


上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)2017年夏日主題活動「奇妙夏日:酷爽來襲」(Summer Thematic)

上海迪士尼度假區 變身夏日沁爽新綠洲
為賓客帶來全新酷爽娛樂演出、夏日美食特飲 及 限時主題商品

Shanghai Disney Resort Offers a Cool Oasis for the Summer Months
All-new entertainment, cool and water-inspired seasonal shows, plus exclusive food, beverage and merchandise offerings available for a limited time
       繼歡慶「奇妙一週年」之後,今年夏季,上海迪士尼度假區 將化身炎夏中的沁爽神奇綠洲,為賓客帶來精彩、別樣的夏日清涼神奇體驗「奇妙夏日:酷爽來襲」(Summer Thematic) 2017年7月1日 至 9月3日,度假區將推出全新清爽娛樂演出豐富的夏季酷飲以及 充滿濃濃夏日風情的限時商品,幫助賓客驅散夏日炎熱,盡情享受在 上海迪士尼樂園 的神奇時光。

Shanghai Disney Resort is celebrating the summer season (Summer Thematic) after its First Anniversary with magical new entertainment, fresh, ‘cool’ experiences, expanded menus and stylish merchandise to help guests beat the heat and enjoy a new world of fun awaiting them throughout the theme park.  From July 1 to September 3, 2017, Shanghai Disney Resort will transform into a summertime oasis, with seasonal decoration, cooling facilities and other offerings available to guests.

New shows and entertainment designed to inspire and refresh
       上海迪士尼度假區 將推出自開幕以來的首個全新娛樂演出 ——「夏日狂歡城堡秀」。這場為今夏前來樂園遊玩的賓客度身定制的演出將於「奇幻童話城堡」隆重登場。 「夏日狂歡城堡秀」充滿清涼的水元素,「迪士尼朋友」將和賓客玩水互動,帶領賓客時而穿越迷霧重重的熱帶雨林,時而在夏威夷清涼的海浪中隨著音律肆意沉浮,感受清涼與神奇。

For the first time ever, an entirely new show has been created for The Enchanted Storybook Castle Stage in Shanghai Disneyland. Summer Blast is filled with performers, Disney characters… and a healthy dose of water to keep guests cool in the heat of summer. This dazzling musical show takes guests on a cool journey through a misty rain forest, refreshing Hawaiian surf, under the sea, and back to the top of the waves as music, dancing and water fill the stage and the audience!

       同時,上海迪士尼度假區 還將推出一系列今夏專屬的全新娛樂體驗。備受喜愛的 達菲雪莉玫 將會領航「米奇童話專列」,與其他手持噴水器的「迪士尼朋友」為賓客帶來全新清爽的「達菲繽紛夏日巡遊」,為賓客驅走暑意。此外,各個主題園區的熱門娛樂演出也將重新改版,融入水元素,營造清涼氣息。例如在「夢幻世界」的「百靈故事會 —— 小美人魚」、在「寶藏灣」的「『水』手打鬥」以及「夏日海盜人生」

As part of the seasonal celebration, Shanghai Disney Resort has also announced a series of additional new entertainment experiences that will be presented to resort guests for a limited time this summer. Traveling in front of Mickey’s Storybook Express, the new Duffy’s Splashing Pre-Parade is sure to keep Guests refreshed. Duffy and ShellieMay lead the procession as they celebrate the cool side of summer with a troupe of dancers who refresh parade viewers with hand-held water wands as they dance down the route! Plus, hit shows throughout the theme park have been redesigned with a few fun water features to help guests cool off as the weather heats up, including the all new Bai Ling Story Time – Little Mermaid, and in Treasure Cove, guests can find The Swabbies Cool-Off and A Pirate’s Life in Summer.

       樂園內增設的「酷爽地帶」則將成為今夏遊園的秘密基地,清爽的水霧幫助賓客避暑降溫,神清氣爽地繼續探索 上海迪士尼樂園 的六大主題園區。

New novel Cool Zones will also energize guests in the hot summer months, immersing them in refreshing, misty areas that offer a perfect respite from the sun as they spend a cool and magical day discovering all of the six themed lands throughout Shanghai Disneyland.

The latest exclusive Disney merchandise is perfect for shading the hot summer sun

        為夏日遊園體驗更添一份酷爽,上海迪士尼度假區 已推出全新「奇妙夏日」系列商品 供賓客選購。超過80種獨家主題商品包含了 夏日特別版「上海迪士尼度假區 夢想護照」、變色T卹、熱帶風主題人字拖、抗UV太陽傘 以及 米奇造型墨鏡 等眾多品類。另外還有裝入多種時髦夏季商品的夏日福袋,僅在今夏限時發售。

Shanghai Disney Resort has also just released an assortment of stylish products, gifts and accessories to help guests stay cool, dry and trendy this summer. More than 80 exclusive, themed items are now on offer at Shanghai Disney Resort. Guests can find novel items like a summer themed limited edition Shanghai Disney Resort Magic Passport, ultraviolet color-changing t-shirts, tropical-themed Disney flip-flops, UV-blocking umbrellas and Mickey Mouse-shaped shades, to name a few. A special summer bag filled with a complete, ready-made set of chic seasonal items inside will also be exclusively available this summer. 

 A summer food and beverage lineup that will delight all taste buds

        上海迪士尼度假區 將推出一系列夏季特色主題餐飲為遊客們延續清涼體驗。即將推出的夏日特飲包括 多莉海底酷飲、史迪奇繽紛果飲、尼克瘋狂果味冰飲、妙趣巧克力蛋糕奶昔 和 唐老鴨城堡雪頂冰飲。清新的果味、豐富的氣泡與美味的冰激凌為賓客擊退炎熱,瞬間酷爽來襲,為樂園之旅帶來更多奇妙。

The seasonal food and beverage menus are another magical experience for guests to enjoy this summer. Shanghai Disney Resort is rolling out refreshing new drinks featuring touches of Disney magic, helping guests cool off between their park adventures. These new signature beverages featuring cool new twists and offerings include Dory’s Deep Blue Sea Cooler, the tropically inspired Stitch’s Aloha Colada, Nick’s Wilde Fruit Cooler, Gusteau’s Chocolate Gateau Milkshake and Donald’s Castle Float.

       賓客還能在園區內隨處可見的小食亭中找到樂園經典美味,如 迪士尼經典的火雞腿、全新的探險島玉米熱狗、迪士尼朋友造型的冰激淋、淋上濃郁冰激淋的現烤華夫、牛肉泡菜捲、米奇椒鹽捲餅、焦糖爆米花、各種精選傳統法國糕點 和 現代中式糕點、吉事果、熱狗 等等,其中有許多已成為賓客心目中的 迪士尼「網紅」美食。

The on-the-go dining choices are equally delicious this summer, with classic Disney turkey legs, new Adventure Isle corndogs, Character-inspired ice cream treats, fluffy ice-cream topped waffles, beef and kimchi wraps, Mickey pretzels, caramel popcorn, traditional French and modern Chinese pastries, churros, hotdogs and more.

酷爽夏日不止在 上海迪士尼樂園
Cool events taking place beyond the park this summer

        作為 上海迪士尼度假區 的一部分,「迪士尼小鎮」也將在這個夏季為賓客帶來酷爽清涼的體驗。從充滿夏日元素的主題拍攝區到「米奇酷爽噴霧拱廊」,處處充滿迪士尼的神奇巧思。賓客還將有機會邂逅「迪士尼朋友」。 

As part of the overall resort experience, Disneytown is another cool place to enjoy the summer months. Guests will find Disney magic at numerous photo locations and misting Mickey arches as they pass beneath. Popular Disney characters may also drop by to greet guests.

       上海迪士尼度假區 還將把這份夏日神奇帶給全國的賓客,在上海北京成都武漢蘇州 及 杭州 的商場內啟動 上海迪士尼度假區 奇妙酷夏線下體驗活動,為全國各地的賓客帶來獨特的視覺盛宴和各種奇妙清涼的互動體驗。

Shanghai Disney Resort is also bringing some cool summer magic to guests throughout China, with mall events being scheduled for Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Suzhou and Hangzhou. During the events, guests will enjoy a visual Disney feast and interactive experiences reflective of the magical offerings available at Shanghai Disneyland.

       這個夏天,全新酷爽的娛樂演出、夏日美食特飲及限時主題商品將把 上海迪士尼度假區 裝點成為夏日沁爽新綠洲。

This summer, Shanghai Disney Resort has designed the coolest new ways for guests to enjoy Disney magic and fully enjoy the warmest months of the year.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)2017年夏日主題活動「奇妙夏日:酷爽來襲」(Summer Thematic)
上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)2017年夏日主題活動「奇妙夏日:酷爽來襲」(Summer Thematic)
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