


港人專享:迪士尼探索家度假酒店「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠(“Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer)

香港迪士尼樂園度假區推出 港人專享 全新「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠
入住 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 優惠高達四折

Hong Kong Residents Only Special Limited-time Offer at Disney Explorers Lodge
Up to 60% off in August for an exotic summer staycation
at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s newest hotel

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 推出 港人尊享 全新「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠,於今年8月內,入住最新開幕的 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 優惠高達四折,香港賓客只需港幣$1,488起即可入住標準客房或以港幣$1,588起入住海景客房一晚,投入一個充滿異國風情的假期。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort today launched a special limited-time summer hotel offer (“Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer) for all Hong Kong residents, inviting them to an exotic summer staycation at the resort’s newest hotel, Disney Explorers Lodge. Special rates of HK$1,488 and up for a Standard Room and HK$1,588 and up for a Sea View Room, representing discounts of up to 60%, will be offered exclusively to Hong Kong residents throughout August.

        新酒店以獨特的文化體驗啟發賓客勇於探索,開創夢想,鼓勵賓客與親友一起展開冒險旅程!以 迪士尼 及 迪士尼‧彼思 角色命名的四個庭園更是精心設計,種植超過170,000棵來自亞洲大洋洲南美洲非洲的植物。綠悠悠的庭園不僅是一個可以讓賓客與至愛親朋一起拍照、享受悠閒時光的好地方,亦是一個能灌輸小朋友愛護及尊重大自然知識的花園。庭園中央的「雨澄泳池」,於炎炎夏日之中為賓客提供一個涼快的歇息空間。

The new hotel, themed after distinctive cultures, inspires guests to explore and dream. Disney Explorers Lodge is filled with adventures for families and friends to discover together. The hotel’s four gardens—named after Disney and Disney•Pixar characters—are botanical wonderlands featuring more than 170,000 plants native to Asia, South America, Oceania and Africa. These lush green settings are relaxing spots for families and loved ones to enjoy together as they take lots of photos. They also help instill love and respect for nature in young ones. The Rain Drop Pool nestled in the gardens provides a cool escape for the entire family on hot summer days.


Dining at the hotel’s three restaurants will take families on multi-cultural culinary adventures around the world. Explore the different flavors of China’s provincial cuisine at Dragon Wind, sample novel gastronomic delights from around the world at World of Color Restaurant, and keep nibbling throughout the day with delectable light dining choices at Chart Room Cafe. Don’t miss the home-made gelato here for a cool respite!

       迪士尼探索家度假酒店 與度假區內的兩間酒店,皆以加強摰愛親朋凝聚力為目標。迪士尼探索家度假酒店 的750間的客房提供兩張雙人睡床,最多可容納四位成人,而且多達七成客房更是相連房間,讓賓客有私人空間之餘亦可隨時與鄰近的親朋好友溝通,以照顧不同家庭的需要。所有客房均享有南中國海的景觀或俯瞰酒店四個主題庭園之一的園林景觀。

Disney Explorers Lodge, like the resort’s two other hotels, is designed to enhance family and friends togetherness. Each of the 750 rooms is able to comfortably accommodate four adults, and nearly 70% of the rooms are interconnected to bring big parties closer together. Families and friends staying in different rooms can enjoy their private space yet easily connect with those in the room next door. The rooms either offer an expansive view of the South China Sea or overlook one of the hotel’s four themed gardens.

      酒店內展示了過千件由世界各地(包括:馬里、巴布亞新幾內亞印尼 峇里島哥斯達黎加玻利維亞科特迪瓦等)搜羅的工藝品和珍藏,讓賓客大開眼界。探索旅程以酒店大堂展示 米奇老鼠米妮老鼠高飛唐老鴨 的收藏品為開始,並以叢林商店為終點,賓客更可於旅程中選購屬於自己的獨特文物和紀念品。

Displayed throughout the hotel are more than 1,000 artifacts explorers collected from around the world in places like Mali, Papua New Guinea, Bali, Costa Rica, Bolivia, the Ivory Coast and more. Begin exploring in the lobby at the travel cases of explorers Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Donald. Then complete the journey at The Trading Post to expand any exotic collection with new and exclusive memorabilia.

       入住 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 的賓客,亦可玩盡另外兩間酒店的康樂活動及設施。早上可在 香港迪士尼樂園酒店高飛一起耍太極;下午可在 迪士尼探索家度假酒店「雨澄泳池」參與「迪士尼朋友」泳池派對;晚間到 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「鋼琴型泳池」,坐在兒童迷你汽車上,仿如美國露天汽車電影院般欣賞經典迪士尼電影。

Young guests at Disney Explorers Lodge can be kept entertained throughout the day with fun recreation activities at all three hotels in the resort. Start the day at a morning tai chi exercise with Goofy at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. Cool down in the afternoon in a pool party with Disney friends at Rain Drop Pool at Disney Explorers Lodge Hotel. Finally, chill out at night watching Disney movies sitting in mini-cars in the company of Disney friends at the piano-shaped pool of Disney’s Hollywood Hotel. 

留港度假 玩盡「Marvel 夏日超級英雄」
Marvel makes for action-packed staycations

        入住酒店期間,賓客可到 香港迪士尼樂園 體驗全新「Marvel 夏日超級英雄」。賓客更可製作專屬「神盾局」特工身份證,加入「神盾局」,與一眾超級英雄並肩作戰!於「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」與「鐵甲奇俠」穿梭於香港鬧市。「美國隊長」及「蜘蛛俠」都已經做好準備與各「神盾局」特工會面。另外,在「Marvel 危機次元任務」中,「奇異博士」及其他超級英雄需要各位特工的幫忙,一起對抗邪惡勢力。

Guests can also make the most of Hong Kong Disneyland’s Marvel Super Hero Summer during their staycation! Grab a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ID for each family member and join the Marvel Super Heroes as they battle evil forces. On the Iron Man Experience, guest can fight Hydra high above the Hong Kong skyline with Iron Man at their side. Captain America and Spider-Man are all geared up to greet guests in person, and Doctor Strange and other Super Heroes need every S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents’ help to recover the powerful Portal Nexus artifact in Mission: Dimensions of Danger.

        為了令 Marvel超級英雄的粉絲有更全面的體驗,入住酒店期間,可額外以 港幣$600,享用「超級英雄」主題房間佈置,包括「超級英雄」主題床旗佈置、拖鞋、鏡面裝飾及門貼裝飾,更送上 香港迪士尼樂園 限定版 Marvel漫畫 一本 及「火箭餐廳」指定「鐵甲奇俠」主題套餐一客,為賓客的夏日住宿添上英雄色彩。
Ramp up the Super Hero experience for fans with the Marvel Super Hero Decoration package for an additional HK$600. Accommodation experiences will be enhanced with a Marvel Super Hero-themed bed runner, slipper, door and mirror stickers. In addition, the package includes one limited-edition Hong Kong Disneyland Marvel comic book and one Iron Man-themed meal combo at Starliner Diner. It’s the perfect time way to enjoy the Marvel Super Hero Summer!

        今個夏天,就讓一家人留港度假,玩盡「Marvel 夏日超級英雄」及入住 迪士尼探索家度假酒店,體驗畢生難忘的歷險旅程!

This summer, enjoy an extended vacation with the whole family at Hong Kong Disneyland at an unprecedented value! Create action-packed memories that will last a lifetime with a stay at Disney Explorers Lodge and the fun of the Marvel Super Hero Summer!

~「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠 ~
~ “Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer ~
* 優惠價格須另外繳付10%服務費。
* A 10% service charge based on the discounted room rate will be applied.

優惠詳情(Offer Details):
- 一間客房的一晚住宿
- One night accommodation for one room

預訂詳情(Reservation Details):

- 預訂日期:由2017年7月31日中午 至 2017年8月13日

- 有效日期:由2017年8月1日 至 2017年8月31日(最後的退房日期為2017年9月1日)

- 預訂途徑:瀏覽網頁( )或 致電+852 1-830-830 (預訂客房時需註明「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠)

- Booking dates: From noon July 31, 2017 till August 13, 2017

- Valid dates: From August 1, 2017 till August 31, 2017. Last check-out date is September 1, 2017

- Booking channels: Visit our website at ( or call +852 1-830-830 (Please specify “Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer when booking)

重要事項(Important Details):

1. 實際優惠價格將按入住日期及客房類型而定(供應量須視乎供應情況和優惠限制,有關限制之定義如下)。

2. 以上優惠只適合於香港居民(賓客在入住登記時,需出示香港身分證以核實香港居民身份)

3. 每位符合條件之賓客,於同一入住及退房日期,最多可預留一間客房。每間酒店客房,最多可入住四位賓客。

4. 已預訂之房間均不能取消或更改。

5. 優惠價格須另外繳付10%服務費。

6. 受限於其他優惠條款及細則。

1. The actual discount and price are set based on the check-in date and the room category (subject to availability and all terms and conditions).

2. The offer is only available to Hong Kong residents. Guests are required to present a valid Hong Kong Identify Card upon check-in.

3. Each eligible guest is entitled to reserve up to a maximum of 1 room with the same check-in and check-out dates. Each hotel room can accommodate up to a maximum of 4 guests.

4. No cancellation or amendment to any booking of the offer is accepted.

5. A 10% service charge based on the special rates will apply.

6. Other terms and conditions apply.

~ 「奇妙處處通」會員「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠 ~
~ “Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer for Magic Access Members ~
* 優惠房間價格須另外繳付政府稅(如適用)及10%服務費。
* Discounted room rate is subject to government tax (if applicable) and 10% service charge.

^ 此優惠只供持有有效香港身份證之「奇妙處處通」會員享用。
^ This offer is only available to valid Magic Access Members with valid Hong Kong Identity Card.
Terms and conditions apply.

優惠詳情(Offer Details):

· 一間客房的一晚住宿
·   One night accommodation for one room

預訂詳情(Reservation Details):

·   預訂日期:由2017年7月31日中午 至 2017年8月13日

·   有效日期:由2017年8月1日 至 2017年8月31日(最後的退房日期為2017年9月1日)

·   瀏覽網頁「奇妙處處通」會員專頁 (或 致電+852 1-830-830(預訂客房時需註明「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠)

·   Booking dates: From noon July 31, 2017 till August 13, 2017

·   Valid dates: From August 1, 2017 till August 31, 2017. Last check-out date is September 1, 2017

·   Booking channels: Visit Magic Access Member Site at ( or call +852 1-830-830 (Please specify “Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer when booking)

重要事項(Important Details):

1. 實際優惠價格將按入住日期及客房類型而定(供應量須視乎供應情況和優惠限制,有關限制之定義如下)。

2. 以上優惠只適合於持有有效香港身份證之「奇妙處處通」會員(「奇妙處處通」會員在入住登記時,需出示香港身分證 及「奇妙處處通」會員卡以核實香港居民身份)。

3. 每位符合條件之「奇妙處處通」會員,於同一入住及退房日期,最多可預留一間「奇妙處處通」會員優惠價之客房。每間酒店客房,最多可入住四位賓客。

4. 已預訂之房間均不能取消或更改。

5. 優惠價格須另外繳付10%服務費。

6. 受限於其他優惠條款及細則。

1. The actual discount and price are set based on the check-in date and the room category (subject to availability and all terms and conditions).

2. The offer is only available to Magic Access Members with valid Hong Kong Identify Card. Guests are required to present a valid Hong Kong Identify Card and Magic Access membership card upon check-in.

3. Each eligible Magic Access Members may enjoy special rates for reserving 1 room with the same check-in and check-out dates. Each hotel room can accommodate up to 4 guests.

4. No cancellation or amendment to any booking of the offer is accepted.

5. A 10% service charge based on the special rates will apply.

6. Other terms and conditions apply.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 港人專享:迪士尼探索家度假酒店「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠(“Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer)
港人專享:迪士尼探索家度假酒店「夏日留港度假」酒店住宿限時優惠(“Summer Staycation” Hotel Special Offer)
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