香港迪士尼樂園積極準備 迎接未來新發展
告別「巴斯光年星際歷險」 展開全新Marvel英雄戰地
Hong Kong Disneyland to bid farewell to Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
to prepare for future development and another exciting Marvel attraction
Starting from August 8, HKDL will launch a variety of Buzz Lightyear-themed activities.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 一直致力為賓客帶來最佳的遊樂體驗。樂園正積極進行各項發展及擴建計劃的籌備工作,為發展新一章作好準備,要為賓客帶來最大熱的迪士尼故事及角色,創造更多精彩的全新項目。
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) has always been committed to offering the best one-of-a-kind entertainment experiences to our guests. Now, HKDL is gearing up for the next page in its exciting development and expansion, in which popular stories, characters and all-new attractions will be introduced.
隨着樂園持續發展,在「明日世界」的遊樂設施「巴斯光年星際歷險」亦將被重新塑造,成爲繼「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」後,又一以 MARVEL 超級英雄 為主題的互動射擊遊樂設施,於完工後,賓客將可與 MARVEL 超級英雄 共同擊退侵略者。樂園在未來更會完成整項 MARVEL 新主題園區的發展,逐步將 香港迪士尼樂園 打造為 MARVEL迷 必遊勝地。
As Hong Kong Disneyland continues to grow, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters located in Tomorrowland will be transformed into a new Marvel-themed interactive shooting game, making it the second Marvel-themed attraction following the popular Iron Man Experience. Upon completion, guests can join Marvel Super Heroes to defeat invaders in this new attraction. Hong Kong’s transformation into a must-visit destination for Marvel fans will culminate when the new Marvel-themed land opens at HKDL in the future.
「巴斯光年星際歷險」將於 2017年8月31日完成任務,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 親善大使 符國安 特意邀請 香港航空青年團上尉 鄧梓峰,前來陪同太空人 巴斯光年,一起參與這個以電影《反斗奇兵 續集》為故事骨幹的互動射擊歷險遊戲,合作完成今次的終極挑戰。
HKDL will bid farewell to Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters on August 31, 2017. Patrick Dunn, Flight Lieutenant of the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps joined Sammy Phu, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Ambassador, for one final adventure with Buzz Lightyear on this iconic ride-through attraction based on the blockbuster movie “Toy Story 2.”
鄧梓峰 與 巴斯光年
Patrick Dunn and Buzz Lightyear
Patrick Dunn
由2017年8月8日起至8月31日,巴斯光年 更會現身「明日世界」,在「巴斯光年星際歷險」入口位置附近,支援加入「巴斯光年防衛隊隊員」的賓客,鼓勵他們完成這項終極任務。
From August 8 until 31, Buzz Lightyear will come to Tomorrowland and support guests from the “Buzz Lightyear Guard” as they finish their final mission at the entrance of Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.
期間,香港迪士尼樂園 亦特別推出相關主題貼紙,在「明日世界」免費派給賓客收藏。巴斯光年 的 FANS 亦可在「明日世界」內的「太空指揮部精品店」及「美國小鎮大街」的「百貨店」,選購一系列新推出的「巴斯光年星際歷險」主題商品留念。
At the same time, to commemorate this meaningful moment, HKDL will introduce and distribute free Buzz Lightyear-themed stickers to guests as souvenirs at Tomorrowland. Meanwhile, fans of Buzz Lightyear can purchase an array of Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters-themed products at Star Command Suppliers in Tomorrowland and Emporium on Main Street, U.S.A.
「奇妙處處通」會員更專享優惠,於度假區內單一購物滿淨價 港幣350元 或以上,可憑當日有效收據到「太空指揮部精品店」及「反斗奇兵大本營」內的「安仔玩具箱」換領「巴斯光年特別版記事簿」一本,作永久珍藏,每位會員限換一本,數量有限,換完即止。
Magic Access Members can also get an exclusive Buzz Lightyear notebook in Star Command Suppliers or Andy’s Toy Box in Toy Story Land by presenting a valid on-day receipt showing net single spending of HK$350 or above in the resort, each Member may redeem once only, while stock lasts.
Magic Access Members can also get an exclusive Buzz Lightyear notebook in Star Command Suppliers or Andy’s Toy Box in Toy Story Land by presenting a valid on-day receipt showing net single spending of HK$350 or above in the resort, each Member may redeem once only, while stock lasts.

From August 9, Magic Access Members can get a Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters Commemorative Booklet at the Magic Access Member Service Center by presenting their valid membership cards in person, while stock lasts.
由9月開始,巴斯光年 將會在「反斗奇兵大本營」,匯合一眾老朋友,繼續同賓客見面!
Finally, starting from September, Buzz Lightyear will rejoin his friends at Toy Story Land to greet guests!
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland