繼「徽章交換同樂日 2017」後,香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)商品部 透過《徽章交換 2017夏季特刊》(Pin Trading Newswire: 2017 Summer)向各位 徽章迷 公佈有關「2017 徽章交換FUN享晚會」(“Pin Trading Night 2017”)、「Pin Hunting 2017」及「My Dreaming」徽章系列 活動及產品的最新資訊。
《徽章交換 2017夏季特刊》(Pin Trading Newswire: 2017 Summer)
~ 「2017 徽章交換FUN享晚會」(“Pin Trading Night 2017”) ~

香港迪士尼樂園 首屆「徽章交換FUN享晚會」(“Pin Trading Night”)將於2017年8月4日至5日在「彗星餐廳」(Comet Café)內舉行,除了會推出限量版徽章外,園方亦會在活動上發佈最新的資訊 以及 交換冰凍飲品系列 特別版銀色「隱藏米奇」徽章。
時間:下午六時 至 八時
Date: August 4 to 5, 2017
Time: 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Location: Comet Café, Tomorrowland
Activities: New Assortment, Trading Area, Chaser Hidden Mickey Pin for Trading, and Latest Pin Trading Information Update
時間:下午六時 至 八時
活動:全新產品、徽章交換區、交換 特別版「隱藏米奇」徽章 及 最新資訊發佈Date: August 4 to 5, 2017
Time: 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Location: Comet Café, Tomorrowland
Activities: New Assortment, Trading Area, Chaser Hidden Mickey Pin for Trading, and Latest Pin Trading Information Update
米高夜光限量版徽章(限量發行: 400枚*)及「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版徽章(限量發行: 200枚*)
Mike Glow in the Dark Limited Edition Logo Pin (Release size: 400 pcs*) &
Magic Access Member Exclusive Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 200 pcs*)

《怪獸公司》限量版兩件徽章套裝(限量發行: 400枚*)
“Monsters, INC.” Limited Edition 2 Pin Set (Release size: 400 pcs*)

* 每單購物交易最多可購買 五件 同款徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 5 pieces per transaction.
冰凍飲品系列 特別版銀色「隱藏米奇」徽章
Ice Drink Series Special Edition Hidden Mickey Chaser Pin
賓客同時出示 米高夜光限量版徽章 及 《怪獸公司》限量版兩件徽章套裝 之發票,有機會於會場交換 一枚「隱藏米奇」徽章。
Guests may trade for a special edition of Ice Drink pin with the purchase of Mike Glow in the Dark Limited Edition Pin and Monsters, INC. Set of two Limited Edition Pin.
Guests may trade for a special edition of Ice Drink pin with the purchase of Mike Glow in the Dark Limited Edition Pin and Monsters, INC. Set of two Limited Edition Pin.
~ 「Pin Hunting 2017」 ~

日期:2017年7月8日 至 8月6日
Date: July 8 to August 6, 2017
Deluxe 7 Pins Limited Edition Completer Set

大家可於活動期間在樂園不同園區的商店購買上圖7款「Pin Hunting 2017」 特別版徽章,每款限量發行500枚。
Release size: 500 pcs/each*
* 每單購物交易最多可購買 五件 同款徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 5 pieces per transaction.
Release size: 500 pcs/each*
* 每單購物交易最多可購買 五件 同款徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 5 pieces per transaction.
小鎮沖印店 - 灰熊山谷徽章連收藏卡套 (系列編號 1/7)
迷離珍藏店 - 迷離大宅徽章 (系列編號 2/7)
安仔玩具箱 - 安仔玩具箱徽章 (系列編號 3/7)
童話藝坊 - 幻想世界徽章 (系列編號 4/7)
史達科技旗艦店 - 史達科技旗艦店徽章 (系列編號 5/7)
布教授商店 - 探險世界徽章 (系列編號 6/7)
百貨店 - 美國小鎮大街徽章 (系列編號 7/7)
Please visit the shops for the full series of Pin Hunting Limited Edition Pins:
Town Square Photo - Grizzly Gulch Pin with backer card (Series 1 of 7)
The Archive Shop - Mystic Manor Pin (Series 2 of 7)
Andy’s Toy Box - Toy Story Land Pin (Series 3 of 7)
Storybook Shoppe - Fantasyland Pin (Series 4of 7)
Expo Shop - Ironman Experience Pin (Series 5 of 7)
Professor Porter’s Trading Post - Adventureland Pin (Series 6 of 7)
Emporium - Main Street Pin (Series 7 of 7)
「Pin Hunting 2017」特別版換領徽章
“Pin Hunting 2017” Free Redemption Pin

賓客成功購買了 7款「Pin Hunting 2017」 特別版徽章 的賓客可連同有關發票到「小鎮沖印店」(Town Square Photo)換領 1枚「Pin Hunting 2017」特別版換領徽章。 數量有限,換完即止。
Guests may redeem a special pin (Limited Edition of 500 pcs) by presenting the receipt of full series set at Town Square Photo!
Guests may redeem a special pin (Limited Edition of 500 pcs) by presenting the receipt of full series set at Town Square Photo!
「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬「Pin Hunting 2017」限量版特大徽章
Magic Access Exclusive “Pin Hunting 2017” Mega Jumbo Pin

如何購買「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬「Pin Hunting 2017」限量版特大徽章?
由2017年7月8日起 至 7月23日,「奇妙處處通」會員 可親身前往「美國小鎮大街」的「小鎮沖印店」並出示其有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡 以進行掃描登記抽選。每位會員只可登記一次抽選機會。抽選將會以電腦形式進行,結果將於 2017年7月29日 至 8月6日 在「小鎮沖印店」公佈。
當選者須於 2017年7月29日 至 8月6日 親身前往「美國小鎮大街」的「小鎮沖印店」並出示其有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡 以購買限量版特大徽章(每位當選者限購一枚徽章)。如未能在指定時間前來購買,有關資格將被取消。
當選者須於 2017年7月29日 至 8月6日 親身前往「美國小鎮大街」的「小鎮沖印店」並出示其有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡 以購買限量版特大徽章(每位當選者限購一枚徽章)。如未能在指定時間前來購買,有關資格將被取消。
How to purchase the Magic Access Exclusive “Pin Hunting 2017” Mega Jumbo Pin?
From July 8 to 23, 2017, Magic Access Members can present their valid Magic Access Membership Card in person at Town Square Photo on Main Street, U.S.A. for registration to the lucky draw. Each Membership Card number will get one lucky draw chance for purchase of the Limited Edition Mega Jumbo Pin. The lucky draw result will be determined randomly by computer and the results will be announced in Town Square Photo between July 29 and August 6, 2017.
Winners need to present their valid Magic Access Membership Card to purchase the Limited Edition Mega Jumbo Pin (Each winner is limited to purchase ONE pin) in Town Square Photo between July 29 and August 6, 2017. For winners who do not show up and purchase the Limited Edition Mega Jumbo Pin during the designated period, their right of would forfeited automatically.
Winners need to present their valid Magic Access Membership Card to purchase the Limited Edition Mega Jumbo Pin (Each winner is limited to purchase ONE pin) in Town Square Photo between July 29 and August 6, 2017. For winners who do not show up and purchase the Limited Edition Mega Jumbo Pin during the designated period, their right of would forfeited automatically.
售賣地點︰小鎮沖印店 (美國小鎮大街)
Registration period: Between July 8 and July 23, 2017
Release date of pin & result: Between July 29 and August 6, 2017
Release size: 50 pcs*
Sales Location: Town Square Photo (Main Street, U.S.A.)
香港迪士尼樂園「演藝人員」服飾系列 特別版銀色「隱藏米奇」徽章
HKDL Costume Series Special Edition Hidden Mickey Chaser Pin

賓客集齊「Pin Hunting 2017」徽章於「小鎮沖印店」出示所有收據(一套) ,即可交換1枚特別版銀色「隱藏米奇」徽章。數量有限,換完即止。
Guests can trade for a Chaser Hidden Mickey Pin by presenting the receipt of full series set at Town Square Photo!
Guests can trade for a Chaser Hidden Mickey Pin by presenting the receipt of full series set at Town Square Photo!
~「My Dreaming」徽章系列 ~

賓客在每次購買兩枚徽章並憑即日發票乙張,即可以優惠價 港幣 $68(原價 港幣 $160)換購指定「My Dreaming」限量版徽章乙枚,購買四枚徽章即可換購兩枚。如此類推,多買多換。
發售日期:2017年7月22日 (逢星期六推出兩款徽章)
Release date: From July 22, 2017 (New style to be released every Saturday)
Release size: 500 pcs/each*
Redemption conditions: To redeem one “My Dreaming” at HK$68 with any purchase on two pins
* 每單購物交易最多可購買 五件 同款徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 5 pieces per transaction.
Release date: From July 22, 2017 (New style to be released every Saturday)
Release size: 500 pcs/each*
Redemption conditions: To redeem one “My Dreaming” at HK$68 with any purchase on two pins
* 每單購物交易最多可購買 五件 同款徽章
* The purchase quantity is limited to 5 pieces per transaction.
Available at: Emporium, “Main Street Cinema: My Journeys with Duffy”, Town Square Photo, Professor Porter's Trading Post, Storybook Shoppe, Pooh Corner, Merlin's Treasures, Andy's Toy Box, The Archive Shop, Space Traders, Expo Shop, Kingdom Gifts, Celebrity Gifts, & The Trading Post
鋼牙與大鼻 (2017年7月22日發售) 及 妙妙貓與愛麗絲 (2017年7月22日發售)
Chip & Dale (July 22, 2017) AND Cheshire Cat & Alice (July 22, 2017)

瑪麗與柏里歐 (2017年7月29日發售) 及 醫神 (2017年7月29日發售)
Marie & Berlioz (July 29, 2017) AND Baymax (July 29, 2017)

奇妙仙子與小飛俠 (2017年8月5日發售) 及 精靈與阿布 (2017年8月5日發售)
Tinker Bell & Peter Pan (August 5, 2017) AND Genie & Abu (August 5, 2017)

巴斯光年與翠絲 (2017年8月12日發售) 及 朱廸與阿力 (2017年8月12日發售)
Buzz Lightyear & Jessie (August 12, 2017) AND Judy & Nick (August 12, 2017)

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort