香港迪士尼樂園 首個「迪士尼處處拍日 」
與 迪士尼公主 共度一天奇妙時光
影像服務限時優惠 凝住精彩瞬間
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort hosts first-ever “Disney PhotoPass Day”
Limited-time photography offers help capture magical moments with Disney princesses

為配合一年一度的「世界攝影日」(World Photo Day),香港迪士尼樂園 將於2017年8月19日 (星期六)舉行首個以「小公主夢想無限」為主題的「迪士尼處處拍日」,多位 迪士尼公主 及「迪士尼朋友」將現身樂園各處,與賓客共度美好時光。迪士尼公主 當天更會於不同時段與賓客見面。一系列影像服務優惠亦限時推出,賓客當天更可免費獲贈連「迪士尼處處拍日 2017」特別相框的數碼照片,留住每個珍貴時刻及記錄與摯愛的奇妙旅程。
On the annual World Photo Day on August 19, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will debut “Disney PhotoPass Day” with the theme “Dream Big, Princess.” A glittering line-up of Disney Princesses and Disney friends will appear in the theme park to capture magical photo moments with guests. Disney Princesses will greet guest at different times of the day. Special photo offers will be introduced for a limited time only and guests will also get a free digital photo download with an exclusive border for “Disney PhotoPass Day 2017”, to help guests record every precious moment of their storybook experience at the park on the “Disney PhotoPass Day”.
不一樣的迪士尼公主一天體驗 鼓勵小賓客勇敢追夢
Disney Princesses encourage young guests to make dreams come true

小賓客將可在「迪士尼處處拍日」盡情投入不一樣的迪士尼公主體驗!早上十時,睡公主 會於「美國小鎮大街」主持樂園開放儀式,與各位賓客一起展開奇妙的一天。
Young guests will be treated to an extraordinary experience with Disney Princesses on “Disney PhotoPass Day” throughout the day. At 10:00 a.m. in the morning, Aurora will officiate the opening ceremony of the theme park on Main Street, U.S.A. to herald the beginning of a magical day.
當天,樂園會從賓客當中邀請30位穿上公主服飾的小賓客參加下午的「小公主出巡」,戴上樂園當天送出的公主頭冠,沿著巡遊路線與各位賓客見面,更可在城堡前與穿上漂亮公主服裝的 米妮老鼠 一起開心合照,並在公主觀賞專區欣賞精彩的「迪士尼飛天巡遊」。
Young guests will be treated to an extraordinary experience with Disney Princesses on “Disney PhotoPass Day” throughout the day. At 10:00 a.m. in the morning, Aurora will officiate the opening ceremony of the theme park on Main Street, U.S.A. to herald the beginning of a magical day.
當天,樂園會從賓客當中邀請30位穿上公主服飾的小賓客參加下午的「小公主出巡」,戴上樂園當天送出的公主頭冠,沿著巡遊路線與各位賓客見面,更可在城堡前與穿上漂亮公主服裝的 米妮老鼠 一起開心合照,並在公主觀賞專區欣賞精彩的「迪士尼飛天巡遊」。
Around 30 young guests in princess costumes will be presented the opportunity to join the “Princess Processional” in the afternoon. Each of them will be given a princess tiara, greet guests along the parade route and have their photos taken with Minnie Mouse in princess costume in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. They will also be invited to enjoy the “Flights of Fantasy Parade” in a special princess zone.
白雪公主、睡公主、灰姑娘 及 貝兒公主 等四位集愛心、美貌與智慧並重的 迪士尼公主,將在「睡公主城堡」前高雅瑰麗現身。
Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella and Belle — Disney Princesses loved for their tender hearts, beauty and intelligence — will also appear near Sleeping Beauty Castle.
樂園特別於「迪士尼處處拍日」當天,在各個園區向賓客送上印有四位公主座右銘的 限量簽名收藏卡,勉勵賓客要抱有追尋夢想的勇氣。收藏卡數量有限,派完即止。
Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella and Belle — Disney Princesses loved for their tender hearts, beauty and intelligence — will also appear near Sleeping Beauty Castle.
樂園特別於「迪士尼處處拍日」當天,在各個園區向賓客送上印有四位公主座右銘的 限量簽名收藏卡,勉勵賓客要抱有追尋夢想的勇氣。收藏卡數量有限,派完即止。
The park will hand out collectors’ cards in every themed land to share motivational messages from them to inspire guests to have the courage to make their dreams come true. These limited-edition collectable cards will be distributed while supplies last.
多位「迪士尼朋友」亦會在樂園不同地方與賓客近距離會面。除了米奇與好友外,蘇菲亞公主、小熊維尼與他的朋友、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay、 Gelatoni 和 最新加入的可愛小兔 StellaLou 亦分別於「幻想世界」及「美國小鎮大街」等待與大家見面!
Disney friends will also greet guests in various parts of the park. In addition to Mickey and friends, there will be appearances in Fantasyland and Main Street, U.S.A. by Sofia the First, Winnie the Pooh and Friends, along with Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni and their newest friend StellaLou, an adorable lavender bunny.
「迪士尼處處拍」限時優惠 及 全新動態相框
“Disney PhotoPass” limited-time offer and animated photo border
在「迪士尼處處拍日」到訪樂園的賓客,不僅可以與多位「迪士尼朋友」互動及拍照,更可以享有在當日特別推出的影像服務優惠。賓客只需集合三張於樂園不同地方,由「迪士尼處處拍攝影師」拍攝的照片,即可免費下載一張連「迪士尼處處拍日 2017」特別相框的數碼照片(價值 港幣$68),於度假區酒店與「迪士尼朋友」進餐 及「魔法化妝廳」照片 除外。凡購買5張8R數碼打印照片,更可獲贈價值 港幣$398 的「迪士尼處處拍+」乙張*,下載所有當天遊園照片。
Aside from taking photos with Disney friends, guests visiting the park on the day will be able to enjoy some special offers for photo services. Guests will get a free digital photo download (worth HK$68) with an exclusive border for “Disney PhotoPass Day 2017” upon taking three photos with Disney PhotoPass photographers at different locations, excluding character dinning and Bibbidi Boddidi Boutique at the resort’s hotels. Guests who purchase five 8R photo prints will receive a free “Disney PhotoPass+” worth HK$398, and enjoy unlimited downloads of their park photos.
由2017年8月19日起,賓客與 白雪公主、睡公主、灰姑娘 或 貝兒公主 合照並購買「迪士尼處處拍+」後,透過「迪士尼處處拍」手機應用程式 下載與公主的合照,即可欣賞樂園最新推出的「小公主夢想無限動態相框」,令快樂回憶更添奇妙。
From August 19, guests who take photos with Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella or Belle and purchase a “Disney PhotoPass+”, download the photos with Disney Princesses through the “Disney PhotoPass” mobile app will get a new “Animated Magical Shot” border to make their sweet memories even more magical.
From August 19, guests who take photos with Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella or Belle and purchase a “Disney PhotoPass+”, download the photos with Disney Princesses through the “Disney PhotoPass” mobile app will get a new “Animated Magical Shot” border to make their sweet memories even more magical.
Cinderella “Animated Magical Shot” border
* 所有優惠只限於「迪士尼處處拍日」當天使用。
* All special offers are valid on the “Disney PhotoPass Day” only.
About Disney PhotoPass
「迪士尼處處拍」於 香港迪士尼樂園 和 香港迪士尼樂園度假區酒店內設有多個服務點,由專業「迪士尼處處拍」攝影師隨時為賓客拍照,捕捉賓客與摯愛親朋的難忘時刻。賓客可下載「迪士尼處處拍」手機應用程式,掃瞄「迪士尼處處拍」咭上的QR碼,隨時預覽攝影師為其拍下的精彩照片,甚至即時以信用卡付款,選購個別數碼照片並下載至手機中。
With the Disney PhotoPass, professional photographers will take pictures of guests’ special moments in various PhotoPass locations. Guest are able to preview digital pictures anytime anywhere, using Disney PhotoPass mobile app and the QR code on the “PhotoPass.” Guests can also instantly download digital images to their mobile phone after making payments by credit card.
賓客可於 香港迪士尼樂園、香港迪士尼樂園酒店「翠樂庭餐廳」、「魔法化妝廳」及 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「米奇廚師餐廳」找到「迪士尼處處拍」攝影師,為其捕捉奇妙時刻;並可在 香港迪士尼度假區 內各個相片銷售處,包括:「小鎮沖印店」、「太空驛站」、「小熊維尼精品店」、「梅林神奇影像」、「迷離珍藏店」、香港迪士尼樂園酒店「皇庭禮品店」及 迪士尼好萊塢酒店內「影星禮品店」查看和購買照片。
PhotoPass photographers are ready to capture guests’ magical moments in Hong Kong Disneyland Park, and at Enchanted Garden Restaurant and Bibbibi Bobbidi Boutique in the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Chef Mickey in Disney’s Hollywood Hotel. Preview and purchase photos at Town Square Photo, Merlin’s Magic Portraits and The Archive Shop in the park, or at Kingdom Gifts in Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Celebrity Gifts in Disney’s Hollywood Hotel.
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort