「『迪士尼瑰麗下午茶』 ― 由 PANDORA 呈獻」 X 《美女與野獸》
“Disney Royal Afternoon Tea ― Presented by PANDORA” X “Beauty and the Beast”

繼於上年推出的「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」(“Disney's Charming Afternoon Tea”)後,位於 香港迪士尼樂園酒店(Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel)內的「華特餐廳」(Walt's Cafe)將於2017年3月16日起 至 5月28日期間 的 下午3:30 至 下午5:30 推出全新以《美女與野獸》的故事作為主題的「『迪士尼瑰麗下午茶』 ― 由 PANDORA 呈獻」(“Disney Royal Afternoon Tea ― Presented by PANDORA”) 主題下午茶,下午茶可供2人享用,當中更包括 PANDORA 貝兒玫瑰串飾造型「士多啤梨慕絲」(Rose-shaped Strawberry Mousse inspired by PANDORA Belle's Rose charm)。
After launched the “Disney's Charming Afternoon Tea”, Walt's Cafe sincerely invites you to taste the brand new thematic afternoon tea and get indulged in the romance and sweetness of fairy tales. “Beauty and the Beast” themed “Disney Royal Afternoon Tea ― Presented by PANDORA” has all the delicious, adorable nibbles and light savouries, featuring the romantique Rose-shaped Strawberry Mousse inspired by PANDORA Belle's Rose charm. Walt's Cafe Disney Royal Afternoon Tea is available from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM on a daily basis between March 16 and May 28, 2017.
供應日期:2017年3月16日 至 5月28日
供應時間:下午3:30 至 下午5:30
原價:港幣 $558 /2位
「奇妙處處通」會員 尊享優惠價:港幣 $488 /2位
* 另加一服務費
Venue: Walt's Cafe, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
Date: March 16 and May 28, 2017
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Original Price: HK $558 for 2 persons
Special Rate for Magic Access members: HK$488 for 2 persons
* Subject to 10% service charge
訂座(Reservation):+852 3510-6000
* 價目均為港幣及另加一服務費。
** 下午茶供應時間為星期一至日下午3:30至5:30,並需於48小時前預訂。
*** 不適用於「奇妙處處通」會員折扣優惠及會員尊享生日優惠。
* Prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to 10% service charge.
** Afternoon Tea available from Monday to Sunday 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM and order 48hours in advance is required.
「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」活動簡介(About the “Disney Friends Springtime Carnival”):http://bit.ly/2mM0Hkz
「奇妙處處通」會員 投選最喜愛的「迪士尼朋友」 (Vote for your favorite Disney friends - Exclusive for Magic Access Members):bit.ly/2mi4CSJ
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort