


香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」(Disney Friends Springtime Carnival)活動簡介


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort celebrates vibrant new season with Disney Friends Springtime Carnival
Fun-filled and immersive character encounters await guests throughout the resort

       香港迪士尼樂園 今年將以迪士尼明星為主題,舉辦大型的春日慶祝活動 -「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」,超過100位迪士尼朋友將以不同形式和姿態登場,與賓客盡情歡慶春日!由2017年3月16日至5月28日期間,樂園除了佈滿繽紛的花藝及迪士尼朋友主題佈置外,一眾迪士尼朋友更會換上春日服裝,帶領賓客投入一連串的春日活動。

Hong Kong Disneyland is launching its largest-ever character-centric springtime celebration, featuring over 100 characters in various forms of appearance at the Disney Friends Springtime Carnival! From March 16 to May 28, 2017, beloved Disney Friends will put on their latest costumes and lead the high-spirited springtime celebration against a backdrop of brilliant park décor and spectacular floral displays.

All new Springtime Processional celebrates colorful new season

       米奇老鼠米妮老鼠唐老鴨高飛、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 及 ShellieMay 等一眾迪士尼明星穿起春日新裝,與超過30位迪士尼明星及超過60位充滿活力的舞蹈家於「迪士尼明星嘉年華列車」與賓客見面,一同為今個春日注入新色彩。

Over 30 Disney Friends garbed in spring colors, including Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Duffy and ShellieMay, will be joined by over 60 dancers in the high-energy and fun-filled Disney Friends Springtime Processional.

        樂園更特別推出「迪士尼明星 : 本月之星」,當月的迪士尼明星更會現身與賓客會面拍照。

The park will also present Disney Friends of the Month, during which many Disney characters will make their debut in the park.


Fantasy Gardens will also have a makeover and become the Disney Friends Springtime Garden, featuring Winnie the Pooh, Bambi and other Disney Friends in all of the garden’s whimsical corners.


Likewise, more than 80 character-themed eggs featuring many new faces can be discovered in the park, bringing even more springtime surprises to guests.

A season full of dazzling F&B and merchandise

       為配合即將上映的《美女與野獸》電影,一系列《美女與野獸》主題體驗將會乘勢登場,貝兒公主和「野獸」兩位迪士尼巨星會與賓客近距離會面;除了多款玩具及擺設,更有全新設計的公主系列服飾,讓小賓客化身閃亮耀目的貝兒公主。PANDORA 亦獨家呈獻全新《美女與野獸》串飾系列,讓賓客在春日嘉年華上享盡時尚購物體驗!

To mark the arrival of the eagerly anticipated live-action “Beauty and the Beast” movie, a host of themed activities will be introduced during the spring. Little princesses can put on the newly designed Belle princess dresses and meet both Belle and the Beast in the park, while a new collection of themed merchandise will also be available. The new PANDORA “Beauty and the Beast” collection will surely be must-haves for guests this season.

       隨着多位迪士尼明星登場,樂園及兩間主題酒店為賓客呈獻55款迪士尼朋友主題美食,包括:美國小鎮大街「大街餐廳由Coca-Cola®呈獻」的「Duffy & Friends春日下午茶」及市集餅店的各款春日小食,為賓客塑造一個完美的迪士尼春日體驗!迪士尼好萊塢酒店亦推出全新「米奇廚師親親星期天」自助晚餐連杯子蛋糕親子DIY,每逢星期日晚,享用「米奇廚師餐廳」自助晚餐的小賓客,都可與父母免費參與體驗,製作充滿春日氣息的杯子蛋糕,盡情投入開心親子時刻。

From the Duffy & Friends Springtime Afternoon Tea in Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola® to the sweet treats at Market House Bakery, an enticing feast of 55 seasonal sweet and savory delicacies and beverages inspired by Disney characters will be served in the park and resort hotels. Meanwhile, Disney’s Hollywood Hotel will be hosting an all-new “Chef Mickey Family Sunday” Dinner Buffet and Cupcake Activity, where young guests and their families can enjoy a Sunday dinner buffet and take part in a fun cupcake decorating activity at Chef Mickey.


In addition, parks stores will be filled with a dazzling range of seasonal mementoes, with 130 all-new items for guests to pick up. Hotel rooms can even be themed with Springtime Egg-stravaganza decorations to celebrate the splendor of spring.

「米奇廚師親親星期天」自助晚餐 連 杯子蛋糕親子DIY
“Chef Mickey Family Sunday” Dinner Buffet and Cupcake Activity

       香港迪士尼樂園 全新「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」將為賓客帶來歡樂繽紛的春日!今個三月起至五月,迪士尼好萊塢酒店 推出全新「米奇廚師親親星期天」自助晚餐連杯子蛋糕親子DIY!每逢星期日晚,享用「米奇廚師餐廳」自助晚餐的小賓客,都可與父母免費參與體驗,齊齊發揮創意,製作充滿春日氣息的杯子蛋糕,盡情投入開心親子時刻!米奇廚師更會隨時現身,與賓客見面送上驚喜!

The all-new Disney Friends Springtime Carnival will bring a spring to guests’ steps this March when they visit Hong Kong Disneyland! Throughout the entire spring period, from March to May, Disney’s Hollywood Hotel will be hosting an all-new “Chef Mickey Family Sunday” Dinner Buffet and Cupcake Activity, where young guests and their families can enjoy a Sunday dinner buffet at Chef Mickey and take part in a fun cupcake decorating activity! It is the perfect chance for parent-child bonding and also lets young guests showcase their creativity. Make sure to also keep an eye out for Chef Mickey, who will be greeting guests during dinner.

       由即日起,賓客致電 香港迪士尼樂園電話服務中心熱綫 3510-5000 預訂指定日子的「米奇廚師餐廳」自助晚餐,即可與同行的3至11歲小童免費參與體驗,在享用自助晚餐期間,參與一節杯子蛋糕裝飾活動,攜手製作杯子蛋糕。每組(一位成人及一位小童)賓客於活動完成後將獲贈精緻杯子蛋糕兩個。

Guests who book a Sunday dinner buffet at Chef Mickey on designated dates through the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Service Center hotline at 3510-5000 will be able to take part in the activity for free. During the dinner buffet, children aged 3 to 11 and their parents can take part in the cupcake decorating activity, where each group (comprising one adult and one child) will be able to make two delicious cupcakes!


To mark the arrival of the eagerly anticipated live-action “Beauty and the Beast” movie, the cupcake activity will have a Belle and the Beast theme in March and early April. This will be followed by Duffy and ShellieMay theme—popular with children and adults alike—until the end of May. There are a total of 11 dates available from March 19 to May 28, with six sessions a day. Each session can accommodate 12 adults and 12 children.

3月 19及26日

時間: 下午6時 至下午9時40分(每20分鐘一節,每日六節)

地點: 迪士尼好萊塢酒店「米奇廚師餐廳」

- 於「米奇廚師餐廳」享用自助晚餐的3至11歲小賓客
- 每位小賓客須由一位18歲或以上成年賓客陪同


- 《美女與野獸》的貝兒和野獸 (3月 19日至4月2日)
- 迪士尼小熊Duffy與ShellieMay(4月 9日至5月28日)


參加方法:賓客可致電電話服務中心熱綫3510-5000 預訂或查詢。

「米奇廚師餐廳」 自助晚餐
時段: 下午5時30分 至 下午10時(由入座起計兩小時)
價目: 成人 港幣$498 /位 ;小童 港幣$338 /位
* 需另收10%服務費

Dates (11 dates):
March 19, 26
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28

Time: 6 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. (20 minutes per session, six sessions a day)

Venue: Chef Mickey, Disney’s Hollywood Hotel

Target guests:
- Guests aged 3 to 11 during the buffet dinner at Chef Mickey
- Each young guest must be accompanied by an adult guest aged 18 or above

Activity details: Eligible guests will be invited to join one complimentary Cupcake Activity session during the buffet. Each group (comprising one adult and one child) will make two cupcakes.

Cupcake theme:
- Belle and the Beast from “Beauty and the Beast” (March 19 to April 2)
- Duffy and ShellieMay (April 9 to May 28)

Participant number: A maximum of 12 adults and 12 children in each session (Places are limited, and offered on a first-come-first-served basis)

Enrolment: Call the service hotline at 3510-5000 for reservations or inquiries.

Chef Mickey Dinner Buffet hours:
Session: 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. (two hours per seating)
Prices: HK$498 /adult and HK$338 /child
*10% service charge applies

Magic Access Member “Bring a Friend” Offer


From now to July 14, 2017, Magic Access Members can bring a friend to join in the “Disney Friends Springtime Carnival” for a special admission price of HK$389 per guest (a saving of HK$200) with the Magic Access Member “Bring a Friend” Offer.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」(Disney Friends Springtime Carnival)活動簡介
香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」(Disney Friends Springtime Carnival)活動簡介
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