


上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)奇妙一週年 開園儀式

上海迪士尼度假區 舉辦盛大慶典,與中國遊客共慶一週年
Shanghai Disney Resort Hosts Spectacular One Year Anniversary Celebration
With Guests From Across China

上海迪士尼樂園 非凡第一年:2016年6月開幕以來已接待超過1100萬名遊客
Shanghai Disneyland caps incredible first year,
welcoming over 11 million guests since its historic June 2016 opening

       上海迪士尼度假區 在今天迎來盛大開幕一週年,全天舉辦豐富多彩的週年慶活動,與來自國內外的遊客和度假區演職人員歡聚一堂,共同紀念這個歷史性的時刻。

Shanghai Disney Resort marked its first anniversary today, as guests and Cast from home and abroad gathered together to commemorate this historic moment in the resort with special activities hosted throughout the day.

       華特迪士尼公司 董事長兼首席執行官 羅伯特•艾格(Bob Iger)表示:「今晚,上海迪士尼度假區 與所有幫助實現這一偉大夢想的人們共同慶祝度假區的一週年。我們非常感謝來自中國的遊客、演職人員和所有夥伴,共同使這個獨特的度假目的地取得了巨大的成功。開幕至今,上海迪士尼樂園 已經迎接了超過1100萬名遊客,我們期待在未來歡迎更多遊客的到來。」

“Shanghai Disney Resort’s first anniversary is cause for great celebration for everyone involved in bringing this spectacular dream to life,” said Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company. “We’re grateful to the people of China for making this unique destination a tremendous success - more than 11 million guests have already visited, and we look forward to welcoming many more in the years to come.”

        今早,度假區的主題樂園 —— 上海迪士尼樂園 還舉行了特別的開園儀式,許多在過去一年中到訪樂園並分享美好回憶的遊客受邀參加了開園儀式,與度假區管理層同慶這個特殊時刻。

The resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, opened early this morning for a special opening moment celebrated by the resort’s leadership and invited guests, who have shared their great memories with Shanghai Disneyland in its first year.

        在今天的 上海迪士尼度假區,演職人員們為遊客創造各種迪士尼神奇時刻,以紀念和慶祝度假區的第一個週年日。盛大的週年慶典儀式將於今晚在 上海迪士尼樂園 內的「奇幻童話城堡」前舉行。代表過去、現在和未來的幸運許願燈籠將會在樂園上空冉冉升起。伴隨着歌曲《當你對著星星許願》的中文版,「奇幻童話城堡」的外牆將投射 上海迪士尼度假區 在這一年來值得紀念的時刻,以及來自遊客分享的體驗神奇的視頻和照片。這場蒙太奇效果的視覺盛宴將帶領所有現場來賓和遊客共同回顧這座「原汁原味迪士尼,別具一格中國風」的度假區精彩紛呈、收穫滿滿的第一年。

Disney magical moments are created by Cast Members throughout the resort in commemoration of the resort's first anniversary, leading up to a grand celebration ceremony in the night at Enchanted Storybook Castle in Shanghai Disneyland, where floating lanterns representing good fortune for the past, present and future will hover above the theme park. Guests will be entertained by the Mandarin version of “When You Wish Upon a Star,” as a montage of photos and videos highlighting events of the first year at Shanghai Disney Resort to be projected on the façade of Enchanted Storybook Castle, as well as actual guest videos and images of magical memories from their visits to the authentically Disney, distinctly Chinese destination

        上海迪士尼樂園 在運營第一年接待了超過1100萬名遊客。度假區快速增長的受歡迎程度和極高的遊客滿意度繼續加強了雙方股東對於中國旅遊業整體發展需求增長的信心。

Shanghai Disneyland has proved to be enormously popular with guests from home and abroad, welcoming more than 11 million guests in its first year of operation. The resort’s rapidly growing popularity and extremely high levels of guest satisfaction added to both shareholders’ confidence in the growing demand for the overall development of China’s tourism industry.

        上海迪士尼度假區 自開幕以來,備受國內外遊客的青睞。度假區已經宣佈開幕後的首個擴建項目 —— 一個全新以《玩具總動員》* 故事為主題的園區,併計劃於 2018年開幕。

With its tremendous popularity with guests from across China, the resort has already announced its first post-opening expansion, a new immersive land themed to the Toy Story franchise, set to open in 2018.

        上海迪士尼度假區 的各個創新景點和娛樂演出也得到來自國內外主題樂園行業的廣泛認可,獲得了來自 世界主題娛樂協會(TEA)、國際遊樂園及景點協會(IAAPA)、美國視覺效果協會(VES )、中國遊藝機遊樂園協會(CAAPA)等多家國內外權威主題樂園機構頒發的行業頂尖大獎。

The innovative attractions and entertainment at Shanghai Disneyland have earned top honors from across the theme park industry over the past year, including the Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), Visual Effects Society (VES) and China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA).

        上海迪士尼度假區華特迪士尼公司 有史以來最富雄心的項目之一。一年前的今天,當 上海迪士尼樂園 的大門打開時,迪士尼的神奇與想像力以其全新的方式迎接中國遊客的到來。這座嶄新的迪士尼樂園獨一無二,它擁有世界上最大、最高的迪士尼城堡、首個以加勒比海盜為主題的園區,它以迪士尼最先進的科技,為賓客打造遊玩體驗。

Shanghai Disney Resort was one of the most ambitious projects in the history of The Walt Disney Company. One year ago today, the wonder and imagination of Disney greeted the people of China in magical new ways as the gates opened to Shanghai Disneyland, a theme park like no other with the biggest, tallest castle in any Disney park, the first pirate-themed land and Disney’s most technologically advanced park to date.

       上海迪士尼度假區 呈現了迪士尼的故事講述、驚險刺激的遊樂項目、精彩壯觀的娛樂演出、為中國遊客創造充滿美好回憶的體驗和無與倫比的快樂。這座世界級的度假勝地包括一個由六大主題園區組成的神奇主題樂園、兩座極富想像力的酒店、一個大型購物餐飲娛樂區「迪士尼小鎮」以及「星願公園」等休閒娛樂區域。

Shanghai Disney Resort is filled with immersive Disney storytelling, thrilling attractions, spectacular live entertainment and memory-making experiences designed to inspire and delight Chinese guests. The world-class vacation destination includes a magical theme park with six themed lands, two imaginatively designed hotels, a Disneytown shopping and dining district, and Wishing Star Park recreational area.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)奇妙一週年 開園儀式
上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland)奇妙一週年 開園儀式
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