


迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式進入營運籌備階段

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 邁進又一新里程

迪士尼探索家度假酒店 正式進入營運籌備階段

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Crosses a Major Milestone this Week as Cast Begin Preparing for the First Guests at Disney Explorers Lodge

This newest expansion follows the successful launch of Iron Man Experience, now the most popular attraction at Hong Kong Disneyland

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 很高興宣佈,樂園即將於4月30日為賓客呈獻的又一新猷 ── 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 項目,正式邁進籌備的重要新里程。樂園營運團隊將於本週進駐 迪士尼探索家度假酒店,為迎接全新主題酒店的首批賓客,啓動密鑼緊鼓的準備工作。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) crosses an important milestone this week as Cast Members will move into Disney Explorers Lodge to prepare for its opening on April 30.


Cast Members will start training at the resort hotel and chefs will be on site at the three restaurants to begin testing the preparation of their signature dishes in new kitchens.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁劉永基表示:「迪士尼探索家度假酒店 即將開幕,香港迪士尼團隊對此感到興奮,並熱切期待迎接第一批賓客入住這家屬於香港、充滿異國主題色彩的度假新酒店,為賓客帶來嶄新及與別不同的住宿新體驗。」

“We couldn’t be more excited about the opening of Disney Explorers Lodge and can’t wait to welcome our first official guests as we showcase a resort hotel unlike anything else in Hong Kong,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice-president and managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

       劉永基 又指出:「隨着營運團隊進駐全新 迪士尼探索家度假酒店,標誌着整個項目將按照開支預算內如期完成,再次秉承香港迪士尼一貫按時和按預算完成各主要工程新項目的優良紀錄。這個新酒店項目自2015年1月動工以來,項目工程團隊於短短兩年多內,透過不斷努力和有效管理,得以令工程順利完成。香港迪士尼香港及區內的旅遊業前境具信心,我們亦會繼續源源不絶推出新遊樂體驗,吸引更多賓客到訪香港及度假區。正如早前新登場,全球迪士尼樂園首個 漫威 主題遊樂設施『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻』,備受海內外的賓客喜愛。」

“With our handover to operations, Disney Explorers Lodge will open on time and on budget. This project continues our good track record in delivering major offerings within the timeframe and budget planned. The project team has executed and managed a robust program to see to the completion of works in the short time since groundbreaking in January 2015. It has also demonstrated our optimism about the future of tourism in the region and commitment to giving guests new reasons to visit Hong Kong, like the recent opening of the extremely popular Iron Man Experience, which has exceeded every one of our expectations.”

       「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」剛於1 月成功推出,香港迪士尼的賓客調查顯示,「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」已躍登 香港迪士尼樂園 最受歡迎遊樂體驗設施的第一位;亦 是到目前為止本地、中國內地及國際賓 客到訪香港迪士尼的首要原因,直接帶動香港旅遊業。迪士尼探索家度假酒店 將緊隨其後快將開幕。

The upcoming grand opening of Disney Explorers Lodge follows the highly successful launch of Iron Man Experience in January. HKDL is pleased to report that according to HKDL guest research, Iron Man Experience is now the most popular attraction at Hong Kong Disneyland and the number one reason local, mainland Chinese and international guests chose to visit Hong Kong Disneyland Resort so far this year, delivering a tremendous benefit to the entire Hong Kong region.

Gearing up for the grand opening

       新酒店750 間的客房中,大部份已經移交營運團隊為開幕作出準備。新酒店擁有四個不同主題的庭園設計,每個庭園都會有各自的翼樓及主題客房,面向南美洲大洋洲亞洲非洲四個不同特色園林景緻。賓客很快便可以置身其中,投入各獨具特色的探索體驗。

As of this week, more than half of the 750-room hotel have been fully outfitted and handed over to the HKDL Hotel Operations team. This includes rooms in all four distinctly-themed areas — each comprising an outdoor garden and entire hotel wing. Very soon, guests will be able to explore these adventurous settings based on South America, Oceania, Asia and Africa.

       迪士尼探索家度假酒店 將會讓賓客體驗到香港與別不同的住宿體驗。在客房內,充滿異國文化色彩的主題設計和擺設,揉合賓客摯愛的迪士尼元素,兩者融為一體,延續賓客的探索之旅。

The adventure continues inside the hotel rooms themselves, the theming of which features exotic cultural elements and beloved Disney elements combined. Disney Explores Lodge provides hotel stays like no other in Hong Kong!

        在 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 品嚐美食亦是另一場味覺探索之旅。餐飲部團隊同樣於本週起,於新酒店的三間特色主題餐廳實地進行運作測試,準備為賓客提供不一樣迪士尼特色美食。賓客將可於酒店內的雲龍軒中菜廳、匯聚國際美食的芊彩餐廳,以及悠閒寫意的星航圖咖啡廳,品嚐不同的美食佳餚。

Test-runs have also begun this week for the hotel’s F&B operations, ensuring all three new restaurants are ready to provide the Disney difference in dining on day one. Meals at Disney Explorers Lodge are sure to be as epic as exploring the hotel grounds. Guests can choose signature Chinese delights at Dragon Wind, international cuisine at the World of Color Restaurant or laid-back dining at Chart Room Cafe.


Disney is synonymous with unparalleled guest service and courtesy, and Cast Members at HKDL take particular pride in welcoming guests from all around the world with a warm smile and helping hand. As of this week, newly hired hotel Cast Members have begun their on-the-job training.

Explore and dream at HKDL

       迪士尼探索家度假酒店 的設計箴言是拉丁文的「ad explorare et somniare」,整個計概念目的是要啓發賓客勇於探索,開創夢想。新酒店以探險黃金時期為主題,為賓客呈獻一個充滿異國風情的度假體驗。酒店內展示了由世界各地搜羅到的工藝品和珍藏,而酒店大堂、客房、餐廳、以至整家酒店的內外設計均滿載探索家風格。

At Disney Explorers Lodge, guests are inspired to explore and dream as they are immersed in the adventures of intrepid explorers, with the motto “ad explorare et somniare” (to explore and dream). The hotel celebrates the golden age of exploration, transporting guests to some of the most exotic corners of the world. The lodge displays artifacts and memorabilia — collected by the explorers over a lifetime of travel — in the hotel’s lobby, guest rooms, dining venues and outdoor themed gardens.

       新酒店共提供 750 間客房。開幕後,度假區的酒店房間數目將增至 1,750間,連同樂園源源不絶的娛樂節目,香港迪士尼將為賓客呈獻一個更豐富、更全面、遠離煩囂的住宿及遊樂體驗。

With the addition of this new 750-room hotel, HKDL now has a grand total of 1,750 hotel rooms. The new hotel and all the amazing entertainment in the park make Hong Kong Disneyland Resort an even more enriched and complete getaway destination in the region.


Online reservations are now available, with special offers for guests and Magic Access Members and excellent accommodation options for MICE guests.

       預訂迪士尼探索家度假酒店及有關新酒店的詳情, 或 致電 (852) 1-830-830

For more information about Disney Explorers Lodge, or to make a booking, please visit or call (852) 1-830-830.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式進入營運籌備階段
迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式進入營運籌備階段
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