踏入2017年,香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)由即日起推出 全新「奇妙處處通」會員(Magic Access Members)迎新活動 ——「迪士尼『獎賞行』計劃」(“Magic Milestone” Reward Program),各位新舊會員均可參與此計劃,而成功地累積指定入園次數的會員更可獲得為此計劃而設的獨家徽章和獎牌。
* 此計劃適用於持有 2017年1月1日或以後發出 或 續會「奇妙處處通」會員卡的會員。
* This program is valid for Magic Access Members holding a valid Magic Access Membership Card issued OR renewed on or after January 1, 2017.
** 此計劃的有效期直至園方另行通知。
** The program is valid until further notice.
** 此計劃的有效期直至園方另行通知。
** The program is valid until further notice.
~ 禮品 1(Milestone Gift 1) ~

迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃 獨家徽章(“Magic Milestone” Reward Program Exclusive Pin):
「獎賞行時段」首3個月 累積入園3次
Accumulate 3 visits within the first 3 months of “Milestone Period”
~ 禮品 2(Milestone Gift 2) ~

迪士尼「獎賞行」計劃 獨家獎牌(“Magic Milestone” Reward Program Exclusive Medal):
Accumulate 10 visits within the “Milestone Period”
For more details, please ask the “Cast Members”.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort