在這個愉快的春日,香港迪士尼樂園 為「奇妙處處通」白金卡及金卡會員 呈獻全新「皇室公主音樂盛演」,在動聽悅耳的歌曲中,一起重溫動人童話故事。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 現誠邀「奇妙處處通」白金卡及金卡會員 出席「奇妙處處通」會員「皇室公主音樂盛演」。
During this lovely springtime, Hong Kong Disneyland presents a brand new show - Royal Princess Music Celebration, a music spectacular featuring Disney Princess stories and their timeless music for Magic Access Platinum and Gold Members. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is now inviting the Platinum and Gold Members to join the Magic Access Member “Royal Princess Music Celebration”.
在耳熟能詳的《A Whole New World》和《Beauty and the Beast》等多首經典迪士尼主題樂章中,美麗動人的迪士尼公主及她們的好朋友,華麗現身,讓你在悠揚歌聲和歡樂表演中重溫感人美好的童話故事。小朋友更可以化身做你喜愛的小公主參與這個皇室盛演及現場一起合唱。
Be enchanted all over again. Classic Disney songs including “A Whole New World” and “Beauty and the Beast” will be performing live as your beloved Disney Princesses and their friends take the stage before your very eyes! You can relive these unforgettable stories. What’s more, your junior princess is welcome to come dressed as her favorite Disney Princess. Take part in this royal celebration and sing along to all the great songs.
~ 活動場次(Event Dates) ~
日期: 2017年5月20日
時間:中午12時正、下午1時15分、下午3時45分、下午5時15分 及 下午6時30分
日期: 2017年5月21日
時間:中午12時正、下午1時15分、下午3時30分、下午5時正 及 下午6時15分
Magic Access Member “Royal Princess Music Celebration”
Venue: Disney's Storybook Theater, Fantasyland
Date: May 20, 2017
Time: 12:00n., 1:15p.m., 3:45p.m., 5:15p.m. & 6:30p.m.
Date: May 21, 2017
Time: 12:00n., 1:15p.m., 3:30p.m., 5:00p.m. & 6:15p.m.
* 須先於會員專頁登記,名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
* Need to register on the Member Site. The seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis and while stock lasts.
** 每一位登記者可為其本人及最多三位 於登記日至活動當日持有有效「奇妙處處通」白金會員卡或金會員卡的參加者 登記 一個 表演場次。每位參加者 不可登記或被登記 多於一個表演場次。參加者亦可只為其個人登記為登記者。
** Each Registrant may register for the Special Show only once, for himself / herself and together with a maximum of three other participants who each hold a valid Magic Access Platinum or Gold Membership Card during the period from (and including) the date of registration to (and including) the day on which the Special Show will be held. Single participant is also eligible for registration as Registrant. Each Member may not register or be registered to more than one Show Session.
*** 活動手帶 ***
*** Event Wristband ***

Please present your valid Magic Access Membership Card and personal identification in person at Ticket Booth 1, which is on the left hand side of the Hong Kong Disneyland Park entrance at the designated time on the selected special show date to redeem the show wristband. All Participants are required to wear the show wristband at all time during the special show.
Show Wristband Redemption Location: Ticket Booth 1, Main Entrance
*** 請即報名(Register Now) ***
* 「奇妙處處通」會員「皇室公主音樂盛演」即將接受會員登記。 請密切留意會員專頁更新。
* Magic Access Member “Royal Princess Music Celebration” will be available for members to register soon, please stay tuned.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort