香港迪士尼樂園 12週年系列限量版徽章
12th Anniversary of Hong Kong Disneyland Limited Edition Pin Series

繼 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)商品部 於「2017 徽章交換FUN享晚會」(“Pin Trading Night 2017”)上率先展出 12週年系列限量版徽章後,園方於今天正式公佈相關徽章將於 2017年8月12日起 陸續發售!

12th Anniversary Limited Edition Pin Series (Full set in 10 styles)
米奇連收藏卡套 及 高飛(2017年8月12日發售)
黛絲 及ShellieMay(2017年8月19日發售)
米妮 及 鋼牙(2017年8月26日發售)
大鼻 及 Duffy(2017年9月2日發售)
Gelatoni 及 唐老鴨(2017年9月9日發售)
* 每位賓客限購同款徽章兩枚
Release date: August 12, 2017 (New styles to be released every Saturday)
Release size: 500 pcs*
Sales Location: Town Square Photo (Main Street, U.S.A.)
Mickey with backer card and Goofy (August 12,2017)
Daisy and ShellieMay (August 19,2017)
Minnie and Chip (August 26,2017)
Dale and Duffy (September 2,2017)
Gelatoni and Donald Duck (September 9,2017)
*The purchase quantity is limited to 2 pieces for each guest
12th Anniversary Limited Edition Jumbo Pin
* 每位賓客限購同款徽章兩枚
Release date: September 2, 2017
Release size: 500 pcs*
*The purchase quantity is limited to 2 pieces for each guest
12th Anniversary Exclusive Pin for Magic Access Members

Registration: Between August 19 and August 27, 2017
Pin & result release: Between September 9 and September 17, 2017
Release size: 50 pcs*
Sales Location: Town Square Photo (Main Street, U.S.A.)
* 每位當選者限購一枚徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 1 piece for each guest
From August 19 to 27, 2017, Magic Access Members can present their Magic Access Membership Card in person at Town Square Photo on Main Street, U.S.A. for registration to the lucky draw. Each Membership Card number will get one lucky draw chance for purchase of the limited edition pin. The lucky draw result will be determined randomly by computer and the results will be announced in Town Square Photo or Magic Access Member Site between September 9 and September 17, 2017.
Winners need to present Magic Access Membership Card in person to purchase the pin in Town Square between September 9 and September, 2017. For winners who do not show up and purchase the limited edition pin during the designated period, their rights of purchase would be forfeited automatically.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort