2017財政年度 業績發佈
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Business Review Announcement

香港迪士尼樂園 2017 財政年度
整體入場人次上升 國際賓客人次創新高
受惠入場人數及酒店住房數目 增長收入升 8%
新階段擴展計劃及全年無休娛樂體驗 帶動樂園持續發展
Hong Kong Disneyland Reports Record
Number of International Guests Amid Growth in Overall Attendance
Revenues rise 8% on increased park attendance and hotel room nights sold
Multi-year expansion and year-round entertainment offerings to drive future growth
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2017 財政年度 樂園錄得 620萬入場人次,較上年增長 3%。國際賓客入場人次增加 5%至 接近160 萬,是自2005 年樂園開幕以來的新高。 自開幕至今,入場人次累計 超過七千萬。
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) announced the park welcomed 6.2 million guests in fiscal year 2017, up 3% from the prior year. This includes an increase in international attendance of 5% to reach a record high of approximately 1.6 million international guests. More than 70 million guests have now visited the park since it first opened in 2005.
國際賓客入場人次上升印證了 香港迪士尼樂園 在亞洲市場,尤其對 日本、南韓、印尼及菲律賓等地方的持續吸引力,鞏固香港作為亞洲首屈一指的合家歡旅遊目的地。
The increase in attendance from international guests demonstrated the resort’s continued strength in attracting tourists from across Asia, especially from Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines. This affirms HKDL’s pivotal role in making Hong Kong a top family-friendly tourist destination in Asia.
過去一年,香港迪士尼樂園 推出連串精彩嶄新的賓客體驗及季節性特備活動,加上「奇妙處處通」會員專享禮遇,令本地賓客入場人次上升 6%,創歷來第二高。在 2017財政年度,本地賓客佔整體入場人次 41%, 內地及國際賓客分別佔 34%及 25%。
Local attendance grew 6% to its second highest level ever, attributable to its line-up of exciting offerings and seasonal events throughout the year, as well as the successful Magic Access programs. In fiscal year 2017, locals made up 41% of total attendance while mainland and international guests accounted for 34% and 25%, respectively.
The overall positive trend in attendance growth continued into the first quarter of fiscal year 2018 with a double-digit increase in guests, as limited-time offerings of Halloween and Christmas events were popular among local, mainland and international guests.
在 2017 財政年度,香港迪士尼樂園 的人均消費紀錄亦創新高,連續第 8 年錄得增長,主要有賴樂園推出多個嶄新遊樂設施及娛樂體驗,包括全球迪士尼樂園首個以 Marvel 為主題的遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」、 度假區第三間酒店「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」,以及具針對性的巿場及銷售策略。
HKDL achieved record high per capita spending at the park for the year, marking eight consecutive years of growth. Overall results were driven by the launch of new attractions and entertainment offerings, including the new Iron Man Experience, Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, and Disney Explorers Lodge, the resort’s third hotel, as well as strategic marketing and sales efforts.
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』和『迪士尼探索家度假酒店』在 2017財政年度相繼開幕,帶領度假區邁進新階段,尤其是針對家庭及青年旅客,加上新擴展計劃開展, 我們將繼續投放新資源,進一步提升賓客體驗,讓樂園繼續吸引新增及重訪旅客,為他們帶來奇妙旅程。」
“The launch of Iron Man Experience and Disney Explorers Lodge in fiscal year 2017 have taken the resort experience to a new level, strengthening our appeal as a resort destination for families and young adults,” said Samuel Lau, managing director of HKDL. “Together with the roll-out of our newest expansion plans, our investments in the guest experience are set to make the resort an even more attractive destination, drawing new and repeat visitors from across Asia.”
New attractions and seasonal offerings drive revenue growth
截至 2017 年 9 月 30 日為止的財政年度,樂園業務收入為 51億港元,較去年上升 8%。未扣除利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前盈利為 9.14億港元,較去年躍升 28%。樂園錄得比去年同期更佳表現,主要因為樂園酒店入住晚數及入場人次上升、賓客消費增加,以及審慎成本管理策略。
For the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2017, HKDL generated revenues of HK$5.1 billion, representing an 8% increase from the prior year. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were HK$914 million, 28% above the prior year. Increased occupied room nights at the resort hotels, higher theme park attendance, increased guest spending at the park and cost management efforts contributed to the year-over-year growth.
At the resort hotels, occupied room nights increased by 16%, reflecting the increase in inventory created by Disney Explorers Lodge. Hotel occupancy was close to 70%.
此外,樂園又主力強攻大受歡迎的「Duffy and Friends」系列,成為繼米奇及米妮老鼠系列後,最受歡迎及高銷量系列, StellaLou在7月推出首星期,已經賣出約10,000隻毛公仔。
Meanwhile, HKDL promoted a highly-popular Duffy and friends franchise, which became the best-selling collection after Mickey and Minnie assortments. About 10,000 StellaLou plush toys sold in the first week of their launch in July.
此外,樂園又主力強攻大受歡迎的「Duffy and Friends」系列,成為繼米奇及米妮老鼠系列後,最受歡迎及高銷量系列, StellaLou在7月推出首星期,已經賣出約10,000隻毛公仔。
Meanwhile, HKDL promoted a highly-popular Duffy and friends franchise, which became the best-selling collection after Mickey and Minnie assortments. About 10,000 StellaLou plush toys sold in the first week of their launch in July.
隨着「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」和新酒店在 2017 財政年度相繼落成,以及新階段擴展計劃的展開,導致相關的折舊及營運開支增加,令本財政年度錄得 3.45 億港元的淨虧損。
Due to the rise in costs associated with the launch of Iron Man Experience and Disney Explorers Lodge in fiscal year 2017, as well as depreciation associated with the expansion project, HKDL had a net loss of HK$345 million for the fiscal year.
The year of Marvel in 2017 and a magical year ahead in 2018
自全新遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」落成開始,為 香港迪士尼樂園 揭開「The year of Marvel」的序幕,在2017年帶來一系列Marvel英雄為主題的活動,令一眾 Marvel迷 狂熱。當中包括樂園首個「Marvel夏日超級英雄」主題活動。另外,首個 Marvel英雄主題跑步活動「Marvel 10K Weekend 2017 – AIA Vitality健康程式全力支持」亦於2017年9月順利舉行,破紀錄獲得超過10,000名來自香港及亞洲各地人士報名參與。這份 Marvel的狂熱 將於2018財政年度繼續燃燒。隨着樂園新階段擴展計劃於2017年10月開展,香港迪士尼樂園 將進一步發展成為全球迪士尼樂園及度假區的 Marvel亞洲總部。
Beginning with the opening of Iron Man Experience, 2017 was truly the year of Marvel at HKDL and an exciting year for fans. This past year marked the first-ever “Marvel Super Hero Summer” at the park and the first Marvel-themed race event, the “Marvel 10K Weekend – Presented by AIA Vitality,” which was held in September with a record enrollment of more than 10,000 runners from Hong Kong and across Asia. The momentum from Marvel will continue in fiscal year 2018 and in the years ahead with HKDL being built up as a Marvel hub in Asia for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts as part of the multi-year transformation of the park that commenced in October 2017.
香港迪士尼樂園 將繼續在來年推出嶄新及奇妙的娛樂體驗,為賓客提供不同的理由在任何時候都可以到訪樂園。
HKDL will continue to create new and magical experiences to give guests even more reasons to visit throughout the coming year.
香港迪士尼樂園 於農曆新年為賓客帶來樂園首個新年夜市,多個不同的季節特別活動亦將接踵而來。3月中,樂園將為賓客呈獻全新「We Love Mickey!」大街投影盛演,配合嶄新的視覺特效和晚間的燈光效果,保證讓賓客目不暇給。3月30日,「探險世界」亦將會煥然一新!全新「加利布尼市集」將會座落於「原野劇場」旁,賓客可以欣賞色彩斑爛的紡織品和手作,參與充滿挑戰性的小遊戲,享用美食。多個喜愛冒險的「迪士尼朋友」,包括 慕安娜、「優獸大都會」的 阿力 和 朱迪、茉莉公主 和 寶嘉康蒂,以及 Marvel的「黑豹」亦會在「探險世界」與賓客見面 。
Following Chinese New Year and its first-ever night market, magic is happening all around the park in different seasons throughout the year. In mid-March, guests will be dazzled by the brand-new colorful “We Love Mickey!” Main Street Projection Show, featuring cutting-edge visual effects and lighting at night. On March 30, guests can swing into more fun in Adventureland at the first-ever “Karibuni Marketplace” near the “Theater in the Wild”. Guests can enjoy the vibrant colors of textiles and crafts, challenging games, delicious food items and even meet adventurous Disney friends including Moana, Nick and Judy from “Zootopia,” Jasmine, Pocahontas and even Marvel’s Black Panther in the Adventureland area.
踏入五月,香港迪士尼樂園 新階段擴展計劃 的首個項目將會竣工。「探險世界」將增設全新娛樂表演場地,呈獻全新舞台表演《魔海奇緣凱旋慶典》。而今年夏天,樂園亦將推出全新 迪士尼∙彼思動畫 為主題的「大街水花派對」!不少 迪士尼‧彼思 大熱電影中的角色,包括《超人特攻隊》的超級英雄家族、《反斗奇兵》一眾角色等,加上30多位表演者,沿「美國小鎮大街」,為賓客帶來水花四濺的嶄新大街表演。隨着「奧斯卡」得獎動畫《超人特攻隊》將在7月上演續集,賓客亦可率先與當中的超級英雄見面。緊隨其後的精彩節目更包括「南瓜王」阿積 為主題的萬聖節活動,以及讓賓客念念不忘的迪士尼聖誕節慶活動。
In May, a new entertainment venue in Adventureland will open featuring a lively atmosphere stage show titled “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration,” which will be the first completed project under the latest phase of expansion. This summer, the park will launch a brand new Disney‧Pixar-themed Water Play Street Party! along Main Street, U.S.A. where some of the beloved characters from the Disney‧Pixar films such as “The Incredibles,” “Toy Story” and more, will join more than 30 performers for this cool, water-filled summer celebration. Guests can also meet and greet the superheroes from the Academy Award-winning animated movie “The Incredibles,” before the sequel “Incredibles 2” hits Hong Kong cinemas in mid-July. The debut of these offerings will be closely followed by a visit from Jack Skellington in Halloween, and the unforgettable Disney Christmas event.
貢獻香港 回饋社會
Positively impacting Hong Kong
香港迪士尼樂園 開幕至今已踏入第 13 年,一如以往持續貢獻香港及回饋社會。本財政年度,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 為本港經濟帶來 83 億港元增加值,相等於本地生產總值 0.33%,同期創造職位達到 17,800 個(以人工作年計算),對本港整體經濟帶來貢獻。全新的「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」亦為樂園創造共 600個新職位。
In its 13th year of operations, the resort remains as committed as ever to Hong Kong and the communities it serves. In fiscal year 2017, HKDL brought approximately HK$8.3 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to around 0.33% of the city’s overall GDP. Also, 17,800 jobs (in terms of man-years) were created during the fiscal year, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy. A total of 600 new Cast Members were hired for the Disney Explorers Lodge alone.
此外,樂園年內聘用超過 5,000名全職 及 2,000名兼職「演藝人員」,為全港旅遊及家庭娛樂行業的最大僱主之一。年內,樂園亦為「演藝人員」提供超過 40 萬小時的專業及技術培訓。
On average, HKDL employed more than 5,000 full-time and 2,000 part-time Cast Members during the year, remaining one of the city’s largest employers in the tourism and family entertainment industry. HKDL provided them more than 400,000 hours of professional and technical training during the fiscal year.
迪士尼奇妙魔法 帶到社區
Bringing Disney magic to the community
為慶祝新階段擴展計劃開展,香港迪士尼樂園度假區於 2017 年 11 月舉行香港居民專享的全港大抽獎活動,免費送岀 5萬張樂園門票。活動反應踴躍,共有接近 100 萬名 本港市民登記參加。
In celebration of the ongoing multi-year expansion, HKDL launched a territory wide, Hong Kong residents-only lucky draw of 50,000 tickets in November 2017, which was popular with close to one million local participants.
在 2017 財政年度,樂園透過社區共享計劃款待超過 10 萬名弱勢社群人士暢遊樂園,並透過不同的計劃 及活動,持續推廣社區共融和傳播快樂,當中包括「迪士尼賞義工行動」,以及支援 瑪嘉烈醫院 的醫院遊戲服務。另外,樂園亦舉辦了社交媒體市場策劃大賽「#識講惜食爆橋營」推廣減少廚餘的訊息,並且透過「伴你高飛」獎勵計劃鼓勵中學生積極投入義工服務。
In fiscal year 2017, HKDL welcomed more than 100,000 underprivileged community members to visit the park by donating tickets through its Community Involvement Program. The resort also continued to promote inclusion and societal happiness through numerous programs, such as “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day,” as well as “#SaveFoodGoViral Boot Camp,” which created social media campaigns to promote food conservation. HKDL also collaborated on Hospital Play, which supports children’s play programs at Princess Margaret Hospital, and recognized secondary students who made remarkable contributions in volunteering through the “We Did It!” initiative.
此外,「迪士尼義工隊」年內貢獻逾 8,000小時的義工服務;第七屆「迪士尼幻想工程挑戰賽」亦完滿舉行;而樂園亦繼續與 香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 合作,開設兩年全日制「度假區及主題樂園管理高級文憑」課程。
Other highlights include the Disney VoluntEARS team’s contribution of 8,000 hours of skills and services in the year, hosting of the seventh annual Disney ImagiNations Competition, and continuing to offer the two-year full-time Higher Diploma Programme in Resort and Theme Park Management by partnering with the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education of the Open University of Hong Kong.
Note to Editors:
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 將於 2018 年2 月26日 出席 立法會經濟發展事務委員會會議,報告樂園最新發展概況。
Samuel Lau, managing director of HKDL, will attend the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development meeting on February 26, 2018.
香港迪士尼樂園 是由香港特別行政區政府及華特迪士尼公司所屬的子公司合資成立的香港國際主題樂園有限公司所擁有。在 2016 財政年度末,香港特區政府持有主題樂園公司的股權約 53%,餘下的 47% 股權則由迪士尼公司持有。
Hong Kong Disneyland is owned by Hong kong International Theme Parks Limited, which is a joint venture between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. As of the end of fiscal year 2017, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government owned a 53% majority interest in the joint venture, with The Walt Disney Company owning the remaining 47%.