「香港迪士尼樂園度假區 12週年『驚喜生日派對』」
“‘A Birthday Surprise Party’ for the 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort”

自 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 開幕以來,一事一物,都充滿 迪士尼 獨有的驚喜,讓一個個夢想成真。踏入12週年,一大班 迪士尼朋友 精心籌備「驚喜生日派對」,於2017年9月1日至14日期間,呈獻一連串驚喜奇遇及美食體驗,誠邀每位賓客、投入充滿精彩新意的12週年派對,參與前所未見的生日慶祝,讓你與親友締造窩心快樂的時光。
Guests from around the globe have always enjoyed immersive, first-of-a-kind Disney experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, including countless special surprises. Now, to celebrate the resort's 12th anniversary, get ready for a spectacular "Surprise Birthday Party" from September 1 to 14, 2017 filled with all kinds of enchanting surprises! Be amazed with a range of scumptous offerings and unexpected encounters in the park, making it a celebratory event that sets your heart aglow.

Platinum Card Members, don't forget to come and get the 12th Anniversary Birthday Button in person at Magic Access Member Service Center during the Surprise Birthday Party period from September 1 to 14, 2017! Limited offer while stock lasts.
Enjoy the irresistible aroma of baking magic

由一眾 迪士尼朋友 親自監製,給每位賓客烘焙出一道道必嚐生日滋味,慶祝樂園12週年的大日子。「12週年杯裝蛋糕」以12位迪士尼朋友為主題:米奇、米妮、唐老鴨、黛絲、高飛、布魯托、大鼻、鋼牙、人氣高企的「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、「迪士尼小熊」ShellieMay、Gelatoni 和 StellaLou,每款 港幣$45,個個造型可愛,令人一見傾心!人見人愛的迪士尼朋友「12週年杯裝蛋糕」,於「皇室宴會廳」發售,迪士尼粉絲必試!你更可選擇購買全套12件*「12週年杯裝蛋糕」,附送精美盒裝,讓你送贈親友摯愛,將樂園生日的喜悅分享開去。
Savor some delectable sweets inspired by Disney friends at this anniversary event! To celebrate the resort's 12th birthday, the 12th Anniversary Cupcakes are being baked just for you. Grab some delectable cupcakes from Royal Banquet Hall that were lovingly made and decorated by 12 Disney friends including Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale. Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni and StellaLou are also baking their own scrumptious cupcakes to spread the joy of the 12th anniversary! You can enjoy them one-by-one for HK$45 each or purchase all 12th Anniversary Cupcakes in box set* to share the joy of the park's anniversary with your friends and family.
* 另有6件精美盒裝以供選擇。「奇妙處處通」會員餐飲優惠並不適用於此產品。
Disney character chefs making surprise appearances
在12週年「驚喜生日派對」期間,迪士尼朋友 將不時現身樂園餐廳,送上生日驚喜:米奇、唐老鴨、高飛 及 布魯托 等,戴上12週年紀念金牌,化身「金牌大廚」,從百忙之中抽空親自歡迎你光顧他的餐廳。
During the "Surprise Birthday Party" celebrating the 12th anniversary, four Disney Friends will be busy preparing all kinds of birthday surprises in the park's restaurants. Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Pluto - dressed in their 12th anniversary chef outfits with commemorative gold medal - will occasionally step away from the kitchen to make surprise appearances at selected restaurants, surprising guests while they are dining.
「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 亦將於「大街餐廳由Coca-Cola®呈獻」驚喜現身,與你分享樂園生日的喜悅。不要忘記帶上相機,捕捉值得回味的難忘瞬間。
Duffy the Disney Bear will also be showing up at the Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®, so make sure you say hello to this celebrity chef and snap some photos together!
進入樂園,不難發現到處都洋溢生日驚喜,踏進「幻想世界」,近6呎高的巨型12週年生日蛋糕出現眼前,整個蛋糕共分12層,每層均有 迪士尼朋友 送上生日祝賀。
Also, as guests enter the park they will find photo-taking surprises everywhere! In Fantasyland, a 12-layer, six-feet-tall birthday cake display will surely catch your eye. Different Disney friends are being featured on the cake, wishing the park a happy birthday.
Continue your adventure by taking photos in front of the 12th anniversary decorations at Royal Banquet Hall and Explorer's Club. You can even grab some fun themed props for taking extra-special photos while celebrating with friends and family.
12th anniversary dining surprises!
This celebration period, guests can enjoy a vast array of dining options making the most of the 12th anniversary. At Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®, Royal Banquet Hall and Explorer's Club Restaurant, choose from 12 elegant dishes and grab a 12th Anniversary Raspberry Cheese Cake as a gift.
戶外小食車 亦推出「12週年紀念曲奇」,整個樂園都充滿驚喜不斷的生日特色主題小吃,一道道矚目美食,將樂園的生日派對氣氛推上高峰!
There are so 12th Anniversary Cookie available at the Outdoor Vending Cart to have a slice of birthday joy.
白金卡會員 可全年於指定園內及酒店餐廳享有75折優惠(不適用於「12週年杯裝蛋糕」及「12週年紀念曲奇」)#。
Platinum Card Members can enjoy year-round 25% discount for dining in selected Park and Hotel restaurants (not applicable to 12th Anniversary Cupcakes and 12th Anniversary Cookie)#.
# 受條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱「奇妙處處通」餐飲優惠。
# Terms and Conditions apply, for details please check Magic Access Food and Beverage Benefits.
香港迪士尼樂園 12週年系列限量版徽章
12th Anniversary of Hong Kong Disneyland Limited Edition Pin Series

- 詳情(Details):http://bit.ly/2vMpI2Y