


香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)首次呈獻 「A Disney Christmas」

香港迪士尼樂園度假區「A Disney Christmas」
送上日夜無盡的奇妙體驗   享受一個迪士尼的白色聖誕

把握城堡華麗變身前的奇妙時刻     盡情投入全新《米奇與好友聖誕舞會》

香港居民專享「奇妙處處通」3人行年票限時85折優惠* 享盡全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort presents “A Disney Christmas”
Experience a White Christmas with festive Disney magic from day to night!

Enjoy new “Mickey and Friends Christmastime Ball” at the Castle Forecourt
before the iconic castle embarks on its magical transformation

Hong Kong residents to enjoy year-round Disney fun with 15% off when buying
Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer*

        今個聖誕,白皚皚飄雪緩緩落下,將 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 變身成溫馨歡騰的冬日樂園!由 2017年11月16日至2018年1月1日 呈獻「A Disney Christmas」,賓客與摯愛親朋可在漫天飄雪、悠揚歌韻和閃爍燈飾下,投入日夜無盡的節慶體驗,把握機會在「睡公主城堡」華麗變身前,與摯愛歡度最窩心傳統的迪士尼聖誕。賓客更可享受數不盡的應節美饌及選購琳瑯滿目的商品!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) will be transformed into a winter wonderland this Christmas during “A Disney Christmas” from November 16, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Guests will experience the ultimate heart-warming Christmas celebration filled with romantic snowfall, uplifting Christmas carols and glittering decorations with the Sleeping Beauty Castle before it sets forth on its magical transformation right after the festive season. Make this Christmas the special occasion of a lifetime and enjoy fun-filled activities, festive dining experiences and sumptuous gift choices at a party exclusively for you and your loved ones.

全新聖誕鉅獻       米奇與好友日間舉行盛大聖誕舞會
Grand debut of Christmastime Ball with Mickey and friends

        今個冬日,香港迪士尼樂園 將為賓客帶來一個有別於一般聖誕的難忘節日體驗!換上聖誕新裝的米奇與好友誠邀賓客出席滿載歌聲與歡樂的冬日盛會!全新聖誕鉅獻 ——《米奇與好友聖誕舞會》將於每天在「睡公主城堡」前上演兩至三場,節目為時約20分鐘,由合唱團以美妙悠揚的歌聲掀起序幕,並有 米奇米妮 與一眾好友載歌載舞,跟賓客一起慶祝佳節來臨。唐老鴨 因聖誕願望未為實現而淘氣搗蛋,帶來連場有趣場面。舞會踏入尾聲之時,漫天雪花將會徐徐降下,寓意夢可成真,為節目畫上完美句號。

This Christmas is not just another holiday at HKDL! Mickey and friends, dressed in their new holiday costumes, are inviting everyone to the “Mickey and Friends Christmastime Ball. Premiering this year, this fun-filled yuletide musical extravaganza kicks off with songs from a quartet of singers. Then Mickey, Minnie and other Disney pals will take the stage to celebrate the festive occasion with music and dancing, while Donald is extra grumpy because his Christmas wishes have not come true yet. The spectacular performance ends with a delightful snowfall moment, showing that Christmas wishes do come true! Two to three shows at 20 minutes each will be presented every day at the forecourt of Sleeping Beauty Castle.

      香港迪士尼樂園度假區 娛樂事務及服裝部 創作總監 華文迪 表示:「『A Disney Christmas』為大家帶來由早到晚的連串聖誕體驗,讓賓客一家大小都可以投入傳統節日的濃濃氣氛之中,感受迪士尼聖誕的魔力。全新的『米奇與好友聖誕舞會』將會是今年聖誕的重頭戲,節奏明快的故事樂章,加上迪士尼朋友與舞蹈員精彩的舞蹈,合力將一個個聖誕願望活現眼前,為賓客塑造一個充滿奇妙和歡樂的聖誕。」

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is very pleased to be bringing a full range of Christmas entertainment from day to night and fill the park with festive magic,” said Randy Wojcik, creative director of entertainment and costuming, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “Guests can experience countless Christmas traditions at ‘A Disney Christmas,’ creating cherished holiday memories with loved ones. The ‘Mickey and Friends Christmastime Ball’ premiering this year is an exciting new offering. Disney pals and dancers will share magic and joy with all guests as they make Christmas wishes come true in an energetic song-and-dance show.”

首辦「社區妙韻響城堡」合唱團表演    歌頌愛與讚美
A touch of love and appreciation through “Community Castle Sing Along” carolling

        聖誕是一個傳揚愛的節日。今年,香港迪士尼樂園 特別開放「睡公主城堡」前的表演舞台,首辦「社區妙韻響城堡」,於指定日子的《米奇與好友聖誕舞會》進行前,邀請了九支社區合唱團獻唱佳節樂曲,為大家帶來一個滿有愛的聖誕,同時歌頌樂園城堡這12年來見證了樂園與香港個關愛社區的機構為港人締造的歡樂動人時刻。

In celebration of the spirit of love at Christmas, HKDL will be transformed into a stage for a tour of Hong Kong’s very special choirs on selected days during the season. A special performance called the “Community Castle Sing Along, featuring nine community choirs, will perform on stage in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. They will share their music on designated dates before the “Mickey and Friends Christmastime Ball” as a very special tribute to the many community moments the castle has embraced over the years.

       首隊演出的隊伍是由來自低收入家庭患有語言障礙的兒童組成的「庭恩兒童中心合唱團」,其成員今天以動人心弦的歌聲,提早將聖誕喜悅送給每一位賓客。其他演出團體包括:「生命小戰士會合唱團」、「腎兒聲夢合唱團」、「心光學校合唱團」、「沙田公立學校合唱團」、「香港聖公會福利協會彩齡學院合唱團」、「天保民學校合唱團」、「希望之聲少兒合唱團」及「Watoto 兒童合唱團」。「社區妙韻響城堡」不僅為樂園賓客締造奇妙的娛樂體驗,更為演出者帶來畢生難忘的快樂回憶。

The Benji’s Centre Choir, composed of children with speech and language impairments from low-income families, was the first group to perform today. Their show at the castle forecourt brought early festive cheer to every guest in the park. Performances on later dates include the Little Life Warrior Society Choir, KID’s Dream Choir, Ebenezer School Choir, Shatin Public School Choir, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Vitalita Academy Choir, Mary Rose School Choir, Hope Through Music Children’s Choir and the Watoto Children’s Choir. The performances will not only bring magical experiences to our guests, but also happy memories of a lifetime to our performers.

精彩夜間節慶活動   體驗奇妙動人的雪亮聖誕
Evening Christmas magic with special moments

        一系列在「美國小鎮大街」的節慶活動及一個又一個的奇妙時刻,將會為賓客添上更多傳統聖誕氣氛。傍晚時份,一眾「迪士尼朋友」聯同 小鎮大街居民 在「聖誕飄雪時刻」祈求飄雪降臨。「夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮」緊隨其後上演,「聖誕歌詠團」現場演繹新版本的聖誕經典樂曲,在悅耳歌聲下,漫天飄雪與夢幻璀璨的光影徐徐伸延到小鎮廣場的聖誕樹,動人入心的景象點亮整個聖誕佳節氛圍!

Special festive activities and magical moments on Main Street, U.S.A. will highlight the enchanting Christmas atmosphere. In the evening, Disney friends and townsfolk will wish for snow at “A Magical Twilight Snowfall” and in “A Holiday Wish-Come-True” Tree Lighting Ceremony as a live quartet shares renditions of some holiday classics. Giant projections will then transform Main Street, U.S.A. into a breath-taking winter wonderland. Like magic, the Christmas tree and Town Square will be illuminated with sparkling lights, bringing the town to life with yuletide joy.

“A Magical Twilight Snowfall”

“A Holiday Wish-Come-True” Tree Lighting Ceremony

A Holiday Kiss Good-night

Disney friends share Christmas cheer with guests


Mickey and friends have put on festive new costumes for lots of memorable photo moments with guests. Loveable snowman Olaf returns to the park for Christmas to give warm hugs to all.

        而「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 的最新好友 StellaLou 亦首次參與樂園的聖誕慶祝活動,大家記得跟他們合照,為這個佳節留下美好回憶。

Duffy’s newest friend StellaLou will take part in the Christmas celebration for the first time this year. They’re all set to wish guests a heartfelt Merry Christmas!

         「聖誕高飛」今年繼續坐鎮「聖誕郵政局」,為賓客傳遞聖誕祝福。賓客可將窩心的聖誕祝福寫在全新設計的「心願明信片」上,透過 香港迪士尼「聖誕願望郵筒」傳遞至世界各地的摯愛親朋,每張明信片均會蓋上「特別版聖誕高飛郵戳紀念印」,給摯愛在佳節一份獨一無二的心意!

Once again, Santa Goofy will be at the Christmas Post Office to greet guests. He has prepared new postcards with a one-of-a-kind Santa Goofy Commemorative Stamp so everyone can write heart-warming holiday messages to their loved ones. Send postcards to family and friends around the world by simply dropping them off in Santa Goofy Holiday Mailbox!

Sweet indulgence at Main Street Station

“Christmas Dessert Party at Train Station”

        度假區內的餐廳準備了超過70款特色聖誕主題美食及精選餐飲,一道道應節佳饌,為賓客締造數不盡的餐饗味覺體驗!香港迪士尼樂園度假區 首次舉行「大街火車站甜蜜聖誕派對」。賓客可於指定晚上一次過品嚐十多款精緻甜點,並在大街火車站,以前所未有的角度觀看「星夢奇緣」煙花表演,飽覽璀燦夜空!

A range of 70-plus special Christmas food and beverage creations has been prepared to excite guests’ palates. The “Christmas Dessert Party at Train Station, introduced for the first time, offers exquisite Disney sweet treats, accompanied by splendid view of the “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks from the Main Street Station.

         賓客亦可在「美國小鎮大街」品嚐到一系列的聖誕特色美食,包括:「大街餐廳 由Coca-Cola®呈獻」的聖誕套餐、市集餅店及戶外小食亭的多款聖誕小食。三間主題酒店的餐廳同時亦預備了豐富的聖誕大餐,為賓客帶來一場滿足官感的盛宴。

Go on a gastronomic adventure on Main Street, U.S.A. starting with the special Coca-Cola® Christmas Menu at the Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®, followed by mouth-watering festive delights from Market House Bakery and food carts. The restaurants at the resort hotels have also prepared sumptuous Christmas menus to give guests fulfilling Christmas celebrations.

Duffy & ShellieMay Christmas Afternoon Tea Set

「大街餐廳 可口可樂® 聖誕套餐」
Main Street Corner Cafe Coca-Cola® Christmas Menu

Christmas Pluto Popcorn Bucket

“Christmas Donald,” “Christmas Daisy,” “Creamy Snow Man,” “Christmas Tree Cookies” & “Christmas Tree Croissant”

“World of Color Restaurant Christmas Dinner Set”

Elaborate Disney gifts for unparalleled Christmas shopping

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 特別推出過百款聖誕特色商品,包括「Duffy與好友冬日系列 」(“Duffy Family - Let It Glow”)、「米奇與好友聖誕系列」及 聖誕「Tsum Tsum」系列,當中有超過70款為香港迪士尼獨家產品。賓客可以在琳瑯滿目的商品中盡情選購各式各樣的聖誕禮物,包括人氣熱捧的 迷你「Tsum Tsum」倒數聖誕日曆 及 多款精緻聖誕掛飾。

More than 100 seasonal merchandise items are filling up the stores for Christmas gift shopping, such as the “Duffy Family – Let It Glow” Collection, the Mickey and Friends Christmas Collection and the Christmas “Tsum Tsum” Collection. Over 70 items are exclusive to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. Be sure to snap up best-sellers such as the Tiny “Tsum Tsum” Advent Calendar and various enchanting Christmas ornaments.

米奇與好友聖誕系列」及 聖誕「Tsum Tsum」系列
Mickey and Friends Christmas Collection and the Christmas Tsum Tsum Collection

「Duffy與好友冬日系列 」
“Duffy Family - Let It Glow” Collection


Guests can also commemorate their visits with amazing Disney PhotoPass photos in festive frames and order from a series of newly-launched personalized imaging items such as postcards, door signs, folders and photo albums.

        另外,為配合12月上映的《魔雪奇緣:小白的驚喜任務》短片 及 電影《玩轉極樂園》,一系列主題商品亦將陸續發售。

To mark the premiere of the short film “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure” and the new movie “Coco” this December, a range of Frozen and Coco-themed merchandise will also be available.

Castle set to undergo magical transformation

        把握聖誕佳節的溫馨時刻,與摯愛觀賞城堡上空閃爍奪目的「星夢奇緣」煙花表演,一起回味過去12年在城堡下發生的歡樂點滴。隨著香港迪士尼正式啟動新階段擴展計劃工程,位於樂園中央的「睡公主城堡」將由2018年1月初開始華麗變身,籌備以全新面貌向賓客獻禮。「星夢奇緣」煙花表演 最終章 會於2018年1月1日公演。在不久的將來,嶄新的日間及夜間表演節目將於全新城堡及廣場上演,為賓客呈獻更多精彩的娛樂新體驗。

Cherish the spectacular “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks hand-in-hand with loved ones in front of Hong Kong Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. It’s a great way to recall all the happy moments shared with friends and loved ones at the castle over the past 12 years. The nightly fireworks extravaganza will stage its finale on January 1, 2018. Sleeping Beauty Castle will then start its magical transformation in early January as part of the park’s multi-year expansion plan. The castle will return after a glamorous makeover with a completely new daytime show and nighttime spectacular featuring brand-new entertainment experiences that reach new heights.


To celebrate the magical finale of “Disney in the Stars,” a new range of memorabilia will be presented from November 17, 2017 onwards. The collection includes personalized items with names or messages, providing guests the best way to preserve all those happy memories from the fireworks show. From November 18, 2017 to January 1, 2018, guests can also collect the “Disney in the Stars” commemorative stickers.

More enchanting experiences all year-round at HKDL in 2018

        踏入2018年,香港迪士尼將為大家帶來更多精彩的季節性特備節目,全年不斷上演!「公主皇室庭園」將於今年12月正式開幕,讓賓客化成身魅力非凡的小公主,與公主共聚,親歷難忘的夢幻時刻。新階段擴展計劃的首個項目亦將在2018年5月推出,以華特迪士尼動畫工作室深受歡迎的角色 —《魔海奇緣》的女英雄 慕安娜(Moana)為主題的全新舞台表演「魔海奇緣凱旋慶典」將登陸探險世界。香港迪士尼更特別配合2018年7月中於香港上映的《超人特工隊2》電影,讓賓客於夏日見到來自 迪士尼•彼思動畫,並勇奪奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎的《超人特工隊》超級英雄家族。而每年深受歡迎的節慶與季節性活動亦會繼續為大家帶來連場驚喜。無限Disney Fun,盡在香港迪士尼2018!

2018 is a year filled with more Disney magic than ever before. Mesmerizing experiences will be offered every day of the year throughout 2018. From the start of the year, little princesses will be able to make their dreams come true at Royal Princess Garden, opening on December 14, 2017. Young guests can be turned into princesses in the garden and have an audience with their favorite Disney Princesses. In May, the popular heroine Moana from Walt Disney Animation Studios is sailing straight to Adventureland in an all-new atmosphere stage show “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration,” which is the first attraction of the ongoing multi-year expansion plan. Guests can then have fun during the summer with the Incredibles, the superhero family from Disney•Pixar’s Oscar-winning film The Incredibles, whose sequel will hit Hong Kong’s cinemas in mid-July 2018. The much-anticipated seasonal programs at Hong Kong Disneyland will also be returning with special surprises. Get ready for non-stop Disney fun!

聖誕留港「宅度假」    享受不一樣的迪士尼節日氣氛
The ultimate Christmas staycation in Hong Kong


Make it the ultimate Christmas by planning a staycation at the resort! Guests at any of the three resort hotels will feel the festive spirit thanks to gorgeous decorations all around and a collectable souvenir set in each room, which includes a Christmas amenities box, Disney slippers, a door sticker and postcard. Different Christmas-themed recreation activities will also be available for guests staying at any of the three resort hotels, including arts and crafts workshops, a Little Santa training workshop and more.


This Christmas, guests staying at any resort hotel can enjoy an exclusive “Extra Magic Hour” in the park from December 21 to 23! Hotel guests can be admitted to the park early (from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.) to enjoy selected attractions, dining and shopping fun in Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Main Street, U.S.A.

        賓客亦可以港幣$600提早預訂「Tsum Tsum」聖誕花環禮品套餐,與摯愛享用傳統聖誕薑餅曲奇,並將個人化的「Tsum Tsum」聖誕花環帶回家中佈置,令聖誕假期份外溫馨甜美!

This Christmas, guests staying at any resort hotel can enjoy an exclusive “Extra Magic Hour” in the park from December 21 to 23! Hotel guests can be admitted to the park early (from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.) to enjoy selected attractions, dining and shopping fun in Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Main Street, U.S.A.

Hong Kong residents: save 15% with the Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer

        由即日起至2018年1月31日,香港居民於 香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 或 香港迪士尼樂園官方網站 購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」,即享85折優惠*!「奇妙處處通」會員專享禮遇包括購物、餐飲及酒店住宿優惠;更可享盡樂園全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗,甚至有機會優先體驗香港迪士尼的季節性活動。

From now till January 31, 2018, Hong Kong residents who purchase three Magic Access memberships or more will enjoy 15% off!* The Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is available at Hong Kong Disneyland ticket booths and the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort official website. Join now to enjoy an array of exclusive benefits including merchandise, dining and hotel accommodation privileges. Members may also enjoy exclusive content and even sneak peeks of new seasonal events.

         多項「奇妙處處通」會員專享活動#將於2018年陸續推出,包括:迪士尼奇妙音樂節目、於「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」期間進行的 珍藏版迪士尼「花蛋」徽章換領活動、「彼思好友夏日派對」及「米奇與Duffy歡樂假期」特備節目。

A series of tailor-made programs# are also planned for Magic Access Members in 2018, including a brand-new Disney Music Program, a collectible Disney Egg Pin redemption activity available during the Disney Friends Springtime Carnival, Pixar Friends Summer Party, and a special program – Mickey and Duffy Jolly Holidays!

* 須於同一交易購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」,長者「奇妙處處通」除外。只限香港居民。

# 會員專享活動之參與視乎會籍級別、活動人數限額及/或活動條款及細則。會員專享活動只供參考,有可能隨時被更改或取消。

* Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is applicable for purchase of 3 or more Magic Access in one transaction. For Hong Kong residents only, senior Magic Access Membership excluded.

# Participation of Member-exclusive programs is subject to Membership tier, program quota and/or program’s Terms and Conditions. Member-exclusive programs are for reference only and subject to change or cancelation.

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© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)首次呈獻 「A Disney Christmas」
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)首次呈獻 「A Disney Christmas」
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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