


香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙處處通」會員 2017年「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」獨家禮品

Exclusive Gifts for the Magic Access' “Magic Milestone” Reward Program (2017)
@ Hong Kong Disneyland

香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)於2017年1月1日起 正式推出 全新「奇妙處處通」會員(Magic Access Members)迎新活動 ——「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」(“Magic Milestone” Reward Program),凡於2017年1月1日起,所有 續會 或 新購買「奇妙處處通」的會員均符合資格,獲邀請自動參與「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」。會員只需參考會員卡上的有效日期,把該日期之前12個月訂為你的獎賞行時段,並於期內分別完成兩個入園目標次數要求,即可獲得此計劃的 獨家徽章 及 獎牌 一個。

Magic Access is introducing the brand new welcome program, “Magic Milestone” Reward Program, to all renewed and newly-joined members!  Starting from January 1, 2017, all renewing and new Magic Access members are eligible and automatically registered to the Reward Program.  All you have to do is refer to the membership expiry date printed on your membership card, treat the 12 months before the expiry date as your Milestone Period, achieve the two milestones visit criteria, and you will be entitled to a program exclusive pin and medal.

** 此計劃的有效期直至園方另行通知。
** The program is valid until further notice.

~ 禮品 1(Milestone Gift 1) ~
迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃 獨家徽章
“Magic Milestone” Reward Program Exclusive Pin


1st milestone: Accumulate 3 valid Park visits within the first 3 months of Milestone Period to get the program exclusive pin.

Official Price
Not For Sale
獨家徽章Exclusive Pin
徽章背部(Pin Back):
Disney Pin Trading Official Logo 2017
Magic Access Official Logo
Magic Access Exclusive 
Hong Kong Disneyland Official  Logo

~ 禮品 2(Milestone Gift 2) ~
迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃 獨家獎牌
“Magic Milestone” Reward Program Exclusive Medal


2nd milestone: Accumulate 10 valid Park visits within the Milestone Period to get the program exclusive medal.

*** 有關「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」(官方 問與答)***
*** About the “Magic Milestone” Reward Program (Official Q&A) ***

Q1. 什麼會員可以參與這個計劃?
A1. 只要是於2017年1月1日起新加入成為會員或續會,任何年齡或會籍級別的會員都可以參與此計劃。

Q2. 參加迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃需要登記嗎?
A2. 不需要。只要於2017年1月1日起新加入成為會員或續會,該會員的合資格入園次數將會自動計算入計劃內。

Q3. 如何計算合資格入園次數?我於同一天以會員卡入園兩次,這兩次紀錄是否都會計算入計劃內?
A3. 會員須以合資格「奇妙處處通」會員卡由正門入口進入樂園,該紀錄才會計算在計劃內。使用同一張「奇妙處處通」會員卡於同日多次進入樂園,只視作一次合資格入園記錄。

Q4. 我的「奇妙處處通」的到期日是2018年1月8日,如我於12月續會,入園的次數會怎樣計算?
A4. 如你提早續會,你現行「獎賞行時段」的開始和結束日期及累積的合資格入園次數並不會因此而改變或重設。你現行的「獎賞行時段」仍會是2017年1月8日至2018年1月8日。你續會後的「獎賞行時段」將會是2018年1月8日至2019年1月8日。合資格入園次數將會按該入園日子計算入相應的獎賞行時段。

Q5. 我可否一次領取兩個入園目標次數的禮品?
A5. 可以,你可於現行的「獎賞行時段」內親身到「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」出示會員卡換領。

Q6. 我沒有達到第一個入園目標次數,假如我之後累積了10次合資格入園,我是否仍然可以獲得第二個入園目標次數的禮品?
A6. 可以。

Q7. 「獎賞行時段」首3個月3次的第一個入園目標次數 會否計算入 迪士尼「獎賞行」的第二個入園目標次數內?

A7. 會。所有於「獎賞行時段」內的合資格入園記錄均會計算在第二個入園目標次數。如你於「獎賞行時段」首3個月已有3次合資格入園,你只需要有另外7次合資格入園便可達到第二個入園目標次數的要求。

Q8. 如果我沒有在「獎賞行時段」內領取禮品,可否將之前的合資格入園次數帶至下一個「獎賞行時段」?或者轉到其他會員的迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃?
A8. 合資格入園次數不可以帶至其他「獎賞行時段」或轉至其他迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃。

Q9. 我未有於「奇妙處處通」到期前領取禮品。我於續會後幾個月是否可以領取未換領的禮品?
A9. 不可以,所有禮品均須於每個相關的「獎賞行時段」內領取。

Q10. 如果是「奇妙處處通」禮券,迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃的開始日期是怎樣計算?
A10. 「獎賞行時段」是以「奇妙處處通」禮券換領為個人「奇妙處處通」會員卡當日起計算,至會員卡上印有的有效期結束。

Q1. Who is eligible to the program?
A1. Members at all ages and tiers who join or renew on or after January 1, 2017 are eligible to the program.

Q2. Do I need to register to the "Magic Milestone" Reward Program?
A2. No. For members who join or renew on or after January 1, 2017, their valid Park visits will be automatically counted in the program.

Q3. What is an Eligible Admission? I have entered the Park twice on the same day, are these 2 visits all counted in the Program?

A3. Only Park visits at turnstile with valid Magic Access membership card will be counted in the program. Multiple entries on the same day with same Magic Access membership card would be counted as 1 visit.

Q4. My Magic Access will expire in Jan 8, 2018, if I renew my membership in December, how will the visits be counted?
A4. If you make early renewal, the current Milestone Period will not reset the commencement and end date of the Milestone Period or the number visits accumulated. Your current Milestone Period will remain as Jan 8, 2017 – Jan 8, 2018. Your next Milestone Period will be Jan 8, 2018 – Jan 8, 2019 upon renewal. Eligible admission will be counted in the respective Milestone Period according to the date of visit.

Q5. Can I redeem both milestone gifts at one time?
A5. Yes. You can redeem your eligible gifts at Magic Access Member Service Center in person with your membership card within the current Milestone Period.

Q6. I have not met the 1st Milestone. Can I still be eligible for 2nd Milestone gift if I have accumulated 10 Park visits within the Milestone Period?
A6. Yes, you can.

Q7. Will the 3 Park visits for the 1st Milestone be counted for the 10 Park visits of the 2nd Milestone?
A7. Yes, all accumulated Eligible Admissions within the Milestone Period will be counted for the 2nd Milestone. If you have accumulated 3 Park visits within the first 3 months, you just need 7 more Eligible Admissions within the Milestone Period to reach the 2nd Milestone.

Q8. If I have not redeemed the gift during the milestone period, can the number of visits carry forward to the next period? Or can I transfer some of my number of visits to my friend?
A8. Number of visits cannot carry forward or transfer to other Milestone Period or other Members.

Q9. I have not redeemed my milestone gift(s) before MA expired. Can I still redeem the milestone gift(s) few months later if I have purchased a new MA?
A9. No, all Milestone Gifts have to be redeemed by the end of the respective Milestone Period.

Q10. When will be the start date of  counting "Magic Mile stone Program" for Magic Access certificate?

A10. The Milestone Period will commence at the time when you exchange the Magic Access Certificate to a personalized Magic Access membership card. It will end on the last date of validity printed on the card.

** 詳情可向「演藝人員」查詢。
** For more details, please ask the “Cast Members”.

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙處處通」會員 2017年「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」獨家禮品
香港迪士尼樂園「奇妙處處通」會員 2017年「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」獨家禮品
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