


上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)「賀新年 過心年」2018年農曆新年主題活動

喜迎狗年新春,上海迪士尼度假區 推出

Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Chinese New Year
with Traditional Experiences and Distinctive Offerings as the Year of the Dog Begins

        今年,遊客將在 上海迪士尼度假區 以別具一格的方式慶賀新春,在豐富多彩的傳統新年習俗和迪士尼獨特的神奇與歡樂中喜迎奇妙狗年。2018年1月22日至3月4日上海迪士尼度假區 將再次成為遊客與家人好友團圓相聚,歡慶新年的絕佳去處。整個度假區將沉醉在喜氣洋洋的新春節日氛圍中,並為遊客呈現特別設計的全新娛樂演出。備受喜愛的迪士尼朋友將身著全新設計的中國傳統新年服飾,恭賀新春。獨具特色的許願活動,限時發售的主題商品和美味的節慶佳餚,將為遊客送上鴻運與祝福。

This year, Shanghai Disney Resort will welcome a magical new year, the Year of the Dog, combining Chinese traditions and festivities with Disney magic and fun, offering guests unlimited opportunities to celebrate the new year unlike anywhere in China. Throughout the resort, guests will be immersed in the holiday atmosphere as they discover new entertainment honoring Chinese traditions with charming Disney surprises. Guests will enjoy their favorite characters dressed up for holiday, unique new year wish activities, exclusive themed merchandise, delicious holiday cuisine, and more. From January 22 through March 4, 2018, Shanghai Disney Resort is the perfect place for friends and family to re-connect and create a magical tradition this Chinese New Year.

上海迪士尼度假區 在新春習俗中更添 迪士尼神奇
Shanghai Disney Resort Adds Extra Magic to Chinese New Year Traditions

        1月22日起,整個 上海迪士尼度假區 將換上農曆新年主題的裝飾、色彩 和 佈置 —— 米奇造型的紅黃燈籠、喜氣洋洋的中式春聯、爭相競艷的花卉 和 各類充滿節日氛圍的裝飾物,將為各年齡層的遊客點燃充滿年味的暖心記憶。

This year, Shanghai Disney Resort will be magnificently decorated with Chinese New Year themes, colors and décor encompassing the entire resort, with bright red and gold Mickey lanterns, traditional Chinese Couplets, bright flowers and other holiday-influenced decorations that will ignite warm memories and inspire guests of all ages.

        節日期間,米奇大街將成為充滿喜慶歡樂的熱鬧街區,換上新春服飾的米奇和他的朋友將在主題拍照區前與遊客合影留念。作為狗年的主角,布魯托 將裝扮成“財神“,祝福遊客在新的一年更添活力與運氣。幸運遊客將有機會在此收到許願卡和寓意好運和財富的金幣巧克力。

Throughout the holiday season, Mickey Avenue will be a hub of celebration, hosting Mickey Mouse and his pals dressed in their Chinese New Year outfits to take photos with guests in front of themed photo backdrops. Pluto will be bringing extra energy to the Year of the Dog celebration, dressed in his “god of fortune” costume. On the bustling avenue, lucky guests will also be treated to special wishing cards and golden chocolate coins that symbolize good fortune.

        作為迎新的一項重要傳統,米奇米妮布魯托 每天將在奇想花園主持熱鬧非凡的擊鼓儀式,歡迎遊客的到來。鼓聲節奏明快,澎湃激昂,將美好的新春祝福傳遞給每一位遊客。

As an authentic Chinese New Year tradition, a daily drum ceremony in the Gardens of Imagination—led by none other than Mickey, Minnie and Pluto—will welcome guests as they arrive to Shanghai Disneyland, beating classic rhythms that will fill each day with wishes for prosperity and happiness.

        在每天的特定時段,米奇和他的朋友將在歡樂廣場為遊客呈獻活力四射的全新表演:上海搖擺舞,為節日增添濃郁的喜慶氣氛這一演出靈感源自農曆新年與老上海的爵士和搖擺音樂,屆時迪士尼朋友和舞者將身著老 上海 復古服飾造型翩翩起舞,並邀請在場觀賞的遊客共舞。

Adding to the fun and excitement of the holiday, at special times throughout the day, Mickey and the gang will gather on Celebration Square for a brand-new, high-energy performance: Shanghai Swing. Inspired by the Lunar New Year and Shanghai’s historic jazz and swing traditions, Shanghai Swing will feature Characters and dancers in beautiful vintage Shanghai costumes. Guests will enjoy watching the dances and even trying their own moves, too.


Guests can carry those wishing cards with them and find even more cards in the Garden of the Twelve Friends, which has been transformed into a magical “Wishing Garden” for the holiday. Guests can write down their new year wishes on special wishing cards, then hang their cards in the park’s first-ever wishing garden to embrace and welcome a magical year ahead.

        2月16日 大年初一,上海迪士尼度假區 將在故事家雕像前進行傳統的舞獅點睛儀式,與遊客一起開啟吉祥狗年。

To officially kick off the Year of the Dog, on February 16 a traditional eye dotting ceremony will take place at Storyteller Statue.


The two resort hotels will also feature bountiful holiday décor that welcomes guests during their visit. Toy Story Hotel will delight youngsters with toy- and character-inspired lanterns and colorful Year of the Dog symbols, while classic red and gold Mickey lanterns and dazzling Chinese New Year flowers create a warm holiday atmosphere in the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel.

Guests Enjoy Favorite Tastes of the Holiday with Special Disney Menus and Offerings

        美味豐富的節日佳餚是歡度新春必不可少的組成部分。節日期間,上海迪士尼度假區 將為遊客打造別緻難忘的餐飲體驗,無論是新春團圓飯還是深受遊客喜愛的傳統小吃,遊客每到一處,都能發現可口誘人的美食。

During Chinese New Year, dining is an important part of the magic and celebration. Throughout the new year period, guests can enjoy their family reunion dinner with favorite traditional comfort foods at Shanghai Disney Resort, creating long-lasting holiday memories with tantalizing dining options at every turn.

        在樂園內,漫月食府將推出適合全家享用的新年鴻運海鮮團圓餐,食材豐富,寓意吉祥,且適合各地遊客的口味,是新年團圓餐的絕佳選擇。遊客還可以預訂皇家宴會廳的新春美食盛宴,品嚐 迪士尼米奇大圓蹄膀 和 仙蒂瑞拉南瓜配紅燒肉 等特色菜品,在迪士尼朋友的陪伴下盡享驚喜難忘的用餐體驗。

Inside the park, guests can enjoy a traditional familial banquet with Wandering Moon Restaurant Family Feast, where relatives and friends can gather together to enjoy this authentic taste of the Chinese New Year with seafood dishes for the entire family. Guests can also book an unforgettable meal at the Royal Banquet Hall, which is hosting a special holiday dinner this year with unique dishes like Mickey Shaped Braised Pork Knuckle, Cinderella’s Pumpkin with Braised Pork in Soya Sauce, and more.

        樂園將繼續為遊客提供多樣的餐飲選擇。除了豐富的盛宴,邊逛邊嘗的特色小吃也將讓遊客感受充滿迪士尼神奇的餐飲體驗。小米大廚烘焙坊和帕帕里諾冰激凌的西式甜點都將裝點新春傳統喜慶元素,限時發售的 新年裝 米奇米妮達菲爆米花桶 則將集美味和收藏樂趣於一身。

Time-honored recipes will feature unique Disney touches with a variety of options from on-the-go snacks to sumptuous fine-dining feasts. Remy’s Patisserie and Il Paperino are also releasing new Chinese New Year specialties with decorative mousse cake, sacher cake, ice cream Sundae, waffle and other exclusive new delights like collectible Chinese New Year Mickey, Minnie and Duffy popcorn buckets.

        新春佳節期間,上海迪士尼樂園酒店 的盧米亞廚房將推出新春自助晚餐和週末早午餐,而絢景樓也將新增新春菜品,包括 雲南式螯蝦色拉、石斑魚 和 絢景桃子遊客。可以在玩具總動員酒店的陽光食匯享用新年自助餐,或在陽光簡餐品嚐新春特色小吃,樂趣十足。

In Shanghai Disneyland Hotel, Lumiere’s Kitchen will be hosting a special buffet dinner and weekend brunch during the festival period, while Aurora’s gourmet menu will see new holiday additions like Yunnan infused scampi salad, grouper and Aurora peaches. Toy Story Hotel’s Sunnyside Café will also be hosting a Chinese New Year buffet, while guests will also find on-the-go holiday-inspired offerings in Sunnyside Market.

Memorable Holiday Gifts Abound Throughout the Resort


Chinese New Year shopping is part of a tradition as guests wish for a prosperous year to come. This year, Sweethearts Confectionery and Marketplace in Disneytown will be transformed into to fun shopping carnivals where guests can check holiday shopping off the list with trendy Chinese New Year gifts. The stores will be decorated with reimagined classic Chinese elements like archways, lanterns and blossoms, immersing guests in a festive atmosphere.

        今年,上海迪士尼度假區 將推出40餘款限時發售主題商品。全新商品系列以大紅和金黃色為主,融入了燈籠、銅錢、金元寶、祥雲等中國傳統元素,並獨具迪士尼特色,充分契合新春佳節喜氣祥和的氛圍。

This year, Shanghai Disney Resort is releasing more than 40 specially designed Chinese New Year merchandise items for a limited time only. The new line reflects New Year themes of happiness and prosperity, incorporating bold red and gold colors, exclusive lantern patterns, copper coins, gold ingots, auspicious clouds and other traditional Chinese elements.

       各式各樣精緻且獨家設計的徽章、文具、擺件、巧克力 等商品將是送給各年齡層的家人和朋友的絕佳新年禮物。以穿著傳統新年服飾的米奇,米妮,達菲和雪莉玫等迪士尼朋友為主題的全新商品讓人眼前一亮。精心設計的親子款服飾融入了傳統刺繡印花圖案,又具有獨特迪士尼風格,全家出行定能無比吸睛。迪士尼樂拍通也將推出特別服務,包括新年特色邊框和限量款樂拍通一卡通等。

A vast assortment of exclusive items including pins, stationery, collectibles, chocolates, and more, will serve as perfect gifts for family and friends of all ages. Hot new items include Mickey, Minnie, Duffy and ShellieMay in their authentic Lunar New Year outfits. Families will also discover newly designed matching apparel featuring traditional embroidery with unique Disney style. What’s more, guests can enjoy the special Disney PhotoPass offerings, with new year photo frames and limited edition PhotoPass One Day Passes.

        以 布魯托 形象為設計主題的全新狗年商品將是遊客慶祝新年、紀念迪士尼神奇之旅 以及 饋贈親友的極佳選擇。而自1月2日起一經推出便成為最具人氣商品的“新年福袋“也將在春節期間持續帶來更多農曆新年定制商品和驚喜好禮。每個福袋中除了超值精選商品之外還有驚喜紅包,遊客將有機會獲得中國東方航空提供的上海往返香港機票、迪彩樂拍通提供的一日通 等眾多優惠大禮。

Brand new Year of the Dog-themed merchandise featuring the beloved Disney dog Pluto offers a great way to commemorate the new year and a magical trip to Shanghai Disney Resort. Plus, the fan-favorite Lucky Bags which feature a surprise assortment of the season’s most exciting new year items has already been the best seller since its launch. Guests purchasing the Lucky Bags will have the added chance to win surprise prizes, such as roundtrip air ticket to Hong Kong sponsored by China Eastern Airline, PhotoPass One Day Pass sponsored by Pictureworks and many more!

Chinese New Year Magic Continues at Disneytown

         緊鄰樂園的迪士尼小鎮也熱鬧非凡,四處可見寓意著好運與財富的燈籠,充滿新春元素的裝扮和別具迪士尼風格的節日傳統裝飾。以 米奇米妮布魯托 為元素的新春主題拍照區將成為極佳的全家合影點,營造濃濃的過年氣氛。

Adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown is also gearing up for a magical Lunar New Year, with an immersive holiday atmosphere featuring beautiful lanterns plus more decorations that honor festival traditions, all in Disney style. Guests can also bring happy memory home by taking photos at the backdrops detailed with Mickey, Pluto and symbols of luck and fortune.

        2月21日之前的每個週末以及大年初一至大年初六,迪士尼小鎮 將舉辦獨具特色的新春遊園會,為各年齡層的遊客推出精彩紛呈的節慶活動,包括與布魯托見面、手工活動、民間藝人現場表演 等。迪士尼小鎮的商戶也將紛紛推出各類習俗主題互動,讓遊客沉醉在充滿迪士尼神奇的新春佳節中。

A special Chinese New Year Carnival will be held every weekend until February 21 including the first day until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, with a diverse and engaging assortment of handicrafts, live shows by Chinese folk artists and interactive activities for guests of all ages. Meet Pluto and new year themed workshops are prepared for guests to immerse in this heartfelt Chinese New Year with Disney magic



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)「賀新年 過心年」2018年農曆新年主題活動
上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)「賀新年 過心年」2018年農曆新年主題活動
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