“Disney Friends Springtime Carnival” @ Hong Kong Disneyland:
Vote for your favorite Disney friends (Exclusive for Magic Access Members)
今年的「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」將有多位「迪士尼朋友」現身!香港迪士尼樂園度假區 誠邀各位「奇妙處處通」會員最喜愛的「迪士尼朋友」組合,得票最多的一對將會於2017年5月現身樂園,與賓客見面,感謝你對他們的支持!
There will be many Disney friends meeting guests in the “Disney Friends Springtime Carnival” this year! Magic Access Members are invited to vote for their favorite pair of Disney friends and the pair with most
votes will receive a chance to visit Hong Kong Disneyland in May, 2017
to show their appreciation to your support!
* 候選組合 Candidates *
1. 《風中奇緣》的超級死黨 寶嘉康蒂 與 浣熊米糕
2. 《扮嘢小魔星》的OHANA 妮露 與 史迪仔
3. 《玩轉腦朋友》的最佳拍檔 阿樂 與 阿愁
4. 《花木蘭》的真摯同伴 花木蘭 與 木須
1. Pocahontas and her bestie Meek from Pocahontas
2. OHANA Lilo and Stitch from Lilo & Stitch
3. Joy and Sadness from Inside Out
4. Mulan and Mushu from Mulan
Voting ends on March 17, 2017, support you favorite pair of Disney friends now to have an opportunity meeting them in person!
*** 請即投票(Vote Now) ***
「奇妙處處通」會員專頁(Magic Access Member Site):https://www.hkdl.hk/MA/
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort