


上海迪士尼度假區 將在 虹橋機場 開設2間主題商店

Shanghai Disney Resort to Open Stores at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport
Exclusive merchandise collections allow guests to bring Shanghai Disney Resort’s magical memories home via the Shanghai departures terminal

       上海迪士尼度假區 在今天宣佈將於2017年春季上海虹橋機場 開設 兩家度假區商店。這兩家商店將成為 上海迪士尼度假區 首次在度假區範圍以外開設的零售商店,為在機場的賓客和旅客提供度假區的豐富商品和獨特購物體驗,讓他們能將更多神奇回憶,帶回家與家人和朋友共同分享。兩家商店均位於機場二號航站樓國內出發區域的候機大廳內。

Shanghai Disney Resort today announced that the resort will open two Shanghai Disney Resort Stores at Shanghai’s Hongqiao Airport in the spring of 2017. Both stores, located in the domestic departures Terminal Two of the airport, mark the first time that Shanghai Disney Resort offers its unique retail experiences outside the resort itself, and will allow guests and travelers to bring home even more magical memories through exclusive Shanghai Disney Resort merchandise collections to share with families and friends.

       上海迪士尼度假區商品部總監 顧正偉 表示:「賓客對於上海迪士尼度假區持續推出的各類創意無限且豐富實用的商品反響熱烈。我們即將在虹橋機場新增的兩家零售商店將把迪士尼的神奇體驗延續到度假區外,更大範圍地滿足賓客和旅客對暢銷產品的需求,讓他們能在回家的行李中增添一份神奇獨特的回憶。」

“The reaction we have seen from guests towards the exciting and innovative merchandise offering at our resort has been phenomenal,” said David Koo, director of Merchandise at Shanghai Disney Resort. “With the addition of these two new retail locations, we are able to better meet the demand for our most popular products, offering guests and travelers the opportunity to add to their collections on their journey home, extending their Disney magical experience beyond the resort.”


Wide Range of Trendy and Eye-catching Merchandise Influenced by Chinese Culture and Consumer Insights

       上海迪士尼度假區卓越的商品團隊為度假區開發了多達7000種不同的商品,涵蓋包括 迪士尼 服飾、玩具、文具、家居用品、收藏品和禮品在內的全部產品類別。無論男女老少、家人朋友, 每一位賓客都可以在這裏找到自己心儀的商品。

Driven by a strong integrated merchandise team, Shanghai Disney Resort features a full range of product lines including Disney apparel, toys, stationery, lifestyle products, collectibles and gifts, ensuring something for every guest – young and old, girls and boys, families and friends – with more than 7,000 different merchandise items to choose from.

       基於對國內消費者的長期深入調研,上海迪士尼度假區在原有的豐富產品線的基礎上,定期對其商品進行更新或推出全新系列。商品設計融合了最新的中國消費者購物趨勢,確保這些商品不僅飽含 迪士尼元素,而且能夠充分滿足消費者對於產品功能的期待。例如:全新的以「可愛成雙」為主題的米奇 米妮可折疊兒童外套系列既可穿戴,又可以折疊成靠墊且便於攜帶,呼應了消費者對產品功能日益增長的需求,從而受到極大歡迎。另一暢銷商品是「迪士尼小鎮」上的「甜蜜滿勺」糖果店推出的「童話書巧克力套裝」。糖果外包裝是一個童話書形狀的盒子,遊客在享用完糖果後還可以保留盒子作為裝飾品或首飾盒。

Shanghai Disney Resort also continually updates or adds new creations to its retail product offerings, based on ongoing Chinese consumer research and insights. Combining the latest Chinese consumer shopping trends into merchandise design ensures that the products not only are true to their Disney inspiration, but also provide consumers with the level of functionality they expect. For example, the new Cute Couples themed Mickey and Minnie foldable fleece collection integrates consumer’s increased expectations on product functionality, with items being foldable into a back cushion for easy carrying and multiple use. Another bestseller is the Storybook Chocolate Set at the Spoonful of Sugar confectionery in Disneytown. The candies are packaged into a storybook-shaped box, which guests often keep as a shelf decoration or a jewelry box once the content has been consumed.


Traditional Chinese festival culture also plays a big part in considerations for product design. In addition to seasonal versions of popular products such as the iconic Mickey Ear Hats and Minnie head bands, dedicated festival collections have also been welcomed by guests. Approaching the 2017 Chinese New Year, part of the resort’s first Chinese New Year collections are already available, with more to come in the coming weeks.

       超過半數的度假區商品呈現了「原汁原味」的迪士尼元素與中國文化的完美融合。其中的「復古上海」系列商品是度假區眾多體現傳統中國文化和國際元素相融合的商品之一。其靈感源自1928 年的上海以及在同一時代流行的老上海日歷牌 —— 而這一年也是米奇誕生的年份。

This perfect combination of Disney authenticity and Chinese culture is evident in more than half of the merchandise. The Vintage Shanghai line, inspired by Shanghai circa 1928 – the year Mickey Mouse was born – and the Shanghai calendar artwork from the same decade, is just one example of how traditional Chinese culture and international influences have been combined.

       上海迪士尼度假區商品部創意總監 陳蘊民說道:「『原汁原味迪士尼,別具一格中國風』是我們進行商品設計的核心理念和宗旨。遊客在賞玩『復古上海』或其他很多商品系列時,不僅能與他們最愛的迪士尼朋友盡享美好時光,更能與家人好友共同追憶老上海的魅力。」

“‘Authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese’ is also the philosophy applied to the design of our merchandise products,” said Yasmeen Chen, creative director of Merchandise at the resort. “By enjoying our lines such as Vintage Shanghai and many more, our guests are not only able to indulge in their favorite Disney characters, but also reminded of the charming Shanghai of yesteryear.”


An Immersive Shopping Entertainment Experience

       除了獨特的商品本身,上海迪士尼度假區為賓客提供沈浸式的購物娛樂體驗 —— 這也是迪士尼獨特故事講述的重要組成部份。在上海迪士尼樂園的六大主題園區內有專為各個園區設計打造的主題商店,從商店設計到商品本身都由該園區特有的主題和故事延展開來,讓賓客即便在購物時也能沈浸於迪士尼的神奇體驗中。

In addition to magical products, Shanghai Disney Resort also offers immersive retail shopping entertainment experiences, which form an integral part of Disney’s authentic storytelling. This starts with the dedicated shops located within each of the six themed lands within the resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, offering products according to each land’s unique theme and stories and allowing guests to be further immersed in the Disney magic even while they shop.


Shanghai Disney Resort has also created several new experiences for all guests. The Shanghai Disney Resort Magic Passport, which is available for the first time in a Disney theme park and designed exclusively for Shanghai Disneyland, provides an interactive experience for guests to learn about the stories behind the attractions and shows while collecting stamps from designated locations as souvenirs of their visits. In the few months since the resort’s opening, The Magic Passport has already proved to be one of the most popular merchandise experiences. The Bibbidi Bobbidi personalized storybook photography experience at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in the Enchanted Storybook Castle is an experience that girls and boys alike will enjoy, with a choice of magical makeover options which put young guests in their own stories, and ends with a special book to take home.

      賓客的購物體驗可在度假區的購物餐飲娛樂區「迪士尼小鎮」延續。這裏有占地 3000 平方米、包含一個「小鎮市集」精品店的「迪士尼世界商店」,以及靈感源自《歡樂滿人間》的「甜蜜滿勺」糖果店。在「迪士尼世界商店」,幾千種迪士尼商品應有盡有,還包括僅在上海迪士尼度假區可買到的獨家或限量版商品;在「甜蜜滿勺」糖果店,遊客在這裏挑選禮品的同時,還能觀賞展示廚房裏的演職人員如何將精選原料制作成美味的手工糖果。

Guests’ Disney shopping experience further extends to the resort’s exciting shopping, dining and entertainment district, Disneytown, which features the 3000-square-meter World of Disney Store that includes Marketplace specialty shops and a Spoonful of Sugar confectionery. The World of Disney Store offers an extensive selection of Disney merchandise, including exclusive items found only at Shanghai Disney Resort, while at the innovative confectionery boutique for special gifts, Spoonful of Sugar, guests can enjoy the confectionery show kitchen, and watch as handmade treats are made from the finest ingredients.

       顧正偉表示:「在上海迪士尼度假區,輕松有趣的購物體驗不僅僅只是商品本身。我們致力於為賓客創造能夠永久保存的快樂回憶 —— 無論是神奇的禮物或是難忘的體驗,我們都希望賓客從踏入度假區的那一刻起便能『點亮心中奇夢』。我們期待在不久之後開幕的這兩家位於虹橋機場的商店能為更多途經上海的賓客帶來迪士尼獨一無二的體驗。」

“At Shanghai Disney Resort, the entertaining shopping experience is not just about the merchandise. We are committed to igniting dreams within the hearts of our guests from the minute they step into the resort, creating happy and tangible memories that last forever – whether that be through magical gifts or unforgettable experiences. With the development of our new stores at Hongqiao Airport, we look forward to bringing this unique experience to more guests traveling to and from Shanghai,” said Koo.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區 將在 虹橋機場 開設2間主題商店
上海迪士尼度假區 將在 虹橋機場 開設2間主題商店
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