


香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland)公佈 2016財政年度業績 及 預告推出全新夏季主題活動「Marvel Super Hero Summer」!

香港迪士尼樂園 國際賓客入場人次 創歷來第二高

源源不絶新體驗    持續成為亞洲國際級旅遊目的地

Hong Kong Disneyland Reports
Second-highest Attendance from International Guests
and Record Per Capita Park Spending

New offerings bolster appeal as resort continues to be a world-class tourist destination in Asia

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區(樂園)今天公佈 2016財政年度業績。樂園持續投放資源,致力提升賓客體驗,自2005年開幕以來,接待了超過6,400萬名賓客,當中包括本財政年度錄得的610萬入場人次,賓客人均消費連續7年創新高。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today reported its results for fiscal 2016. The resort has received more than 64 million guests since its opening in 2005, including 6.1 million during the fiscal year due to its continued investment in the guest experience. HKDL also achieved record high per capita spending at the park, marking seven consecutive years of growth.


Attendance from international guests increased to its second-highest annual level ever and the resort is proud to have offered dedicated services tailored to the needs of these diverse markets. Locals accounted for 39% of total attendance, while mainland and international visitation made up 36% and 25%, respectively. Hotel occupancy was similar to last year at close to 80%.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「面對表現仍然偏軟的旅遊及休閒巿場,團隊積極應對。樂園過去一年持續推出一系列精彩嶄新的項目及節慶特別活動,吸引賓客到訪。全球迪士尼樂園首個以漫威為主題的遊樂設施 — 『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』剛於上月開幕,全新的度假酒店及其他令人驚喜的節目,將緊隨其後,在2017財政年度陸續登場,令樂園更具吸引力。樂園會繼續為香港帶來更多奇妙的體驗,加強我們的精彩節目,以提升香港作為首屈一指旅遊目的地的吸引力。」

“HKDL continued to drive visitation with exciting new offerings and seasonal events during the year amid a soft tourism and leisure market,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice president and managing director of HKDL. “We are excited that Iron Man Experience, the first Marvel-themed ride at a Disney park, debuted last month and that a new resort hotel and other exciting offerings will open later in fiscal 2017 to further broaden the resort’s appeal. The resort is committed to bringing more magical experience to the people of Hong Kong, and strengthening our offerings to enhance Hong Kong’s attractiveness as a premier tourist destination.”

    2016財政年度期間,樂園受本港旅遊業仍然放緩影響,加上較 2015財政年度 少一個營運星期,業務收入為48億港元,淨虧損1.71億港元未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前利潤為7.15億港元

During fiscal 2016, the resort was impacted by a slower Hong Kong tourism market and an unfavorable comparison against fiscal 2015, which benefited from an additional week of operations. Consequently, the resort generated revenues of HK$4.8 billion with a net loss of HK$171 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization was HK$715 million.


Despite these challenging market conditions, the resort’s performance began to show signs of recovery in the second half of fiscal 2016. Compared to the first half of the year, the year-over-year attendance decline eased and hotel occupancy improved in the second half of the year. This encouraging performance benefited from the launch of “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” and marketing and sales initiatives.

      樂園在2016財政年度推出為期一年的「Happily Ever After」十週年慶祝活動,精彩項目包括全新劇場表演「迪士尼魔法書房」、讓賓客走進迪士尼故事當中的「童話園林」,以及 升級版的「星夢奇緣」煙花表演。隨着電影《星球大戰:原力覺醒》大受歡迎,樂園推出「星球大戰:入侵明日世界」,一系列體驗包括:「星戰極速穿梭」、「絕地聖殿武士特訓」 及 與星戰英雄會面。這些精彩節目都深受不同年齡的賓客喜愛。

In fiscal 2016, HKDL launched the year-long “Happily Ever After” celebration for its 10th Anniversary, which included the debut of the “Mickey and the Wondrous Book” stage show, the “Fairy Tale Forest” walkthrough attraction and the enhanced “Disney in the Stars” fireworks spectacular. Riding on the success of the hit movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the resort also launched “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” with “Hyperspace Mountain,” “Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple” and character greetings in Tomorrowland, which have been popular with guests of all ages.

     配合樂園一連串新節目 及 香港旅遊發展局「旅遊景點海外推廣宣傳配對基金資助計劃」,樂園與業界夥伴及本港其他旅遊景點合作,針對不同的海外巿場,例如馬來西亞、菲律賓及韓國等,推出22項聯合推廣活動。

Capitalizing on the array of new offerings and the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s “Matching Fund for Overseas Tourism Promotion by Tourist Attractions” initiative, HKDL rolled out 22 joint promotions with trade partners and other local attractions in various targeted overseas markets, such as Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea.

      樂園業務在2017財政年度更見持續轉好,第一季財政表現較去年同期為佳。樂園持續增加新項目吸引賓客,剛於第二季開幕的「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻」,顯著推動農曆新年假期的入場人次,比去年同期增加13%。本地、廣東省以及國際賓客人次均錄得升幅。酒店更接近爆滿,入住率高達97%。

The resort’s improved performance continued into fiscal 2017, with first quarter financial results above the prior-year period. The resort continued to add new offerings to attract guests and opened Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA during the second quarter. This attraction helped boost Chinese New Year Holiday attendance 13% above the prior-year period, with growth in local, Guangdong and international guests, and occupancy to a near-full level of 97%.


To drive future visitation, the 750-room Disney Explorers Lodge will open on April 30. Dedicated to the spirit of exploration, the hotel will offer immersive, resort-style accommodations for guests with four themed gardens based on global cultures.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基
首次穿上迪士尼探索家度假酒店主題服飾的 米奇老鼠米妮老鼠
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse showcase their brand-new Disney Explorers Lodge-themed costumes
with Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Hong Kong Disneyland, Samuel Lau

      香港迪士尼樂園 期望為賓客帶來更多迪士尼強勁人物故事主題的全新體驗,提出109億港元的全新擴建發展計劃建議,正待 立法會 審批。計劃包括增建以漫威超級英雄 及 迪士尼電影《魔雪奇緣》的兩大主題區,以及 擴建城堡及廣場,推出日夜兩場全新匯演,「探險世界」亦會加設嶄新體驗。

Additional experiences that leverage some of the most successful franchises of The Walt Disney Company would be introduced under a HK$10.9 billion multi-year expansion plan, subject to the Legislative Council’s approval. The proposed expansion is comprised of two new themed areas featuring Marvel and “Frozen,” a transformed Castle and Hub area with two entirely new day and night shows, and new experiences in Adventureland.

社會一份子 持續貢獻社區
Continuous contributions to the community

  在2016財政年度,香港迪士尼樂園 為本港經濟帶來87億元增加值,相等於本地生產總值0.37%,同期創造職位達到19,100個(以人工作年計算),對本港整體經濟帶來貢獻。

For fiscal 2016, HKDL brought approximately HK$8.7 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to around 0.37% of the city’s overall GDP. Also, 19,100 jobs (in terms of man-years) were created during the fiscal year, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy.


 On average, HKDL employed more than 5,000 full-time and 2,300 part-time staff during the year, making the resort one of Hong Kong’s largest employers. HKDL is committed to developing a highly skilled and quality labor force, providing them more than 300,000 hours of professional and technical training during the fiscal year.


HKDL also supported the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education at the Open University of Hong Kong in launching a two-year full time Higher Diploma in Resort and Theme Park Management, a first-of-its-kind university program for nurturing talent in Hong Kong with a focus on the theme park industry. The program provides each student 400 hours of paid training as interns at the park. The resort also officially rolled out a new hotel housekeeping training program for people with disabilities.


 The resort is committed to Hong Kong and the communities it serves. HKDL welcomed more than 100,000 underprivileged community members to visit the park and contributed over 8,000 hours of skills and services through its Disney VoluntEARS program. HKDL further encouraged volunteerism through a partnership with the Agency for Volunteers Services, which has resulted in more than eight million hours of service since the “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program began in 2010.

    在過去一個財政年度,樂園推出多項全新社區項目,包括舉辦首個樂園跑步活動「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」,推廣健康戶外活動,吸引約9,000人報名參加。樂園亦透過全新「童力動與想」計劃,鼓勵深水埗區的小朋友參與體育訓練及啟發他們的創意。

 Other community highlights from fiscal 2016 include the inaugural HKDL 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality to promote healthy outdoor activities with enrollment of around 9,000 runners and “YOUth Power,” a new program in Sham Shui Po promoting sports and creativity among disadvantaged children in the community.

     樂園年內榮獲79項不同獎項,表揚在設計、科技、賓客服務、家庭娛樂、社區及環保等多方面的貢獻。其中包括連續第4年獲得「亞洲最佳僱主品牌獎」及《Travel Weekly Asia》2015讀者投選為亞太區最佳主題公園。

HKDL received a total of 79 awards during the fiscal year in recognition of its design, technical achievements, guest service, family appeal and commitment to the community and environment such as the Asia Best Employer Brand Award for the fourth consecutive year and the “Reader’s Choice Awards 2015 – Best Theme Park (Asia Pacific)” from Travel Weekly Asia.

2016財政年度業績 重點概略
Annual Business Results Fiscal Year 2016 – Highlights

1. 2016財政年度 (2015年10月至2016年9月止) 整體巿場疲弱。樂園自下半年起,業務跌勢放緩,及至2017財政年度初期持續轉好。新推出的「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,有助農曆年假入場人次上升13%,本地、廣東省以及國際賓客人次均錄得升幅。酒店入住率高達97%。

1. Fiscal Year 2016 (for the year ending Sept 2016), HKDL continued to face headwinds from market softness. Business improved since the second half of FY16 and extended into FY17. The newly-launched Iron Man Experience helped boost Chinese New Year Holiday attendance 13% above the prior-year period, with growth in local, Guangdong and international guest markets, and occupancy at a near-full level of 97%.

2. 樂園將持續推出新項目,包括4月30日開幕的「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」及 全新夏季主題活動「Marvel 超級英雄大聯盟」(暫稱)。隨着全新推出「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」取得成功,樂園將於6月推出以漫威超級英雄為主題的「Marvel超級英雄大聯盟」夏日主題活動(暫稱),為賓客帶來更多漫威主題的驚喜新體驗。賓客將於這項全新的特別活動中與「美國隊長」和「蜘蛛俠」等超級英雄見面,並穿梭於以香港為故事背景主題的漫威宇宙之中。另外,一系列的漫威主題美食及商品亦會相繼推出。

2. HKDL will continue to add fresh offerings such as Disney Explorers Lodge, opening on April 30, and the all-new “Marvel Super Hero Summer” event (working title).  Riding on the huge success of Iron Man Experience, the resort will launch a special offering in June, "Marvel Super Hero Summer" (working title), to bring even more amazing Marvel-themed experiences for its guests. The activation will feature heroic encounters with Captain America and Spider-Man and a brand-new walk-through experience set exclusively in Hong Kong that will immerse guests in the Marvel Universe. An array of Marvel-themed merchandise and F&B will be part of the cool, summertime experience as well.

3. 樂園去年11月建議新的擴建及發展計劃,相信可提升香港及樂園作為主要旅遊景點的吸引力。

3. More exciting offerings are planned in the multi-year expansion project unveiled in November, which will give a strong boost to the attractiveness of Hong Kong and HKDL as a tourist destination.

HKDL fiscal 2016 performance

1. 國際賓客入場人次上升,錄得歷來第二高的紀錄,佔樂園整體人次25%,較2015財政年度的20%為高,在多個主要海外巿場均有雙位數增長。樂園內人均消費再創紀錄,連續七年上升。

1. International guests increased to the second-highest level, representing 25% of the total guest mix, up from 20% in FY15. Double digit growth in several key overseas markets. Record-high per-capita spending at park, marking seven consecutive years of growth.

2. 在2016財政年度,香港迪士尼樂園 為本港經濟帶來87億元增加值,相等於本地生產總值0.37%,同期創造職位達到19,100個(以人工作年計算),對本港整體經濟帶來貢獻。

2. In FY16, HKDL brought about HK$8.7 billion of value added to Hong Kong, or around 0.37% of the city’s overall GDP. Also, a total of 19,100 jobs (in terms of man-years) were created, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy.

整體入場人次:610 萬(本地賓客 39%,內地賓客36%,國際賓客 25%)

樂園賓客人均消費:增加 4%  - 連續七年錄得破紀錄增長





Total attendance: 6.1 million (Local 39%, Mainland 36%, International 25%)

In-park per capita spending: Increased 4% - Record high and the seventh consecutive year of growth

Hotel occupancy: Close to 80%

Revenues: HK$4.8 billion

EBITDA: HK$715 million

Net Loss: HK$171 million

2016年 四大主要經營策略
Four key strategies to drive and consolidate business in light of market changes in fiscal 2016

1. 配合受歡迎的迪士尼電影 / 故事
- 樂園在去年夏天推出「星球大戰:入侵明日世界」,上月「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」亦緊接開幕。新增的遊樂設施將繼續為樂園擴濶男性及年青賓客的巿場。

2. 提升賓客服務及體驗,標榜國際級主題樂園的優勢
- 貼心及多元化賓客服務:樂園首次推出「文化大使計劃」,鼓勵擅長不同外語的演藝人員參與賓客服務。另外,樂園亦新增設「靜修室」,用作冥想或祈禱。
- 娛樂體驗源源不絕:慶祝樂園開幕十週年,推出全新百老匯式舞台表演「迪士尼魔法書房」及 加入城堡投影效果的「星夢奇緣」煙花表演等。

3. 持續擴濶業務範疇,建立企業客戶 和 MICE業務
- 新增及加強合作的企業聯盟數目錄得近一倍增長,包括渣打銀行友邦保險 及 PANDORA 等,達到共同協作效應,有助雙方在亞洲區內推廣業務。
- 會議、獎勵旅遊、大型會議與展覽(MICE)業務有強勁的雙位數增幅,特別受惠於兩個受歡迎的主題項目(《星球大戰》及 萬聖節),帶動企業包場活動增長。

4. 具針對性的巿場 / 銷售策略
- 進一步發展及善用電子平台,包括WeChat,, 手機應用程式等,令網上銷售額於2016年財政年度内錄得四成增幅。同時,增加在8個廣東省城市及東南亞二、三線城巿的宣傳推廣工作。
- 與旅遊業界保持緊密合作﹐包括配合旅發局的「旅遊景點海外推廣宣傳配對基金資助計劃」,推出22項聯合海外推廣活動。

1. Leveraging popular Disney movies/stories
- Launched the summer event “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” and the Iron Man Experience, Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, further broadening HKDL’s appeal to male and young adult guests.

2. Enhanced Guest experience
- Heartfelt guest services: Introduced the cultural ambassador program (Cast Members speaking different languages to serve guests). A new quiet room for guests of different religions, especially Muslim guests.
- Stream of new offerings: E.g. For its 10th anniversary, HKDL launched a Broadway-style musical “Mickey and the Wondrous Book” and the enhanced “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks with all-new castle projection.

3. Substantial growth of business segments
- The number of new and extended corporate alliances almost doubled, including new or strengthened relationships with Standard Chartered, AIA and PANDORA. These created synergy and a multiplying effect in promoting our business throughout the region.
- Strong double-digit increase in Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Exhibitions (MICE) business, especially benefiting from two popular themes, Star Wars and Halloween, for corporate buyout events during the year.

4. Strategic marketing/sales efforts
- Expanded reach to potential guests through digital platforms, such as WeChat, and mobile app, generating 40% increase in online sales in FY16. Meanwhile, more dedicated promotional efforts in 8 key Guangdong cities and expanded penetration in second- and third-tier cities in international markets.
- Close collaboration with travel trade partners: Rolled out 22 joint promotions in targeted overseas markets through Hong Kong Tourism Board’s “Matching Fund for Overseas Tourism Promotion by Tourist Attractions.”

** 編輯備註:
** Note to Editors:

- 香港迪士尼樂園 是由 香港特別行政區政府華特迪士尼公司 所屬的子公司合資成立的 香港國際主題樂園有限公司 所擁有。在 2016 財政年度末,香港特區政府 持有 主題樂園公司 的股權約 53%,餘下的 47% 股權則由 迪士尼公司 持有。

- Hong Kong Disneyland is owned by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited, which is a joint venture between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. As of the end of fiscal 2016, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government owned a 53% majority interest in the joint venture, with The Walt Disney Company owning the remaining 47%.

- 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 將於2017年2月27日出席 立法會經濟發展事務委員會會議,報告樂園最新發展概況。

- HKDL Executive Vice President and Managing Director Samuel Lau will attend the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development meeting on the development update of the resort on February 27, 2017.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland)公佈 2016財政年度業績 及 預告推出全新夏季主題活動「Marvel Super Hero Summer」!
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland)公佈 2016財政年度業績 及 預告推出全新夏季主題活動「Marvel Super Hero Summer」!
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