


Duffy與好友 歡迎 StellaLou 進駐 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)!

最新可愛小兔 StellaLou 即將進駐 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort presents Duffy’s newest friend StellaLou
Adorable bunny greets fans in person at Hong Kong Disneyland for first time ever
More than 150 upcoming exclusive Duffy and Friend merchandise items coming soon in celebration of her arrival

       今個8月,人氣高企的「迪士尼小熊」Duffy最新好友― StellaLou 將進駐香港迪士尼樂園度假區,與賓客分享她想成為舞蹈家的夢想!粉紫色的小兔 StellaLou 擁有可愛的長長耳朵及閃爍的雙眼,一直追尋踏上百老匯舞台的夢想。

This August, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) welcomes StellaLou, the newest friend of Duffy the Disney Bear. This little lavender-colored bunny, with cute ears and starry eyes, dreams of dancing on the Broadway stage. She will now share her dream of becoming a dancer with fans at her new home in the theme park.

       40位來自世界各地的Duffy與好友的粉絲專程到訪樂園出席粉絲聚會,與多位「迪士尼朋友」一起歡迎首次亮相的可愛小兔 StellaLou,並為她送上鼓勵。

Today, 40 fans of Duffy and Friends from all around world gathered at HKDL to welcome StellaLou and give her encouragement.

        賓客由20178月11日起可於樂園搶先全球與夢想成為舞蹈家的 StellaLou 近距離會面,更可以選購超過150件於今年內陸續推出的獨家Duffy與好友商品及品嚐多款主題餐飲美食,投入StellaLou的夢想世界!

From August 11, 2017, guests can be the first in the world to meet StellaLou at “Main Street Cinema: My Journeys with Duffy – presented by FUJIFILM”, discover over 150 upcoming exclusive Duffy and Friends merchandise items and enjoy all-new themed snacks and drinks.

人氣高企Duffy與好友   持續吸納世界各地粉絲
Duffy and Friends winning over fans around the world

       「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay 與 Gelatoni 分別於2010年、2014年及去年進駐香港迪士尼樂園度假區,旋即吸納大量來自世界各地的粉絲,包括:美國日本台灣香港及內地等地區。熱愛跳舞及夢想成為舞蹈家的新成員― StellaLou 矚目登場,將會成為Duffy與好友粉絲的追捧對象。

Duffy came to HKDL in 2010. He was joined by ShellieMay in 2014 and then Gelatoni last year. Since then, they have been gaining fans far and wide in the world, including America, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Their newest friend StellaLou, who loves to dance, will become another beloved Duffy and Friends icon.

        StellaLou是「迪士尼小熊」Duffy在美國海濱相遇的新朋友。當時StellaLou 在「S.S. 哥倫比亞號」郵輪前練習舞蹈,卻不小心絆倒。Duffy上前關心StellaLou期間,StellaLou分享了她想成為舞蹈家的夢想。

Duffy and StellaLou first met on an American waterfront. While practicing in front of the S.S. Columbia, StellaLou stumbled and Duffy called out to her in concern. StellaLou then told Duffy her dream of becoming a dancer. 

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 商品營運綜合策劃經理 陳偉賢 表示:「Duffy與其好友一直是深受賓客歡迎的迪士尼品牌。自2010年將『迪士尼小熊』Duffy 引入香港迪士尼樂園至今,相關產品越來越受歡迎,Duffy與好友系列商品的銷售額更錄得超過10倍的增長,其銷量僅次於米奇米妮系列。樂園的Duffy與好友系列商品由最初20款增加至現時有近 300款 ,產品種類繁多,包括毛公仔、日常用品、徽章、飾物及服裝等,當中超過八成半為樂園獨家商品。眾多商品中,毛公仔系列產品尤其受歡迎,推出至今已出售超過20萬件。」

Justin Chan, merchandise operations integration manager at HKDL, said, “Our Duffy and Friends Collections are extremely popular with our Guests, second only to our Mickey and Minnie assortments. And since Duffy first joined the park in 2010, the collections have been increasingly popular and sales increased tenfold by 2016. The initial assortment has grown from only 20 items to nearly 300 Duffy and Friends themed items in a wide variety of categories such as plush, consumables, pins, accessories and apparel, and more than 85% are exclusive to HKDL. The plush items are the most popular—having sold more than 200,000 since launch.”

       樂園定期推出新的主題商品,不少粉絲都會從台灣和內地等地區到訪香港迪士尼樂園,就連日本的賓客都會專程到來,選購Duffy與好友系列獨家商品。部份粉絲更會攜同多款收藏品暢遊樂園,與Duffy、ShellieMay 及 Gelatoni合照。樂園將於未來不同的季節性活動中,陸續推出更多Duffy與好友系列商品。

Whenever new collections are presented by the park for festive programs, Duffy fans from China, Taiwan and even Japan visit HKDL to shop for exclusive items. Some will even bring along their favorite items from their own collections to take photos with Duffy, ShellieMay and Gelatoni.

粉絲專程訪港     搶先全球與 StellaLou 近距離會面
Global Fans come to Hong Kong to meet StellaLou in person in world’s first greeting

        40位來自世界各地的 Duffy與好友粉絲 今天親臨香港迪士尼樂園,手持 StellaLou 毛公仔,並與多位迪士尼朋友,包括Duffy、ShellieMay 和 Gelatoni 一起歡迎StellaLou,並送上特製心意卡。

40 Duffy and Friends fans from around the world gathered at Hong Kong Disneyland today. They carried StellaLou plush toys and joined many Disney friends, including Duffy, ShellieMay and Gelatoni, to welcome StellaLou and give her a welcome card.

        StellaLou首次於樂園亮相,加入人氣高企的Duffy與好友陣容,長駐商店「小鎮影院:『我與DUFFY遊歷之旅』― 由Fujifilm呈獻」內的特色拍照區,與粉絲近距離分享她的夢想!

Following her debut, StellaLou will take her place at the photo zone of "Main Street Cinema: My Journeys with Duffy – Presented by Fujifilm" and share with fans her dream of becoming a dancer!

        來自日本的粉絲岩野聡美表示: 「我不時從日本香港迪士尼選購各式獨家商品。只有香港迪士尼可以讓我和Duffy、ShellieMay 及 Gelatoni 近距離會面!很高興今次可以參與這個奇妙時刻,和來自不同國家的粉絲交流,並一同迎接人見人愛的 StellaLou,相信 StellaLou 的加入將會吸引更多不同地區的粉絲來樂園與 StellaLou 見面。」

Satomi Iwano, a fan from Japan, remarked, “I often travel from Japan to HKDL to buy different exclusives and this is the only park where I can meet Gelatoni and StellaLou in person. I'm very happy I could join this magical moment to welcome Duffy and Friends’ adorable new friend StellaLou and meet other Duffy fans from around the world. I believe StellaLou will further attract more fans from different countries.”

        來自香港的粉絲先生表示: 「自『迪士尼小熊』Duffy推出以來,我便一直是Duffy與好友的超級粉絲,家中已有超過10,000件Duffy與好友系列的收藏品。很高興期待以久的 StellaLou 進駐香港迪士尼,讓我可以更方便地搜羅 StellaLou 的商品,品嚐Duffy與好友特色美食,更重要是可與StellaLou近距離見面,這都是香港獨有的體驗。」

Keith Wong, a fan from Hong Kong, added, “I have been a fan of Duffy and Friends since Duffy was introduced and have collected more than 10,000 Duffy and Friends items. I’m delighted that StellaLou is finally here in HKDL. It gives us more opportunities to collect StellaLou merchandise, taste Duffy and Friends delights and, most importantly, meet StellaLou in person. It is an experience only available in Hong Kong.”

香港迪士尼樂園 StellaLou獨家商品     吸引粉絲搶購
Exclusive StellaLou assortment at HKDL for fans to build their collections 


To welcome StellaLou, HKDL will introduce nearly 40 new StellaLou items this year, including plush toys, stationery, daily essentials, phone cases, purses, accessories, apparel and pins, with most being exclusive to HKDL.  More Duffy and Friends merchandise items are on the way this year to ensure fans bring home lots of Duffy goodies!

        賓客於樂園內與好友暢玩之同時,亦可品嚐度樂園內餐廳數款富夏日色彩的Duffy與好友主題美點。「大街餐廳由Coca-Cola®呈獻」將全新推出的「StellaLou The Ballerina」特飲 及「Duffy and StellaLou 紀念杯配藍莓蛋糕」!此外,「小熊友愛蘋果批配雲尼拿雪糕」、「小熊戀曲」及「七彩小畫板」等透心涼美食更是夏日的最佳選擇。香港迪士尼樂園酒店內的「晶荷軒」亦將於8月底推出「StellaLou紫薯甜包」,為粉絲帶來無限驚喜!

Guests and their friends will find colorful Duffy and Friends summer delights at some of the resort’s restaurants. Do not miss “Duffy Brings Love Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice-cream,” “Duffy Romance,” and “Gelatoni’s Palette” served at Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola. There is also the new “StellaLou the Ballerina” and the “Duffy and StellaLou Souvenir Mug with Blueberry Short Cake.” Crystal Lotus at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel will introduce a “StellaLou Steamed Sweet Purple Potato Bun” in end August to delight the taste buds this summer.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: Duffy與好友 歡迎 StellaLou 進駐 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)!
Duffy與好友 歡迎 StellaLou 進駐 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)!
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