃。只需於園內指定餐廳惠顧任何美食套餐一份,即可獲印花一個,讓你累積印花更快更輕易。
From May 1 to July 31, 2018, Magic Access Members may collect one stamp for each net spending of HK$50 on merchandise# in a single transaction in Hong Kong Disneyland Park and Hotel*! And for the very first time, you may even collect one stamp for each meal combo purchased at designated restaurants in the Park.
* 只限 香港迪士尼樂園內之商店、香港迪士尼樂園酒店、迪士尼好萊塢酒店 及 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 之商品,不包括 香港國際機場內之「香港迪士尼樂園奇妙店」(一號及二號客運大樓)之消費交易。
# 不包括 購買照片、「魔法化妝廳」之城堡及皇冠系列、周大福珠寶、PANDORA系列珠寶、其他指定產品,以及 港幣$18換購點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔。
^ 不包括 戶外小食亭、「廣場飯店」、「市集餅店」、「河景餐廳」、「大街餐廳 由Coca-Cola®呈獻」、迪士尼好萊塢酒店內之餐廳、迪士尼探索家度假酒店內之餐廳及 香港迪士尼樂園酒店內之餐廳 之消費交易
* Applicable to spending at merchandise shops in Hong Kong Disneyland Park, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, Disney's Hollywood Hotel and Disney Explorers Lodge. Spending at The Magic of Hong Kong Disneyland at Hong Kong International Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) is excluded.
# Exclude spending on photo purchase, Castle Package and Crown Package at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, Chow Tai Fook jewelry, PANDORA jewelry, other selected items and the HK$18 for the redemption of Dim Sum Tsum Tsum Plush).
^ Exclude spending at Outdoor Vending Carts, Plaza Inn, Market House Bakery, River View Cafe, Main Street Corner Cafe hosted by Coca Cola® or restaurants at Disney’s Hollywood Hotel, Disney Explorers Lodge and Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.
~ 儲印花,換禮品 ~
~ Shop now and get reward ~

累積滿20個印花,或 以6個印花 加港幣$18,即可於2018年5月1日至8月12日期間,換領點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔 一個。全套8款人見人愛的「Tsum Tsum」,均以隨機形式派發。
You may redeem one Dim Sum “Tsum Tsum” Plush with 20 stamps or 6 stamps plus HK$18 from May 1 to August 12, 2018. The Dim Sum “Tsum Tsum” Plush will be distributed randomly with a total of 8 delightful styles.
印花派發日期:2018年5月1日 至 7月31日
「Tsum Tsum」公仔換領期:2018年5月1日 至 8月12日
Stamp collection period: May 1 to July 31, 2018
“Tsum Tsum” Redemption Period: May 1 to August 12, 2018
1. 火箭餐廳
2. 皇室宴會廳
3. 笑匠歡宴坊
4. 大冒險家餐廳
Quick service restaurants for Stamp Redemption:
1. Starliner Diner
2. Royal Banquet Hall
3. Clopin's Festival of Foods
4. Explorer's Club Restaurant
~ 印花收集卡 ~
~ Stamp Collection Card ~

點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔可於園內及酒店的任何商店(不包括香港國際機場的「香港迪士尼樂園奇妙店」)及在其營業時間內換購,並須視乎你所前往的商店的供應情況而定。
Tsum Tsum redemption may be made at all Merchandise shops in the Park and Hotels (except for The Magic of Hong Kong Disneyland at Hong Kong International Airport). Redemption is subject to availability at the location during operating hours.
點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔可於以下商店換購:
Plush redemption may be made at the following locations, subject to availability at and operating hours of the location:
1. 百貨店(美國小鎮大街)
2. 馬迪小店(美國小鎮大街)
3. 小鎮影院:「我與DUFFY遊歷之旅」(美國小鎮大街)
4. 童話藝坊(幻想世界)
5. 小熊維尼精品店(幻想世界)
6. 梅林法寶店(幻想世界)
7. 太空驛站(明日世界)
8. 史達科技旗艦店(明日世界)
9. 布教授商店(探險世界)
10. 安仔玩具箱(反斗奇兵大本營)
11. 迷離珍藏店(迷離莊園)
12. 皇庭禮品店(香港迪士尼樂園酒店)
13. 影星禮品店(迪士尼好萊塢酒店)
14. 叢林商店(迪士尼探索家度假酒店)
1. Emporium (Main Street U.S.A.)
2. Matry's General Store (Main Street U.S.A.)
3. Main Street Cinema: My Journeys with Duffy (Main Street U.S.A.)
4. Storybook Shoppe (Fantasyland)
5. Pooh Corner (Fantasyland)
6. Merlin's Treasures (Fantasyland)
7. Space Traders (Tomorrowland)
8. Expo Shop (Tomorrowland)
9. Professor Porter's Trading Post (Adventureland)
10. Andy's Toy Box (Toy Story Land)
11. The Archive Shop (Mystic Point)
12. Kingdom Gifts (Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel)
13. Celebrity Gifts (Disney's Hollywood Hotel)
14. The Trading Post (Disney Explorers Lodge)
~ 專用展示架 ~
~ Exclusive Display Stand ~

.官方換購價(Official Redemption Price):HK $68
除此之外,只需 港幣$68,你更可擁有為「Tsum Tsum」公仔而設計的專用展示架。記得幫「Tsum Tsum」公仔準備好安樂窩。
What's more, for HK$68, you may also get an exclusive display stand to show off your new “Tsum Tsum” collection.
Come and get yours now!

優惠祇限「奇妙處處通」會員 使用,會員必須於購物或購買套餐時出示其有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡。除另外說明,印花只派發予會員以一般商品優惠購物,包括銀卡會員及金卡會員9折及白金卡會員8折。所有印花必須於有效交易當日於同一銷售點由「演藝人員」派發。恕不另行補發交易日期過後之印花。
Stamp(s) will only be issued upon the Eligible Member presenting his/her valid Magic Access Membership Card in person during the Eligible Transaction at the cashier counter. Unless otherwise stated, stamp(s) will only be issued to Member's purchase(s) with regular offer, for instance, 10% off for Silver and Gold members and 20% off for Platinum members. No stamps will be issued after the Eligible Transaction is complete.
- 點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔均以隨機形式派發,不設退換。
- 點心造型「Tsum Tsum」公仔供應有限,以先到先得形式換購,換完即止。
- Dim Sum “Tsum Tsum” plush will be distributed randomly and may not be returned or exchanged.
- Dim Sum “Tsum Tsum” plush is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis and while stock lasts.
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort