Magic Access Platinum Members:
Online Reservation Service for “Disney in the Stars” Firework Reserved Viewing Area
Online Reservation Service for “Disney in the Stars” Firework Reserved Viewing Area

各位「奇妙處處通」白金卡會員 注意!白金卡會員現可於「奇妙處處通」會員專頁 預留名額於「星夢奇緣」煙花表演預留觀賞區 欣賞煙花表演。
It is official! Magic Access Platinum Card Members can enjoy online reservation for the “Disney in the Stars” Firework Reserved Viewing Area.
「星夢奇緣」煙花表演預留觀賞區 位置
Location of the “Disney in the Stars” Firework Reserved Viewing Area

各位白金卡會員現可預約在2016年12月8日起的預留觀賞區名額。登記者可於煙花表演日舉行四天前的 上午9時起(香港時間)至 煙花表演舉行兩天前晚上11時59分前(香港時間)登入網頁為參加者登記。
Registrations must be submitted during the period from 09:00 of the fourth (4th) calendar day prior to the Benefit date to 23:59 of the second (2nd) calendar day prior to the Benefit date.

~ 登記步驟 Steps for Reservation ~
步驟 1(Step 1):
‧選擇活動日期 Choose Activity Date
步驟 2(Step 2):
‧選擇參與人數 Choose Number of Participants
- 每位合資格登記者可於每個煙花表演日為自己及最多三位賓客預留名額一次。
- Each eligible Registrant may reserve for himself / herself together with up to three (3) Guests for each Benefit date
步驟 3(Step 3):
‧填寫個人資料 Fill in Personal Information
# 已成功預約之白金卡會員及同行人士需於預約日期之表演開始前最少20分鐘,同時到達預留觀賞區入口,並出示你的有效「奇妙處處通」白金會員卡進行確認。
## 已成功預約之會員必須於觀賞區開放後方可進入,即使提前抵達也不得預先進場。逾時之會員將不獲進場。
* 如「奇妙處處通」會員卡將於預留日期前到期,請該會員於預留日期或之前以相同的會員號碼續期,否則將無法進入已預留的觀賞區。
^ 已成功預約之會員可登入此會員專頁查閱預留名額紀錄。
# Eligible Registrants should arrive at the reserved viewing area entrance 20 minutes prior to fireworks starts on your reserved date. Eligible Registrants are required to present their valid Magic Access Platinum Membership Card as the Organizer may require for entrance of the viewing area.
## Eligible Registrants who arrive early cannot enter the viewing area. Eligible Registrants who arrive late will not be allowed enter the viewing area.
## Eligible Registrants who arrive early cannot enter the viewing area. Eligible Registrants who arrive late will not be allowed enter the viewing area.
* If Magic Access Membership Card will be expired before the reserved date, please be reminded to renew your Membership Card with the same card number on or before the reserved date in order to enter the Park and enter the reserved viewing area.
^ Eligible Registrants may inquire the Online Reservation records by visiting Magic Access Member Site.
** The Organizer may from time to time, without prior notice and without refund or compensation, change or cancel any fireworks and viewing area.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort