Overall View
與米妮見面的全新遊樂設施 - 設施外觀
Exterior of the Minnie Mouse's Greeting Facility
(Facility name to be determined)
《美女與野獸》主題園區 村莊外觀
Village in Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name)
《美女與野獸》主題園區 - 主題商店
Shop in Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name)
《美女與野獸》主題園區 村莊外觀 - 貝兒的家
Village in Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name) - Belle's Home
《美女與野獸》主題園區 村莊外觀 - 加斯頓酒吧主題餐廳
Restaurant in Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name)
New popcorn shop in Tomorrowland
東京迪士尼度假區(Tokyo Disney Resort)以及 其營運公司Oriental Land Co., Ltd. 於今天下午正式公佈直至2021年的擴建計劃,當中的焦點項目包括將於2020春季年開幕的《美女與野獸》(“Beauty
and the Beast”)主題園區、將於2020春季年開幕的全新表演劇場、將於2020年春季開幕的《大英雄聯盟》(“Big Hero
6”)遊樂設施、將於2020年春季開幕的 與米妮見面的全新遊樂設施 以及 將於2019年在東京迪士尼海洋開幕的「Soarin’」。
Groundbreaking Ceremony Launches
New Tokyo Disneyland Development
New Tokyo Disneyland Development
Oriental Land Co., Ltd. announced that the groundbreaking ceremony for the large-scale development of Tokyo Disneyland® Park was held on April 5, 2017, officially launching the project.
The groundbreaking ceremony took place at the site proposed for the development and construction was officially launched by the president and COO of Oriental Land Co., Ltd., Kyoichiro Uenishi , accompanied by Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. With the project officially in motion, Oriental Land Co., Ltd. is focused on the completion and opening of the new development in spring 2020 and will continue to pursue new dreams for Tokyo Disney Resort® .
The large-scale development will include a new Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name), a live entertainment theater (name TBA), a new attraction themed to the Disney film Big Hero 6 (name TBA), and a new Minnie Mouse greeting facility (name TBA). Total investment for the development is expected to be about 75 billion yen, the largest investment since the Grand Opening of Tokyo DisneySEA® Park in 2001.
The groundbreaking ceremony took place at the site proposed for the development and construction was officially launched by the president and COO of Oriental Land Co., Ltd., Kyoichiro Uenishi , accompanied by Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. With the project officially in motion, Oriental Land Co., Ltd. is focused on the completion and opening of the new development in spring 2020 and will continue to pursue new dreams for Tokyo Disney Resort® .
The large-scale development will include a new Beauty and the Beast Area (tentative name), a live entertainment theater (name TBA), a new attraction themed to the Disney film Big Hero 6 (name TBA), and a new Minnie Mouse greeting facility (name TBA). Total investment for the development is expected to be about 75 billion yen, the largest investment since the Grand Opening of Tokyo DisneySEA® Park in 2001.
All concept images are subject to change. © Disney
Tokyo Disney Resort