


兩間「上海迪士尼度假區商店」(Shanghai Disney Resort Stores)在 虹橋國際機場 正式開業!

上海迪士尼度假區 將神奇延伸至 虹橋國際機場   兩家全新商店在2號航站樓正式開業


Shanghai Disney Resort Brings Magic to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport with 2 new stores in Terminal 2

New Merchandise Shops Give Travelers a Taste of the Resort’s Immersive, Interactive Retail Offerings

       上海迪士尼度假區虹橋國際機場 的兩家全新商店今日正式開幕。這兩家商店呈現的迪士尼獨特氛圍和琳瑯滿目的商品,將度假區原汁原味的購物體驗帶到了虹橋國際機場。無論年齡,每個旅客都能把上海迪士尼度假區的經典商品帶回家,永久珍藏美好記憶。

Shanghai Disney Resort opened two new stores at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport to delight travelers of all ages. The shops are an extension of the resort’s vast retail offerings with authentic Disney ambiance and diverse merchandise that help travelers create tangible memories and find timeless Disney keepsakes.

       為慶祝商店開幕,上海迪士尼度假區虹橋機場 的相關代表出席了於今日舉辦的剪彩儀式。米奇 也驚喜造訪,一同紀念這個重要的時刻。

To celebrate the grand openings, representatives from Shanghai Disney Resort, together with executives from the Hongqiao Airport, conducted an official ribbon cutting ceremony this morning. Mickey Mouse also made a surprise appearance to help commemorate the big moment.

       上海迪士尼度假區 總經理 郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)表示:「在上海迪士尼度假區,購物不僅意味着把富有紀念意義的商品帶回家,也能夠沉醉在迪士尼特有的氛圍中,這是在其他地方所體驗不到的。今天是具有里程碑意義的一天,因為我們把這種獨特的購物體驗帶到了度假區之外,來往上海的旅客可以在這兩家全新商店購買上海迪士尼度假區獨家產品,享受迪士尼與眾不同的娛樂體驗。」

“Shopping at Shanghai Disney Resort includes not only the memorable items guests can bring home with them, but also immersive Disney retail experiences unlike anywhere else in China,” said Philippe Gas, General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. “Today marks a major milestone as we expand those unique offerings outside our resort, with two new stores featuring exclusive Disney Parks merchandise and entertainment for travelers coming to and from the great city of Shanghai.”

       兩家商店分別位於虹橋國際機場2號航站樓國內出發層的47號和55號登機口附近,兩家店均提供包括毛絨玩具、家居用品、服裝、飾品、食品、紀念品在內的400餘種商品。商品主題囊括了眾多廣受歡迎的 迪士尼 和 迪士尼·皮克斯 人物和故事,比如米奇米妮、《賽車總動員》^、《冰雪奇緣》*、漫威、《玩具總動員》**、迪士尼公主 等等,以及以 上海迪士尼度假區 景點如「創·極速光輪」、「加勒比海盜」等為主題的獨家系列商品。

Conveniently located outside of Gates 47 and 55 in the domestic departure Terminal Two of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, both shops provide more than 400 products ranging from toys to home decor, souvenirs, accessories, foods to be gifted, costumes and apparel. The merchandise features a variety of Disney and Disney•Pixar popular characters and stories, including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Cars, Frozen, Marvel, Toy Story, Disney Princess and more, plus exclusive Shanghai Disney Resort attraction-themed collections such as TRON and Pirates of the Caribbean.

        此外,商店還將限時供應 上海迪士尼度假區 的「奇妙一周年慶典」紀念商品。有瞭如此多樣的選擇,旅客可以在登機前將心儀的禮物帶回家。

For a limited time, shoppers will also find special anniversary items on offer in celebration of the resort’s first year of operation in Shanghai. With the diverse merchandise selection, guests can now find the perfect last minute gift before their flight takes off.

       和 上海迪士尼度假區 內的各家商店一樣,這兩家新落成的商店也充滿迪士尼獨有的奇思妙想,為旅客帶去愉快有趣、引人入勝、新奇又充滿互動的購物體驗。獨特的橢圓形店面延續了迪士尼一貫創新且富有創意的設計風格,選用木紋和白色的主色調清新健康又時尚,設計中還巧妙穿插燈籠、雲紋中國元素。主題區域展示著眾多熱門的迪士尼商品,既方便顧客瀏覽商品又充滿樂趣。

Like all merchandise locations at Shanghai Disney Resort, these new stores were carefully designed to be entertaining and engaging, bringing something fresh and interactive for guests in a way that only Disney can. The stores bring to life the same kind of innovation and creativity that visitors see inside Shanghai Disneyland. The unique oval layout features bold Disney designs with Chinese-inspired motifs. The themed areas showcase popular Disney hits and make browsing the displays both fun and convenient for visitors.


Once inside the store, guests are not only attracted by the wide variety of merchandise offerings, but they also become immersed in the animated world of Disney as LED screens play four brand-new Disney animations developed for and shown exclusively at the new shops.


As part of the immersive storytelling, guests can take part in a Disney castle-inspired fireworks game that elevates the shopping experience beyond guests’ imaginations. The castle game is an interactive experience where guests use body motion to trigger fireworks on the screen, lighting up the sky and revealing the castle. Disney music fills the air as the game progresses, and the game becomes more challenging the further the player proceeds, making it a fun activity for shoppers of all ages.

      在新店開幕期間,旅客將能享受一系列的特別禮遇,包括限時以優惠的價格購買米奇米妮毛絨玩具組合,參與互動遊戲並獲得限量貼紙。中國東方航空公司 的乘客和「東方萬里行」會員還可以在兩家商店享受專屬的福利和優惠。

During the opening period, guests can enjoy a host of special offers, including limited-time discounts on Mickey and Minnie Mouse plush toys and free stickers for guests who participate in the interactive games. China Eastern Airline passengers and cardholders can enjoy additional special benefits and discounts at both locations.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort


^ 香港譯名:《反斗車王》
* 香港譯名:《魔雪奇緣》
** 香港譯名:《反斗奇兵》

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 兩間「上海迪士尼度假區商店」(Shanghai Disney Resort Stores)在 虹橋國際機場 正式開業!
兩間「上海迪士尼度假區商店」(Shanghai Disney Resort Stores)在 虹橋國際機場 正式開業!
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