


上海迪士尼度假區「華特迪士尼大劇院」將舉辦「迪士尼奇妙放映季」 | Shanghai Disney Resort Presents the Disney Magical Film Festival at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre

上海迪士尼度假區 在「華特迪士尼大劇院」開啟「迪士尼奇妙放映季」
Shanghai Disney Resort Presents the Disney Magical Film Festival
at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre

        2018年3月29日至4月15日,位於上海迪士尼度假區「迪士尼小鎮」的「華特迪士尼大劇院」將舉辦「迪士尼奇妙放映季」,呈現備受喜愛的 迪士尼和 迪士尼·皮克斯* 經典動畫電影《冰雪奇緣》^ 和《玩具總動員3》**。除電影放映外,精彩的放映前演出更將為 上海迪士尼度假區 的賓客帶來新鮮有趣的娛樂體驗。

From March 29 to April 15, 2018, the Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown will host the Disney Magical Film Festival, featuring two beloved Disney and Disney•Pixar animated films – Frozen and Toy Story 3, together with exciting pre-shows that make for a fun and immersive new entertainment experience for Shanghai Disney Resort guests.

        在「迪士尼奇妙放映季」活動中,兩部經典動畫電影都將以炫酷的3-D形式進行呈現,而在每場電影放映前,米奇米妮 和 其他迪士尼朋友們 也將現身舞台,為賓客帶來神奇而難忘的表演,開啟獨具迪士尼精彩的觀影體驗。

During the Disney Magical Film Festival, both films will be presented in stunning 3-D, and before each of the screenings, a host of entertainers plus Mickey and pals will appear on the stage to deliver memorable performances with magical effects to kick off the unique film experience.

         2018年3月29日起至4月1日,「迪士尼奇妙放映季」將把賓客帶回 阿倫黛爾王國+,在這個萬物復甦的春季重溫經典的《冰雪奇緣》^ 故事。賓客將在電影放映前邂逅 艾莎女王# 和 安娜公主,並在特別的雪花驚喜中重新領略這個動人的故事。

In celebration of Shanghai’s emergence from the cold of winter, and the arrival of spring, from March 29 to April 1, film festival guests will be able to re-visit the Kingdom of Arendelle at the Frozen screenings. Before the film, guests will have the chance to see Anna and Elsa and witness a magical snow surprise, experiencing the story like never before.

        隨後,在2018年4月5日至4月15日期間的指定日期,賓客們將在距離即將開幕的全新「迪士尼·皮克斯玩具總動園」咫尺之遙的「華特迪士尼大劇院」觀看《玩具總動員3》 **,重回陽光之家幼兒園。在每場電影放映前,胡迪巴斯光年 和 他們的玩具夥伴們 將驚喜現身,與觀影賓客分享歡樂和想像力。

Then, on selected dates from April 5 to 15, subject to the screening calendar, guests will be transported back to Sunnyside Daycare as they enjoy Toy Story 3 just meters away from the exciting new themed land, the soon-to-open Disney•Pixar Toy Story Land. Before each screening, guests will be able to meet Woody, Buzz and their Toy Story friends to share in the fun and imagination.

        全新的互動式電影放映將為到訪主題樂園或專程前往「迪士尼小鎮」的賓客增添全新獨特的娛樂體驗,使賓客沉醉在他們喜愛的迪士尼故事中。賓客還將在「華特迪士尼大劇院賓的大廳中找到《冰雪奇緣》^ 和《玩具總動員》*^ 系列的主題商品,延續觀影的美妙記憶。 

The new interactive film screenings will add a fresh element of entertainment for guests coming to the theme park, or making a dedicated trip to Disneytown, immersing them into the beloved Disney and Disney•Pixar stories. Guests can also find Frozen and Toy Story themed merchandise available for purchase in the lobby of the Walt Disney Grand Theatre.

        2018年3月26日起,賓客可以在「華特迪士尼大劇院」的現場售票處購買「迪士尼奇妙放映季」門票,或通過 上海迪士尼度假區官方網站、官方微信公眾號以及 第三方售票平台「淘票票」在線購買。賓客可訪問 上海迪士尼度假區官方網站(了解更多活動資訊。

From today, guests can purchase Disney Magical Film Festival tickets at the box office of the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, the resort’s official website and WeChat account, as well as a third party ticketing channel Tao Piaopiao. Guests can find more details regarding the festival from the resort’s official website

        「迪士尼小鎮」毗鄰 上海迪士尼樂園,是一個大型、國際化的購物餐飲娛樂區,賓客可以與家人和朋友在這里相聚,感受迪士尼的神奇魅力。在這裡,有迷人的小鎮風情,也有國際化的時尚街區,為賓客提供多元的購物和餐飲選擇,滿足賓客的個性化需求。「華特迪士尼大劇院」坐落於「迪士尼小鎮」的「百老匯廣場」和「百老匯大道」交匯處,首個普通話版本的百老匯熱門音樂劇《獅子王》曾在此榮耀呈現,而另一部屢獲殊榮、風靡全球的 迪士尼百老匯音樂劇《美女與野獸》的普通話版本 將於今年夏天起在此獻演。

Located adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown is a shopping, dining and entertainment district for guests to connect with family and friends while enjoying the magic of Disney. With the allure of a charming village and the excitement of an international crossroads, Disneytown offers guests a vast assortment of stores and restaurants to meet their every taste. Nestled at the intersection Broadway Plaza and Broadway Boulevard, Disneytown’s Walt Disney Grand Theatre was home to the first-ever Mandarin stage production of the hit Broadway musical, THE LION KING, and will present another award-winning hit Broadway musical, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, in Mandarin starting this summer.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort

* 香港譯名:彼思
^ 香港譯名:《魔雪奇緣》
** 香港譯名:《反斗奇兵 3》
*^ 香港譯名:《反斗奇兵》

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區「華特迪士尼大劇院」將舉辦「迪士尼奇妙放映季」 | Shanghai Disney Resort Presents the Disney Magical Film Festival at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre
上海迪士尼度假區「華特迪士尼大劇院」將舉辦「迪士尼奇妙放映季」 | Shanghai Disney Resort Presents the Disney Magical Film Festival at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre
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