上海迪士尼度假區 介紹「奇‧享」項目 迎接「國際殘疾人日」
Shanghai Disney Resort Introduces MagicALL Program Before International Day of Disabled Persons
Offering Magical Experiences for All
為迎接即將到來的12月3日「國際殘疾人日」,上海迪士尼度假區 邀請了包括來自春暉博愛兒童救助公益基金會的兒童及其他殘障賓客遊玩主題樂園,並介紹了迪士尼「奇‧享」項目。無障礙體驗是全球迪士尼樂園和度假區的一項重要承諾。上海迪士尼度假區 的「奇‧享」項目旨在為殘障賓客提供一系列無障礙設施和服務,確保每一個遊客都能在整個度假區內享受全方位的景點和體驗。
In advance of the upcoming International Day of Disabled Persons, which is celebrated each year on December 3rd, Shanghai Disney Resort today hosted a group of guests with disabilities, including children invited by the Chunhui Children’s Foundation, at Shanghai Disneyland and introduced its Disney MagicALL program. Accessibility is an important feature of all Disney parks and resorts worldwide, and MagicALL is a comprehensive program of accessible facilities and services available throughout Shanghai Disney Resort to ensure guests with disabilities can enjoy the full range of attractions and experiences at the resort.
Shanghai Disney Resort Introduces MagicALL Program Before International Day of Disabled Persons
Offering Magical Experiences for All

為迎接即將到來的12月3日「國際殘疾人日」,上海迪士尼度假區 邀請了包括來自春暉博愛兒童救助公益基金會的兒童及其他殘障賓客遊玩主題樂園,並介紹了迪士尼「奇‧享」項目。無障礙體驗是全球迪士尼樂園和度假區的一項重要承諾。上海迪士尼度假區 的「奇‧享」項目旨在為殘障賓客提供一系列無障礙設施和服務,確保每一個遊客都能在整個度假區內享受全方位的景點和體驗。
In advance of the upcoming International Day of Disabled Persons, which is celebrated each year on December 3rd, Shanghai Disney Resort today hosted a group of guests with disabilities, including children invited by the Chunhui Children’s Foundation, at Shanghai Disneyland and introduced its Disney MagicALL program. Accessibility is an important feature of all Disney parks and resorts worldwide, and MagicALL is a comprehensive program of accessible facilities and services available throughout Shanghai Disney Resort to ensure guests with disabilities can enjoy the full range of attractions and experiences at the resort.
在12月1日的遊園過程中,身患肢障、視障、聽障、認知障礙等的賓客及其家人體驗了 上海迪士尼樂園 內的眾多熱門景點:他們登上了夢幻之旅,重溫充滿神奇和幻想的迪士尼經典故事;乘坐了樂園內備受歡迎的「創極速光輪」,體驗飛馳而過的緊張和刺激;還在「林間劇場」欣賞了「冰雪奇緣:歡唱盛會」*,與各年齡賓客一起觀賞 艾莎^、安娜、克里斯托夫^ 的演出。
The guests invited to the resort – all of whom manage various disabilities, including mobility, visual, hearing and cognitive challenges – experienced many of the parks attractions over the one-day visit. They journeyed to the Voyage to the Crystal Grotto for an enchanting excursion that celebrates the classic tales of magic and imagination; took the seat on one of the park’s most popular attractions, TRON Lightcycle Power Run, for a high-speed thrill; enjoyed Frozen: A Sing-Along Celebration at Evergreen Playhouse where guests of all ages are encouraged to sing along with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff; as well as experiencing many of the park’s other magical attractions.
上海迪士尼度假區 總經理 郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)表示:「全球迪士尼樂園和度假區致力於為包括殘障人士在內的每一位賓客提供世界級的遊樂項目、景點、娛樂演出和休閒設施。高興將迪士尼的全球經驗和最佳實踐帶到 上海,讓殘障賓客能夠和其他賓客一樣體驗迪士尼的神奇,和家人好友們一起打造難以忘懷的美好回憶。」
“Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is dedicated to providing access to all guests to our world-class rides, attractions, entertainment and facilities in our theme park and hotels, including for guests with disabilities,“ said Philippe Gas, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort, “We are thrilled to bring our global experiences and best industry practice to Shanghai to ensure guests with disabilities can enjoy the same magic here as all others, creating unforgettable memories for them and their families and friends.”
上海迪士尼度假區 的「奇‧享」項目涵蓋了度假區為 殘障賓客 和「演職人員」# 提供的全方位的無障礙設施、服務及體驗。作為度假區企業社會責任的一部份,上海迪士尼度假區 致力為所有賓客打造神奇體驗,同時為所有「演職人員」# 創造包容的工作環境。例如:乘坐輪椅的賓客可在無需換乘的情況下投身「巴斯光年星際營救」的戰鬥,擊敗 索克天王 手下駭人的機器人部隊,拯救外星人的星球,而這只是眾多例子中的一個。障礙賓客可通過度假區內各種無障礙設施和服務盡情地體驗遊樂項目和其他設施,所有劇院都為輪椅使用者安排了看席,娛樂演出配有手語翻譯服務(需提前告知和預約)。殘障賓客可至樂園賓客指南,該指南羅列了整個度假區為殘障賓客提供的各項服務和設施。
Known as MagicALL, Shanghai Disney Resort’s comprehensive approach to support guests and Cast Members with disabilities provides a wide range of facilities and services. As part of the resort’s citizenship efforts, Shanghai Disney Resort is committed to providing a magical experience for all guests and an inclusive environment for all Cast Members. For example, guests using wheelchairs can blast away at Emperor Zurg’s abominable bot army in a battle to save Planet Pepperonia on the Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue attraction- without transferring from their wheelchair. Wheelchair spaces are featured in all theaters as well where sign language interpretation (with advance notification and reservation) is also available. From a dedicated guidebook that guests with disabilities can obtain at the Guest Services Center inside the park, guests can receive an overview of the services and facilities throughout the resort that are
‧無障礙度假區酒店:上海迪士尼樂園酒店 和 玩具總動員酒店** 為殘障遊客提供無障礙客房及設施,包括上海迪士尼樂園酒店的無障礙泳池。
‧無障礙度假區酒店:上海迪士尼樂園酒店 和 玩具總動員酒店** 為殘障遊客提供無障礙客房及設施,包括上海迪士尼樂園酒店的無障礙泳池。
‧手語:樂園內部份現場娛樂演出為有需要的遊客免費提供中文手語翻譯,該服務需提前七天進行預約。預約可致電上海迪士尼度假區預訂服務中心400-180-0000,或訪問度假區官方網站 www.shanghaidisneyresort.com/help/email/。
Other notable services include:
‧Accessible Resort Hotels: The Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel both offer wheelchair accessible rooms and facilities for guests with disabilities, including an accessible swimming pool at the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel.
‧ Audio Guides: Audio Guides provide guests with information on park layout and land descriptions. They also assist with providing audio description while enjoying select attractions.
‧Braille Guidebooks: Braille Guidebooks are available at Guest Services at the Main Entrance for a refundable deposit. The Guidebooks are available in Simplified Chinese and English with Braille Interpretation.
‧Sign Language: At designated live shows, Shanghai Disney Resort provides Chinese sign language interpretation for guests at no extra charge. Regularly scheduled shows that offer Chinese sign language interpretation service require a seven -day advance request. Guests can request this service by calling the Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Center at 400-180- 0000 or by visiting our website www.shanghaidisneyresort.com/en/help/email/.
‧Guide Dogs: Trained guide dogs are welcome in most locations throughout Shanghai Disney Resort. Guide dogs must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times.
‧Wheelchair Rentals: For guests with mobility challenges, manual wheelchairs are available for rental on a first-come first-served basis for an additional fee.
‧Parking: Designated parking areas are available for guests with disabilities at Shanghai Disney Resort.
‧Accessible Food & Beverage/Merchandise Locations: Many queues at food and beverage locations and retail locations are wheelchair accessible. All dining areas are accessible.
上海迪士尼度假區 同樣致力於為所有「演職人員」# 打造包容的工作環境,從設計之初就在度假區的各個方面充分考慮殘障「演職人員」# 的工作體驗,比如在售票區設有高低可調節的櫃檯,供行動不便的演職人員與其他「演職人員」# 一起為賓客提供服務。
Shanghai Disney Resort is committed to providing an inclusive environment for all Cast Members and the experience for Cast Members with disabilities is taken into consideration across the resort. For example, the ticketing area has lowered counter space that services both Cast Members and guests with mobility disabilities.
關於度假區各景點無障礙服務的詳細資訊,請到訪 www.shanghaidisneyresort.com。
A complete guide to the accessibility features at each of the resort’s attractions can be found at www.shanghaidisneyresort.com.
© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
* 香港譯名:《魔雪奇緣》
^ 香港譯名: 愛莎 和 基斯托夫
© Shanghai Disney Resort
* 香港譯名:《魔雪奇緣》
^ 香港譯名: 愛莎 和 基斯托夫
** 香港譯名:《反斗奇兵》
# 香港譯名:「演藝人員」
# 香港譯名:「演藝人員」