香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)於2016年「改朝換代」推出「Disney Halloween Time」萬聖節主題活動。來到今年,一眾迪士尼惡人於一連48天呈獻「Disney Halloween Time 2017」。超過40位迪士尼朋友及惡人以不同方式帶起連場日夜派對,加上多款魅影娛樂及詭怪玩味的晚宴,將詭異氣氛延伸至樂園每個角落。
「Disney Halloween Time 2017」:2017年9月14日 至 10月31日
Disney Halloween Time 2017: From September 14 to October 31, 2017
~ 「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」 ~
~ “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues” ~

延續去年第一章的故事內容「詭夢實驗室」,失踪多時的 伍智德教授(Professor J. T. WU)召集了新一幫亦邪亦惡的朋友。教授於「美國小鎮大街」的「皇家靈異現象科學研究所」重置他的「詭夢實驗室」,繼續利用其發明的神奇機器,將人類帶到實驗對象的惡夢裡。
「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」於今年設置在「廣場匯」(Plaza Grounds),入口正是「皇家靈異現象科學研究所」的所在位置。
Last year, the presumably missing Professor J.T. Wu recruited villains in "The Nightmare Experiment". He stated this in his "The Royal Supernatural Phenomenon Research Station" in Main Street U.S.A. Now, he continues his nightmare experiment and bring human as test subject.
Participated people lost their communication ability and control, they became mad. The Professor was captured by police. One day, his assistant asked for guests to bring these victims back to reality by entering their nightmares. Main entrance of the "Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues" is set in Plaza Grounds.
賓客每踏前一步,都會遇上不同的詭異惡夢,探索疑幻似真場景。來到第二章,大家將登上《木偶奇遇記》中的怪誕篷車、闖進《怪獸公司》的驚嚇部遇上「兒童搜索特工隊」(CDA;Child Detection Agency)、穿梭於《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的瘋帽子店,以及走入《美女與野獸》和《大力士》中的「冥王」凱帝斯 的詭異空間。
In this second chapter, Pinocchio, Monster Inc., Alice in Wonderland are the main inspirations of "Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues". References from Beauty and the Beast and Hades, Lord of the Dead from Hercules have also been made in the a particular sequence.
In this second chapter, Pinocchio, Monster Inc., Alice in Wonderland are the main inspirations of "Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues". References from Beauty and the Beast and Hades, Lord of the Dead from Hercules have also been made in the a particular sequence.
重温第一章內容,「詭夢實驗室」(The Nightmare Experiment)於去年設置在「展藝館」(The Pavilion),賓客穿梭於《公主與青蛙》霍博士的黑暗世界、和《反斗奇兵》中 阿薛 的玩具箱、《魔盜王 ── 決戰鬼盜船》的監獄,以及遇上《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》的「瘋帽子」和走入紅心皇后的迷宮。
Before diving into the second chapter "Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues" of this haunted story, check out the first chapter "The Nightmare Experiment" to learn more about the story and set photos.
今年首度霸氣登場的「海女巫」烏蘇拉(Ursula),將加入「迪士尼惡人大出巡2.0」,聯同心腸歹毒的邪惡皇后 與 無惡不作的巫師賈方,一起在詭幻的光影中率領惡名昭彰的迪士尼惡人狂歡。
烏蘇拉(Ursula)兩位助手 阿科和阿積(Flotsam and Jetsam)為她開路。
萬聖節最鬼馬盛大的街頭派對,等著賓客來玩 轉!米奇與一眾迪士尼朋友將於下午換上萬聖節 裝束, 在美國小鎮大街邀賓客投入「米奇 Halloween 玩轉大街派對」。米奇、米妮與高飛 會在三個巨型南瓜造型花車上鬼馬出巡,小小惡 人可扮演喜歡的迪士尼朋友或穿上萬聖節主題服 飾,預先練習詭趣舞步,融入一眾迪士尼朋友及 表演者,一齊勁歌熱舞。賓客更可投入另一互動 環節,大玩南瓜氣球。
佈滿得意南瓜裝飾及鬼魅燈影的「Halloween 詭趣花園」於 幻想世界等待賓客光臨,體驗開心另類的萬聖節傳統。小小 惡人可以參與臉部彩繪,再在Trick-or-Treat 袋子手作坊親手 製作米奇南瓜造型的袋子,然後挑戰「迪士尼Trick-or-Treat 趣玩站」,收集糖果,滿載而歸!
今年小熊維尼及其好友首次換上萬聖節新裝,日間跟大家一 起鬼馬搗蛋,投入節日氣氛!而 《101 斑點狗》的女魔頭庫伊拉、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的紅心皇后、《小飛俠》的鐵鈎船長等亦會在晚上現身,準備和賓客拍一張惡形惡相的合 照!
Winnie the Pooh and friends put on Halloween disguises for the first time and meet guests in the Halloween Time Festival Gardens. Trick or Treat everyone! Speaking of disguises, meet Cruella de Vil from "101 Dalmatians", Red Queen ("Alice in Wonderland"), Captain Hook ("Peter Pan") in the gardens and snap some photos with them.
電影《加勒比海盜》系列中的一班亡靈 ─ 半人半鬼的海盜船員即將進駐探險世界!在陰森恐怖的音樂聲效中,惡靈們會突破一片光影迷 霧,越河攻佔鼓圈,向賓客步步進逼,尋找 積克船長(Captain Jack Sparrow)的行踪。小心闖入「魔盜王的『詭』 跡」,從此絕跡!
Passed soul and ghost pirate crew are infiltrating Adventureland in Hong Kong Disneyland! Captain Jack Sparrow has also sneaked into the park. Find him in the area.
全新推出的Halloween 餐飲體驗 ─「米奇 Halloween 大解謎」晚宴,由探險家米奇、米 妮、唐老鴨與高飛帶領,伴隨魔術師、神秘 學者、預言家及樂師,與大小惡人一起解開 寶藏離奇消失之謎,展開怪誕懸疑的探秘遊 戲,令節慶更添詭「味」。賓客可在「大冒 險家餐廳」享用精心設計的三道創意佳餚及 特備魔幻節目。
在譜天同「嚇」的慶典,怎少得《怪誕城之夜》阿積、 縫布公仔莎莉 和 大壞蛋惡巫先生(Oogie Boogie)?歡迎賓客到訪市鎮 會客室,一睹萬聖節之王的懾人風采,與他們的怪誕造 型一較高下,並請教作惡小貼士,感受怪誕城既恐怖又 溫馨的萬聖節!
專業的迪士尼動畫師會坐陣「動畫藝術教室」,向賓客悉心指導繪畫《怪誕城之夜》的阿 積、零零(Zero)和吸血鬼米奇的秘訣,讓賓客也能感受到萬聖節的氣氛。
Before diving into the second chapter "Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues" of this haunted story, check out the first chapter "The Nightmare Experiment" to learn more about the story and set photos.
~ 迪士尼惡人大出巡2.0 ~
~ Villains Night Out! Chapter 2 ~

"Villains Night Out! Chapter 2" welcomes Ursula to join the party with Jafar (" Aladdin") and the other notorious villains.
烏蘇拉(Ursula)兩位助手 阿科和阿積(Flotsam and Jetsam)為她開路。
「迪士尼惡人大出巡 2.0」“Villains Night Out! Chapter 2” Parade
~ 升級版「米奇Halloween 玩轉大街派對」 ~
~ [Enhanced] Mickey's Halloween Time Street Party! ~

~ 首次換上萬聖節新裝的小熊維尼與好友 + Halloween 詭趣花園 ~
~ Winnie the Pooh and friends put on Halloween disguises for the first time
+ Halloween Time Festival Gardens ~

今年小熊維尼及其好友首次換上萬聖節新裝,日間跟大家一 起鬼馬搗蛋,投入節日氣氛!而 《101 斑點狗》的女魔頭庫伊拉、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的紅心皇后、《小飛俠》的鐵鈎船長等亦會在晚上現身,準備和賓客拍一張惡形惡相的合 照!
Winnie the Pooh and friends put on Halloween disguises for the first time and meet guests in the Halloween Time Festival Gardens. Trick or Treat everyone! Speaking of disguises, meet Cruella de Vil from "101 Dalmatians", Red Queen ("Alice in Wonderland"), Captain Hook ("Peter Pan") in the gardens and snap some photos with them.
~ 魔盜王的「詭」跡 ~
~ Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Trail ~

Passed soul and ghost pirate crew are infiltrating Adventureland in Hong Kong Disneyland! Captain Jack Sparrow has also sneaked into the park. Find him in the area.
~ 「米奇Halloween 大解謎」晚宴 ~
~ Mickey's Magical Halloween Hunt ~

~ 南瓜王阿積與好友怪誕聚會 ~
~ Jack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character Greeting ~
~ “Hand-in-the-box”, “Legs” & “Babyhead” in the Toy Story Land ~
~ 動畫藝術教室 ~
~ Animation Academy ~