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香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018 戊戍狗年 新春團拜 及 宣佈推出「GG有出路」青年先導計劃

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018 戊戍狗年 新春團拜 及 宣佈推出「GG有出路」青年先導計劃

聯同 筏可中學 推全新「GG有出路」青年計劃

As Chinese New Year Begins,
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort launches “Grow and Glow” program
for students to explore future possibilities

Special youth lion dance marks first day of CNY at Hong Kong Disneyland

         新年伊始,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 宣佈與位於大澳佛教筏可紀念中學 推出為期兩年的青年先導計劃「GG 有出路」,支持同學透過 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的平台表演及認識不同工種,之後將獲安排與樂園度假區的年輕「演藝人員」交流,幫助學生肯定自我。

On the first day of Chinese New Year, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) announced the launch of a two-year pilot youth program “Grow and Glow,” with the Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College located in Tai O on Lantau Island. Through the program, students will be given opportunities to perform at HKDL and get to know different areas of work in the resort. They will also be encouraged to think positively through sharing sessions with HKDL’s young cast members.


At the CNY ceremony, the lion dance team formed from the school’s students and alumni, which was the champion of an inter-school competition, performed traditional lion dance to share blessings with park guests for the New Year.

        佛教筏可紀念中學校長 惲福龍 感謝香港迪士尼與學校合作,鼓勵青年多方面發展,協助他們追尋夢想:「我們想讓一群沒有動力回校的同學可以更新變化,使他們能朝著人生目標努力向上。期望他們在樂園學習課本以外的知識,為他們的生涯規劃尋找和擁抱希望。」

Eric Yuon Fuk-lung, Principal of Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College, said, “We want to bring positive change to students and motivate them to excel at school and to fill their lives with goals for the future. Through the program with HKDL, we hope students gain out-of-classroom experiences that will be beneficial to their career planning.” He also gave thanks to HKDL for encouraging young people to be well-rounded in their development and to pursue their own dreams.

破舊立新   尋找未來
Pursuing dreams with change

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「非常感謝 校長 不辭勞苦春風化雨,希望可以透過今次與學校的合作計劃幫助學生探索前路。樂園度假區的前線演藝人員一樣非常年輕,年輕人找到熱衷的事便能發光發亮,從而肯定自我,獲得力量勇敢探索前路。」

Samuel Lau, managing director of HKDL, said, “Principal Yuon’s altruistic efforts in nurturing students are remarkable, and deserve our support. We hope through this joint school program, we could open up the horizon of the students in exploring future possibilities.”  “We have a lot of young people among our front-line cast members. Teenagers will shine when they follow their dreams. They will then gain the confidence and the strength to strive for a bright future,” he added.

與社區攜手合作   支持青年發展
Partnership with the community

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 一直支持青年發展,透過提供就業機會,以及與不同社區團體、學校、醫院等合作,鼓勵青年人勇於尋夢,積極面對挑戰,為自己創造未來。度假區由2005年開幕至今,一直透過獎學金、青年社區項目、工作實習等支持本地青年發展,服務逾7,000名青年人。

HKDL is dedicated to supporting youth development through providing job opportunities for the local community and organizing community programs with different NGOs, schools, hospitals and more. The resort continues its efforts in encouraging young people to make their dreams come true, and to face challenges with positivity and joy. Since HKDL opened in 2005, the youth-related community programs supported by the resort, in the form of scholarships, youth community programs and internships, have benefited more than 7,000 young people in Hong Kong.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018 戊戍狗年 新春團拜 及 宣佈推出「GG有出路」青年先導計劃
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018 戊戍狗年 新春團拜 及 宣佈推出「GG有出路」青年先導計劃
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