


迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式開幕!


750 間客房的探索異國文化主題酒店

Disney Explorers Lodge
opens at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort with celebration for first official guests from around the region

750-room exotic-themed hotel offers first-of-a-kind Disney experiences for guests

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的第三間酒店 ——「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」於今天開始營運,是全港首間以探索異國文化為主題的酒店,讓賓客投入亞洲非洲南美洲大洋洲獨特的景緻文化和醉人情懷。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort today opened its third hotel, Disney Explorers Lodge, a first-of-its-kind hotel destination in Hong Kong that takes guests on exotic adventures as they explore four themed areas based on Asia, Africa, South America and Oceania.

       酒店樓高七層,共有750 間客房,展示過千件由世界各地搜羅到的工藝品及珍藏,加上四個主題庭園,讓香港迪士尼成為本港居民理想的「宅度假」目的地,亦為到訪香港的各地賓客提供一個獨有的休閒度假之選。

The even-story, 750-room hotel features more than a thousand pieces of global art and artifacts on display and four themed gardens, making it an ideal“staycation” spot for local guests and the perfect getaway destination for those from out of town.

       來自「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」不同崗位的「演藝人員」,今天在酒店熱烈歡迎第一批入住的賓客,為他們送上特別證書,感謝他們的支持。穿着全新探索主題服飾的米奇老鼠米妮老鼠更與賓客合照留念。首批賓客包括來自香港的一眾迪士尼粉絲 以及 從內地、日本台灣等區内不同地方遠道而來,率先體驗這家全新世界級迪士尼酒店的旅客。

As the hotel opened its doors, the first hotel guests received a warm welcome from the hotel Cast Members and were honored with special certificates and a photo moment with Mickey and Minnie Mouse in their brand -new explorer outfits. The first guests included super fans from Hong Kong as well as those traveling from mainland China, Japan, Taiwan and other places specifically for the hotel’s opening. Many other fans were also on hand to be among the first to enjoy this new world-class Disney hotel.

       第一批來自香港日本台灣及內地的賓客 與 米奇老鼠米妮老鼠香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使 符國安、酒店「演藝人員」及 多位香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政管理團隊的代表一同慶祝,包括銷售及酒店營運副總裁 王萬民、營運副總裁 Scot Reynolds、公共事務副總裁 蔡少綿 及 酒店營運總監 何慧思

The first guests at Disney Explorers Lodge from Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and mainland China all celebrate together with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, HKDL Ambassador Sammy Phu, hotel Cast Members, and HKDL executives Terruce Wang, vice president, sales & hotel operations; Scot Reynolds, vice president, operations; Linda Choy, vice president, public affairs; and Cecilia Ho, director, hotel operations.

      香港迪士尼樂園度假區銷售及酒店營運副總裁 王萬民 表示:「『迪士尼探索家度假酒店』別具特色,充滿探索異國主題及故事情景,讓賓客投入全港獨有及全新的迪士尼探索旅程。配合香港迪士尼樂園的精彩遊樂設施及娛樂項目,讓整個香港迪士尼樂園度假區成為充滿驚喜的一站式休閒度假目的地。」

“With its exotic theme and immersive storytelling, Disney Explorers Lodge is an experience unlike any other in Hong Kong. And now, all-new Disney adventures are underway at this incredible new hotel,” said Terruce Wang, vice president of sales and hotel operations.“Together with the mazing attractions and entertainment in the theme park, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is a comprehensive destination for fun-filled adventures.”

       王萬民 續稱:「我們急不及待歡迎各位探險家,親身感受這趟香港前所未有的旅程,在酒店及四個主題庭園自由探索;在泳池悠閒享受;在三間全新餐廳包括雲龍軒芊彩餐廳星航圖咖啡廳展開味覺探索之旅,並在叢林商店選購獨家主題商品。」

“We can’t wait to welcome explorers on this first -of-a-kind Disney experience,” Wang continued, “so they can discover the amazing hotel grounds,  four gardens and an outdoor swimming pool, continue their adventures at the three brand-new restaurants: Dragon Wind, World of Color Restaurant, Chart Room Cafe, and finally take home exclusive merchandise from The Trading Post.”

       各位探索家可挑選各自喜歡的優惠及度假套票,即時展開不一樣的優悠旅程。除了前往度假區外,亦可瀏覽網站 預訂迪士尼探索家度假酒店房間。

Special offers and vacation packages for Disney Explorers Lodge are now available for explorers looking for this complete exotic getaway. Bookings can be made by visiting the resort or simply going online to

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式開幕!
迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式開幕!
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