


「Disney Halloween Time 2017」將於2017年9月14日至10月31日期間降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!

「Disney Halloween Time 2017」
迪士尼惡人 全新詭異登場     召集賓客加入惡玩行列
日夜派對連場 齊齊反轉 香港迪士尼樂園

Disney’s Villains invite guests to join their band of baddies
at Disney Halloween Time 2017

Party day and night at the most wicked Halloween ever at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Join an interactive mystery dinner and other all-new wicked experiences

        今個萬聖節,一眾 迪士尼惡人 召集賓客加入惡人行列,盡情惡玩!由2017年9月14日起至10月31日,一連48天,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 呈獻「Disney Halloween Time 2017」,迪士尼惡人 以不同方式帶起連場日夜派對,加上不同類型的魅影娛樂及詭怪玩味的晚宴,將詭異氣氛延伸至樂園每個角落,誓要與賓客一同反轉迪士尼!

This Halloween, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is hosting its most wicked Halloween party ever! From September 14 to October 31, Disney Halloween Time 2017 will present spook-tacular parties day and night, where guests can embrace their wicked side by teaming up with the infamous Disney Villains. There will be spine-tingling thrills all across the resort, including brand new experiences such as an interactive mystery dinner with Disney characters. It’s time for wicked fun at Hong Kong Disneyland alongside all the favorite Disney Friends and Disney Villains!

         失踪多時的 怪異教授 召集了新一幫亦邪亦惡的朋友,勇敢的賓客可以嘗試挑戰全新鬼屋「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」,步入疑幻似真的詭異夢境,沿途登上《木偶奇遇記》中的 怪誕篷車;闖進《怪獸公司》的 驚嚇部;穿梭於《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的 瘋帽子店、《美女與野獸》的詭異空間 及《大力士》中的「冥王」凱帝斯 的詭異領域。

At the fright-filled walkthrough attraction “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues”, a crazed professor takes guests into the dark side of Disney stories. Courageous guests can enter the professor’s mind-bending lab where they will have all kinds of devilish encounters. Journey through Stromboli’s Wagon from Pinocchio, the Scare Floor from Monsters, Inc., the Mad Hatter’s Hat Shoppe from Alice in Wonderland, as well as spooky rooms based on Beauty and the Beast and Hercules!

提早預訂全新詭怪玩味「米奇 Halloween大解謎」晚宴
Join Mickey's Magical Halloween Hunt

        樂園特別為賓客呈獻一系列詭趣精品及特色美食,包括全新推出的 Halloween 餐飲體驗 ──「米奇Halloween大解謎」晚宴。由探險家米奇米妮唐老鴨高飛 帶領,伴隨魔術師、神秘學者、預言家及樂師,與大小惡人一起解開寶藏離奇消失之謎,展開怪誕懸疑的探秘遊戲,令節慶更添詭「味」。

This Halloween, Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy will host Mickey's Magical Halloween Hunt, a three-course interactive dining experience where guests of all ages work together to solve the mystery of a missing treasure alongside a magician, occultist, fortune-teller and musician! This interactive character dining experience is sure to delight the taste buds as well as a sense of intrigue. 

        由即日起,賓客可致電(+852)3550-3388 提早預訂特定日子的「米奇Halloween大解謎」晚宴,在「大冒險家餐廳」享用精心設計的三道創意佳餚及特備魔幻節目。賓客提早5天前預訂可享有85折優惠,而「奇妙處處通」會員更可享75折優惠!

Guests can make an advance reservation for the special dinner at the Explorer’s Club Restaurant by calling (+852) 3550-3388. This experience is only available on selected dates. Book five days in advance to enjoy a discount on the standard price: 25% off for Magic Access Members and 15% off for general guests. 

米奇 Halloween大解謎」晚宴 詳情
Details of the Mickey's Magical Halloween Hunt

• 供應日期:2017年9月15*、16*日 及 10月20、21、27及28日
• 供應時段:(時段一)下午5時45分 至 晚上7時30分
                    (時段二)晚上8時 至 晚上9時45分
• 地點:「迷離莊園」-「大冒險家餐廳」
• 預訂途徑:        
- 致電 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 熱線 +852 3550-3388  [所有賓客及「奇妙處處通」會員適用]
- 登入香港迪士尼樂園官方網站([9月14日起適用]
- 「奇妙處處通」會員可登入「奇妙處處通」會員專頁                                          ([8月30日起適用]

* 9月15及16日之時段二只限「奇妙處處通」會員預訂

• Available dates:  September 15*, 16* and October 20, 21, 27, 28
• Available times:  (Seating 1) 5:45 – 7:30 p.m.
                              (Seating 2) 8:00 – 9:45 p.m.
• Venue: Explorer’s Club Restaurant at Mystic Point
• Enrolment:                      
- Call the Hong Kong Disneyland hotline at +852 3550-3388 for reservations [Available for all guests and Magic Access Members]
- Visit Hong Kong Disneyland official website at [Available from September 14]
- Magic Access Members can visit the Magic Access Member Site at [Available from August 30]

# Magic Access Members can enjoy this offer with up to 7 Guests             
* Seating 2 on September 15 and 16 are open for reservation by Magic Access Members only

Halloween themed F&B

日夜惡玩大派對      霸氣玩轉迪士尼
Party day and night and turn the park upside down

        萬聖節最鬼馬盛大的街頭派對,等着賓客來玩轉!米奇與一眾迪士尼朋友將於下午換上萬聖節裝束,在美國小鎮大街邀賓客投入米奇 Halloween玩轉大街派對」米奇米妮高飛 會在三個巨型南瓜造型花車上鬼馬出巡,小小惡人可齊齊練習詭趣舞步,融入一眾 迪士尼朋友 及 表演者,一齊勁歌熱舞。賓客更可投入互動環節,大玩超巨型南瓜氣球。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s most wicked Halloween party will get into full swing on Main Street, U.S.A., when Mickey and other Disney friends wearing their Halloween outfits rock out at Mickey's Halloween Time Street Party. Mickey, Minnie and Goofy will appear atop giant jack-o’-lantern whirlies and will invite little guests to dance their hearts out. Guests can also toss around Halloween Time pumpkin balloons as well!

        隨着黑夜降臨,多位 迪士尼惡人 更會傾巢而出。今年首度霸氣登場的海女巫 烏蘇拉(Ursula),將加入「迪士尼惡人大出巡 2.0」,在詭幻的光影中與一眾惡名昭彰的迪士尼惡人狂歡,包括:「黑巫婆」、「邪惡皇后」、巫師 賈方阿積鐵鈎船長、「紅心皇后」和 庫伊拉

Then, when the sun goes down, the Disney Villains will come out to play in “Villains Night Out! Chapter 2.” For the first time ever, Ursula the sea witch from The Little Mermaid will show up and take part in this spine-tingling procession. Guests can be a part of the roaring mayhem as other infamous baddies appear, including Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, Jack Skellington, Captain Hook, the Queen of Hearts and Cruella de Vil.

       電影《加勒比海盜》系列中的一班亡靈 ─ 半人半鬼的海盜船員即將進駐探險世界!惡靈們會向賓客步步進逼,尋找積克船長的行踪。小心闖入「魔盜王的『詭』跡」,從此絕跡!

At the Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Trail, guests can encounter a crew of ghost pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean who have come ashore in Adventureland. If they dare, wicked guests can team up with these ghoulish pirates who are seeking revenge on none other than Captain Jack Sparrow.

        多位換上萬聖節裝束的 迪士尼朋友及惡人 亦會在日夜不同時間現身,各位惡人可以參與「迪士尼Trick-or-Treat趣玩站」後,再與他們的懾人造型一較高下,一起拍張惡形惡相的合照。

Of course, Halloween wouldn’t be complete without some wicked photos and the fun of trick-or-treating! Guests can find Trick-or-Treat Booths in the park and there are also lots of chances to meet beloved Disney friends and Villains for wicked photos during both the daytime and nighttime.

Captivating Halloween goodies

        要化身大小惡人,全情投入連場派對,一定要扮鬼扮馬!香港迪士尼樂園度假區 各商店提供超過150件迪士尼主題戲服、配飾及萬聖節服飾,同時配合超過80款萬聖節主題商品,包括:服裝、飾物、家品、紀念品、日用品、公仔、文具套裝及特色徽章等。當中萬聖節特別版「Tsum Tsum」迷你雙面毛公仔,更是不容錯過!

For extra Halloween fun, be sure to dress up in a wicked costume this year! Hong Kong Disneyland Resort offers more than 150 themed costume items, accessories and Halloween dresses in addition to a huge range of Halloween merchandise items. There will be more than 80 Halloween-themed items, including apparel, accessories, home decor, souvenirs, daily necessities, plush toys, stationery sets and unique pins. Halloween-edition reversible mini Tsum Tsum plush toys are definite must-buys.

        香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time」讓大小賓客盡情惡玩,每年只此一次!樂園將稍後公佈限時推出的樂園入場優惠,各位惡人記得密切留意!不分日夜,齊齊反轉迪士尼,惡人有請!

Disney Halloween Time is an awfully good time for wicked guests and their friends and family at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. Stay tuned for further information on special ticket offers. Be a part of the band of baddies this Halloween to spread wicked fun for everyone!

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「Disney Halloween Time 2017」將於2017年9月14日至10月31日期間降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!
「Disney Halloween Time 2017」將於2017年9月14日至10月31日期間降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!
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