Shanghai Disney Resort Illuminates Disneytown with First-ever “Halloween Carnival”
Shanghai Disney Resort Illuminates Disneytown with First-ever “Halloween Carnival”

Located adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown will hold its first “Halloween Carnival” after its Grand Opening, bringing guests a delightful holiday atmosphere through abundant free festive activities.
Located adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown will hold its first “Halloween Carnival” after its Grand Opening, bringing guests a delightful holiday atmosphere through abundant free festive activities.

日期:10月14,15,16,21,22,23,28,29,30日 以及 萬聖節當天(10月31日)
Date: October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, & 31 (Halloween)
Date: October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, & 31 (Halloween)

10 月 14 日至 10 月 31 日期間,每週五、週六 和 週日,備受遊客喜愛的 米奇 與 米妮 將換上萬聖節服裝,首次現身小鎮湖畔帶來精彩表演。
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse will be dressed in Halloween costumes at Disneytown every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Halloween day from October 14 through October 31.
時間(Time):16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
Guests can watch Jack-O-Lantern carving demonstrations, enjoy face painting, and revel in various other authentic Halloween traditions.
南瓜燈雕刻表演(Jack-O-Lantern carving demonstrations):15:30 - 21:00
萬聖節臉部彩繪(Face Painting):15:30 - 21:00
10月31日當天,賓客還能在精選商戶參與「不給糖就搗蛋」等各式經典萬聖節活動。晚上7點30分後,在舞台區域將有現場 DJ 演出,震撼的現場音樂與酷炫的萬聖節燈光,為年輕族帶來狂歡派對。
On October 31, guests can also participate in the traditional Halloween activity “Trick or Treating” at selected Disneytown tenants. There will be a nighttime Halloween Dance Party on the Lakeshore stage starting 7:30pm, with a DJ playing upbeat music and enchanting Halloween lights that guarantee a spooktacular night for young adults.
萬聖節舞會(Halloween Dance Party):19:30 - 22:00
「不給糖就搗蛋」(“Trick or Treating”):16:00 - 19:00(僅限10月31日;Only on October 31)
「迪士尼小鎮」緊鄰 上海迪士尼樂園 和「星願公園」,為賓客提供國際化的購物、餐飲和娛樂體驗,是親朋好友歡聚一堂、共度美好時光的絕佳去處。小鎮上的「迪士尼世界商店」特別推出了萬聖節系列商品,供遊客挑選。「迪士尼小鎮」免費對公眾開放。迪士尼停車場 每日下午1點後 停車費為 人民幣30元。地鐵 11 號線直達。
With the allure of a charming village and the excitement of an international crossroads, the Disneytown shopping, dining and entertainment district is a place for guests to reconnect with family and friends, or to explore a variety of new experiences. The World of Disney store at Disneytown offers various Halloween themed merchandise. There is no charge for admission. The parking fee for cars that enter the Car & Coach Park after 1:00PM is 30RMB per day. Metro Line 11 will also take guests directly to the front steps of Shanghai Disney Resort.
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© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
編按:米奇 與 米妮 的萬聖節服裝曾於2011年在香港迪士尼樂園首度亮相。