Introducing StellaLou, A Disney Friend of Duffy!

東京迪士尼度假區(Tokyo Disney Resort)於今天正式公佈「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 的最新好朋友 —— 勇於追夢的 StellaLou!StellaLou 的主題商品及餐飲將於2017年3月30日起在 東京迪士尼海洋(Tokyo DisneySEA)正式發售,而 StellaLou更會由2017年4月4日起於「StellaLou’s Greeting Drive」出巡表演上與大家見面,相關的主題裝飾及園內拍照景點亦會同步登場!
有關 StellaLou(About StellaLou):

「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 於某一天來到「美國海濱」(American Waterfront),他在海濱看到一位名為 StellaLou 的兔女孩在「S.S.哥倫比亞號」(S.S. Columbia)郵輪前練習舞蹈。當 StellaLou 不小心絆倒時,Duffy 十分關心她的安全。StellaLou 告訴 Duffy,她的夢想是成為一名舞蹈家。 Duffy 認為這只是一個夢,StellaLou 解釋,一個夢想也是代表着你在長大後想成為怎樣的人。看到 StellaLou 不斷努力練習,Duffy 深信她的夢想會成真。
One day, Duffy came to American Waterfront and saw a little girl bunny named StellaLou who was practicing a dance in front of the S.S. Columbia. When she stumbled, Duffy called out to her in concern. StellaLou told Duffy that she dreamed of becoming a dancer. Duffy thought that a dream was just something you had when sleeping, but StellaLou explained that a dream is also seeing what you want to be when you grow up. StellaLou was practicing so hard, Duffy was sure her dream would come true.
Duffy’s New Friend to Debut
at Tokyo DisneySEA Park on March 30

Tokyo Disney Resort® announced that a new character named StellaLou will debut at Tokyo DisneySEA® Park as a new friend of Duffy. This little lavender-colored girl bunny with cute ears and starry eyes dreams of dancing on the Broadway stage. From her Duffy learns the importance of pursuing a dream and he gives her encouragement. Merchandise and food items related to StellaLou will go on sale from March 30, 2017, while an entertainment program featuring the little bunny will premiere on April 4.
The entertainment program, titled “StellaLou’s Greeting Drive,” will feature StellaLou riding on a Big City Vehicle to greet Guests in American Waterfront. Guests can also enjoy the banners, posters and other decorations with images of StellaLou set up in the area, as well as a photo spot where they can take pictures of their StellaLou plush toy.
StellaLou Merchandise and Food

Going on sale from March 30 will be three types of StellaLou merchandise, including plush toys, while 13 other types of merchandise, including pouches, will go on sale from April 10 at McDuck’s Department Store at Tokyo DisneySEA Park.
Special dishes will also be available in the Park from March 30. At New York Deli, Guests will find a special sandwich set with chicken and avocado-shrimp salad on lavender-colored bread with a fresh flower adding a cute accent. At Cape Cod Cook-Off, Guests can enjoy a special hamburger set inspired by New York. Both sets come with a souvenir lunch case. Also available will be a strawberry mousse with a blue sauce inspired by the tutu that StellaLou wears and topped with a StellaLou chocolate medallion. The strawberry mousse comes with a souvenir cup.
Greeting Program “StellaLou’s Greeting Drive” (April 4 to August 31, 2017)
StellaLou will be joined by Mickey Mouse and Duffy on a specially decorated Big City Vehicle to greet Guests in American Waterfront.
Venue: New York area of American Waterfront
Performances: 1-3 Daily
Duration: About 15 minutes
Venue: New York area of American Waterfront
Performances: 1-3 Daily
Duration: About 15 minutes
Photo Spot and Decorations

From April 4, a photo spot where Guests can place their StellaLou plush toy and take a picture with the S.S. Columbia in the background will be set up near the Hudson River Bridge in American Waterfront. Guests will find banners, posters and other decorations featuring StellaLou along Water Street that runs between McDuck’s Department Store and Steamboat Mickey’s.
What are your dreams?

Tokyo Disney Resort