The Walt Disney Archives presents “Winnie the Pooh: Be My Friend”
Exhibition at Times Square
Exhibition at Times Square
Global Debut of More Than 50 Historical Artifacts
Winnie the Pooh Characters Await Fans at Eight Meet-And-Greet Sessions
New Pop-up Store Offers Exclusive and Limited-edition Winnie the Pooh Merchandise
全球最深受喜愛的「小熊維尼」及一班好朋友即將遠道來港,於2017年3月30日至4月23日在時代廣場舉辦的「小熊維尼:友你友我」大型展覽會 與香港粉絲們友緣相聚!這次將會是本港有史以來最大規模的「小熊維尼」展覽,展出「華特迪士尼檔案館」的92件藝術珍藏,將最具代表性、深得大人細路歡心的小熊傳奇活現大家眼前。當中超過50件展品更是首度於全球展出,讓粉絲們能夠更加深入了解「小熊維尼」那個有趣好玩、充滿愛和忠誠的世界!
Winnie the Pooh, “the best bear in all the world,” and his friends have travelled across the world to meet their Hong Kong friends at "Winnie the Pooh: Be My Friend” exhibition, from March 30 to April 23, 2017 at Times Square. The exhibition will be the largest Winnie the Pooh exhibit in Hong Kong, featuring 92 exquisite artifacts from the Walt Disney Archives, bringing to life the legacy of the most iconic and beloved teddy bear, Winnie the Pooh, adored by children and adults everywhere. Among the collection, over 50 items will make their global debut, allowing fans to get a closer glimpse into the world of Pooh filled with fun, friendship, loyalty and love.
不容錯過的還有展覽會場的19個3D模型公仔,小熊維尼、跳跳虎 和 咿唷 等可愛角色將會在精心打造的「百畝森林」現身,與大家狂影 selfie 開心合照!
Guests will also be able to take photos alongside 19 figures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends including a 3-meter tall Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore in a replica of the Hundred Acre Wood.
更令人期待的是一連八場的「小熊維尼粉絲見面會」。跳跳虎(4月1-2日)、豬仔(4月8-9日)、咿唷(4月14-15日)和 小熊維尼(4月16-17日)將現身「百畝森林」,讓粉絲能夢想成真,近距離接觸合照。
In addition, some of the favorite Winnie the Pooh characters will also be here to greet fans in the heart of the Hundred Acre Wood. The eight meet-and-greet experience sessions will feature Tigger (April 1 & 2), Piglet (April 8 & 9), Eeyore (April 14 & 15), and Winnie the Pooh (April 16 & 17).
Hong Kong fans can bring home a variety of both new and classic Pooh products at the Winnie the Pooh pop-up store from March 25 to April 19, 2017 located on B1 in Times Square.
地面露天廣場 —— 萬眾期待「小熊維尼」展覽會現身香港!
「小熊維尼:友你友我」大型展覽會 將會展出來自「華特迪士尼檔案館」中難得一見的92件館藏,包括故事書、草圖、原始創作圖和玩具。當中超過一半極具歷史價值的展品,今次更是首度公開展出。
“Winnie the Pooh: Be My Friend” exhibition includes 92 pieces of rare artifacts such as storybooks, sketches, original animated cels and toys from the Walt Disney Archives collection, based at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California, U.S.A. Over half of these historical items that have long been kept under lock and key are going on public display for the very first time for fans of all ages.
「華特迪士尼檔案館」總監 麗碧嘉佳蓮(Rebecca Cline)表示:「我們很開心把『小熊維尼』和『百畝森林』的世界帶到來香港。『小熊維尼』的吸引力跨越世代,這次展覽正是為了表揚『小熊維尼』的文化傳奇,讓粉絲們深入認識這個全世界其中一個最深受喜愛的角色背後的藝術特色,並全情投入於精彩的故事歷險之中。」
“We are thrilled to bring to life and share the world of Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood in Hong Kong. Pooh's appeal spans generations, and the exhibition will give fans a look into the artistry behind one of the world's most beloved characters. It will be a celebration of Winnie the Pooh's heritage, where guests can immerse themselves in the storytelling adventure," said Rebecca Cline, Director of Walt Disney Archives.
Highlights of the exhibition include:
Highlights of the exhibition include:
• 《小熊維尼之蜂蜜樹》一系列初期角色設計的動畫草圖。
• 《小熊維尼之大風吹》7張原始創作圖,自這部短篇動畫電影完 成後首度公開展出。
• 1964年出品的小熊維尼和朋友們的原裝毛公仔,比《小熊維尼之蜂蜜樹》早兩年推出。這批公仔代表了迪士尼最早期「小熊維尼」商品的特色,亦示範了相關商品如何宣傳未上映的新片 。華特迪士尼先生在他的辦公室有同一隻「瑞比」毛公仔。
• A collection of original animation drawings from early stages of character development for Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, c. 1966
• Seven original production cels from Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, c. 1968. The collection was handpicked for public display for the very first time since the completion of this featurette.
• The original Winnie the Pooh and friends plush created in 1964 – two years prior to the release of Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. It represents the earliest Winnie the Pooh merchandise from Disney and demonstrates how product development supports and promotes new films before release. Walt Disney himself had the same plush Rabbit in his office at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank.
展覽場內有超巨型「小熊維尼」毛公仔讓大家擁抱拍照。同場可於 放映室 內欣賞多部大受歡迎的「小熊維尼」電影,包括《小熊維尼歷險記》、《小熊維尼之蜂蜜樹》、《小熊維尼之大風吹》、《小熊維尼之跳跳虎與我》及《小熊維尼之咿唷與我》。
Inside the exhibition hall, visitors can also cuddle and take photos with a giant Winnie the Pooh plush and watch popular Winnie the Pooh movies playing in the media room including The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too, as well as Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore.
About the Walt Disney Archives

四十多年來,「華特迪士尼檔案館」保存了來自華特迪士尼公司由成立至今最珍貴的歷史 資料及文物,其中包括原始劇本、電影道具和服裝、華特迪士尼的通訊和劇本筆記、主題公園文物、商品、數百萬份檔案照片、和大量華特的私人物品。由「迪士尼傳奇」人物 Dave Smith 在1970年創立的「華特迪士尼檔案館」,除了是迪士尼至關重要的資源,更加是一個對迪士尼學者、研究人員和作家而言非常重要的研究中心。 檔案館通過其展覽 和 與官方迪士尼粉絲俱樂部 D23 密切合作,與全球的迪士尼粉絲分享其無數的館藏。
For more than four decades, the Walt Disney Archives has carefully safeguarded the most treasured items from The Walt Disney Company’s history, including original scripts, movie props and costumes, Walt Disney’s correspondence and script notes, theme park artifacts, merchandise, millions of archival photographs, and many of Walt’s personal effects. Founded by Disney Legend Dave Smith in 1970, the Walt Disney Archives is a vital resource for every part of Disney, as well as an important research center for Disney scholars, researchers, and writers. The Archives also shares its countless pieces with Disney fans everywhere through its exhibitions and close association with D23: The Official Disney Fan Club.
地面露天廣場 ——暢遊「百畝森林」與小熊維尼和朋友們盡情Selfie
「小熊維尼」和朋友們居住的美麗又充滿魔法的「百畝森林」,將配以色彩繽紛的彩色汽球和旗幟,以及生動活潑的多個3D角色雕像活現大家眼前。19個3D模型公仔將列陣歡迎香港粉絲,包括3米高超巨大「小熊維尼」公仔,以及 跳跳虎、貓頭鷹、袋鼠媽媽、小荳、谷巴等。大家可盡情暢遊「百畝森林」,開心selfie合照,完全投入「小熊維尼」的故事世界之中!
The beautiful and magical Hundred Acre Wood, where Winnie the Pooh and his friends live, will be given a new look and brought to life outside of the exhibition hall. Hong Kong fans will be greeted by 19 figures including gigantic 3-meter tall Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit, Owl, Kanga, Roo, Gopher and more. Guests can wander through the Hundred Acre Wood and immerse themselves in Winnie the Pooh stories, taking photos along the way.
2層 —— 「小熊維尼粉絲見面會」限時活動進駐「百畝森林」
2 Level – Limited time Pooh meet-and-greet coming to the Hundred Acre Wood
為配合盛會,小熊維尼(4月16-17日)亦將夥同一眾好朋友包括 跳跳虎(4月1-2日)、豬仔(4月8-9日)和 咿唷(4月14-15日),旋風式現身八場的「小熊維尼粉絲見面會」, 讓粉絲作近距離接觸,並合影留念,共度歡樂時光。見面會詳情不日公佈!請粉絲密切留意!
On this special occasion, fans will also have the chance to attend the special meet-and-greet experiences at the Hundred Acre Wood, where Tigger (April 1 & 2), Piglet (April 8 & 9), Eeyore (April 14 & 15), and Winne the Pooh (April 16 & 17) will show up to spend times and take photos with guests. More details on how to take part in this meet-and-greet experience will be announced later.
B1層 ——「小熊維尼」期間限定店發售獨家限量精品
B1 Level – Grab Exclusive Merchandise at Pooh and Friends pop-up store
由2017年3月25日起,迪士尼經典卡通人物 小熊維尼 將帶同一班好友 豬仔、跳跳虎 等駕臨 時代廣場,進駐「小熊維尼精品主題限定店」。「主題限定店」將推出多達500款 包括服裝、文具、家居、旅行用品等一系列限定精品,當中的200款產品更是首度於香港獨家推出,而特地從日本空運來港的精選貨品更有高達85件。
Fans can shop for exclusive merchandise at the Winnie the Pooh pop-up store located on B1, where over 500 classic and brand new Winnie the Pooh products will be available including apparel, accessories, stationery, toys, home and travel goodies, and collectibles. Among the many products, 200 are tailor-made for the occasion and sold for the first time at the pop-up store, while 85 items are being flown in from Japan.
地點:銅鑼灣 時代廣場 B1層(city’super外)
Date: March 25 – April 19, 2017
Time: 10am to 10pm
Location: B1/F, Times Square Hong Kong, Causeway Bay (Outside of city’super)
地點:銅鑼灣 時代廣場 B1層(city’super外)
Date: March 25 – April 19, 2017
Time: 10am to 10pm
Location: B1/F, Times Square Hong Kong, Causeway Bay (Outside of city’super)
「小熊維尼」和朋友們進軍 Disney Channel!
Winnie the Pooh and friends are on the road to Disney Channel!
深受全世界喜愛的「小熊維尼」和朋友們會於限定時間內進軍於Now TV、myTV Super 及Cable TV 播放的 Disney Channel!
For a limited time, the world’s beloved Winnie the Pooh, together with his friends are coming to the Disney Channel on Nov TV, myTV Super and CABLE TV.
4 月14日星期五
From April 5, Monday to
Friends Tigger and Pooh
April 14, Friday
Heffalump Movie
April 21, Friday
Tigger Movie
「小熊維尼」可能是世界上最有代表性又最深受喜愛的小熊。英國作家 艾倫亞歷山大米恩 於1926年出版一部關於這隻小熊的趣怪小書。1961年,華特迪士尼先生取得電影版權,五年後首部「小熊維尼」短片《小熊維尼之蜂蜜樹》面世。無論是文字或動畫版的「小熊維尼」故事,均帶出了羅賓和他的朋友們那感動人心的友情和搞笑好玩的歷險 ,勾起大家童年時代的快樂和純真心情,以及忠於自己和關愛別人的重要。
Walt Disney Archives presents “Winnie the Pooh: Be My Friend” Exhibition
地點:銅鑼灣 時代廣場 地面露天廣場
Date: March 30 – April 23, 2017
Time: 10am to 10pm, Daily
Location: Times Square Hong Kong, Causeway Bay
G/F Open Piazza: Exhibition and photo area