香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)已於昨天 正式公佈「巴斯光年星際歷險」(Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters)將於 2017年8月31日 完成歷史任務,而各位「奇妙處處通」會員 由即日起於度假區內單一購物滿淨價 港幣350元 或以上,可憑當日有效收據到「太空指揮部精品店」以及「反斗奇兵大本營」的「安仔玩具箱」換領「巴斯光年特別版記事簿」一本,作永久珍藏,每位會員限換一本,數量有限,換完即止。
As Hong Kong Disneyland will bid farewell to Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters on August 31, 2017, Magic Access Members can get an exclusive Buzz Lightyear notebook in Star Command Suppliers or Andy’s Toy Box in Toy Story Land by presenting a valid on-day receipt showing net single spending of HK$350 or above in the resort, each Member may redeem once only, while stock lasts.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort