


「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」(Carnivale of Stars)之「迪士尼星級通行證」(Disney Star Pass)2018

迪士尼星級通行證     獨享近距離奇遇體驗
Exclusive magical encounters with Disney Star Pass

        「迪士尼星級通行證」限時推出*,只需 港幣$229!「童話園林」於指定時段唯「星級賓客」專享,持有通行證的賓客可於「童話園林」內與迪士尼巨星近距離相遇,有機會遇上 王子米奇 及 公主米妮,「星級賓客」更可選擇優先入場欣賞「獅子王慶典」,或 於預留位置觀賞「迪士尼明星嘉年華列車」。只限4月及5月的指定日子。

For a limited number of days in April and May, get the Disney Star Pass* for HK$229 to experience an exclusive magical encounter at Fairy Tale Forest with Disney Friends.  For a special period of time with Disney Star Pass, you may have a chance to meet with Prince Mickey and Princess Minnie!  What's more, you can enjoy priority seating for “Festival of the Lion King” or you may enjoy “Disney Friends Springtime Processional” at designated viewing location, where you’ll see more than 30 rarely seen Disney friends!

* 只於體驗當日限量發售
* Only available for purchase on event dates

1. 在指定時段專享「童話園林」內之「迪士尼巨星奇遇」


每個日子有4節專享時段以供選擇:上午11:30, 下午12:30, 下午2:00 及 下午3:00

2. 於預留位置觀賞「迪士尼明星嘉年華列車」或 優先入場欣賞「獅子王慶典」


1. Encounter with Disney Friends in Fairy Tale Forest at Designated Time

Embark on a tour that starts with a close encounter with Disney friends. Have a romantic encounter with Prince Mickey and Princess Minnie, or meet Disney Princess in front of the magical storybooks.

4 sessions available on each activity date: 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM

2. Viewing Area for Disney Friends Springtime Processional OR Priority Seating for “Festival of the Lion King” show

Choose to watch “Disney Friends Springtime Processional” at designated viewing area or to enjoy priority seating for ONE of the “Festival of the Lion King” performance.

~ 活動日期 ~
~ Activity Dates ~

2018年 4月6、14、18及27日
2018年 5月1及6日

Disney Star Pass is available in limited release on the following dates only:
April 6, 14, 18 & 27, 2018
May 1 & 6, 2018

~ 購買地點及價格 ~
~ Purchase Locations & Price ~


「迪士尼星級通行證」售價為 港幣$229

Disney Star Pass is available for purchase on activity dates from Merlin’s Treasures and Storybook Shoppe in Fantasyland.

The price of Disney Star Pass is HK$229.

Terms & Conditions

1. 「迪士尼星級通行證」(「入場證」)受此條款及細則 及 香港迪士尼樂園(「樂園」)的規則約束。樂園規則可於、樂園手機應用程式及賓客服務中心獲取。

2. 購買此入場證可作「奇妙處處通」會員「花蛋」徽章換領之合資格消費。其他推廣或折扣優惠均不適用於購買此入場證。

3. 入場證不可轉讓退換、退款及轉售。入場證不可作樂園入場之用。

4. 恕不接受影印本,已損毀或更改之入場證。如遺失入場證,恕不另外補發。

5. 入場證持有人可享用下列體驗之禮遇: 
• 進入「童話園林」與迪士尼朋友會面;及 
• 從以下兩項選一: 
    1. 於預留位置觀賞「迪士尼明星嘉年華列車」;或 
    2. 優先入場欣賞「獅子王慶典」。 

6. 入場證只於印在入場證正面之日期及時間有效。恕不接受逾時之入場。逾期或未使用之入場證將會作廢並無須作出任何退款或賠償。如沒有列明有效日期,入場證將於2018年5月7日失效。

7. 每張入場證 只供一位賓客 使用一次。入場證只供同一位賓客於指定日期及時間內使用,並不適用於須額外收費之私人活動及特別節目。香港國際主題樂園有限公司 將於使用後收回此證。

8. 於「童話園林」與迪士尼朋友會面之安排及「迪士尼朋友嘉年華列車」之演出可基於情況所需而不時更改、暫停或取消而不作任何事先通知,並無須作出任何賠償。

9. 香港國際主題樂園有限公司 保留一切權利,於任何時候修改此條款及細則,或終止或暫停售賣入場證而不作另行通知。

10. 如有任何爭議,香港國際主題樂園有限公司 保留就爭議及與此入場證有關任何問題一切決定權。

1. Disney Star Pass (“Pass”) is issued subject to these Terms and Conditions, and the Rules and Regulations of the Hong Kong Disneyland Park (“Park”) which are available at, the Park’s mobile app and Guest Relations.

2. Purchase of the Pass shall count as an eligible purchase for Magic Access Egg Pin Redemption. Other discount and offer may not be used for purchase of the Pass.

3. The Pass is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and not for resale. The Pass is not valid for admission to the Park.

4. Photocopy, damaged or altered Pass shall not be accepted. Lost Pass shall not be reissued.

5. The Pass provides privilege arrangement to the following experiences: 
• Character greeting at Fairy Tale Forest; and 
• Either one of the following: 
    1. designated viewing area for the Disney Friends Springtime Processional; OR 
    2. Priority Seating for “Festival of the Lion King” show. 

6. The Pass is only valid on the date and time stated on the front of the Pass. No late entry is allowed. Any expired or unused Pass shall be void without refund or compensation. If no valid date is printed, this Pass shall expire on May 7, 2018.

7. Each Pass is valid for 1 (ONE) time usage for 1 (ONE) Guest. The Pass must be used by the same person at the designated date and time and is NOT valid for private events and special events that require a separate admission charge. The Pass will be collected by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (“HKITP”) upon usage.

8. The Pass and the privilege arrangement may from time to time, without prior notice and without compensation, be changed, suspended or cancelled if circumstances so require.

9. HKITP reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or to terminate or suspend the availability of the Pass at any time without any prior notice.

10. In the event of disputes, HKITP reserves the right to make final judgment on the dispute and otherwise in respect of the Pass. 

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」(Carnivale of Stars)之「迪士尼星級通行證」(Disney Star Pass)2018
「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」(Carnivale of Stars)之「迪士尼星級通行證」(Disney Star Pass)2018
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