「Disney Halloween Time – 反轉迪士尼」帶領賓客由早到晚盡情「惡」玩
Villains from 24 Disney stories have officially taken over Hong Kong Disneyland
“Disney Halloween Time” fills day and evening with wicked fun
Discover your inner villain and enjoy the wicked fun through mobile game and digital kiosks in the park

今個萬聖節,香港迪士尼樂園 全新「Disney Halloween Time - 反轉迪士尼」驚喜登場!由即日起至10月31日,賓客可體驗一系列日夜截然不同的大「反」轉。日間,米奇與一眾好友一同舉辦盛大派對歡慶萬聖節。晚間,來自24個不同迪士尼故事的「迪士尼惡人」亦「驚」世現身,密謀聯手反轉樂園。樂園更為香港賓客特別推出「雙重節日『玩轉迪士尼』優惠」,讓賓客玩盡「Disney Halloween Time - 反轉迪士尼」及其後緊接的聖誕節慶活動!盡情「惡」玩!
The new King and Queen of Halloween Time, Mickey and Minnie, are hosting the jovial costume party at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, and Disney’s infamous villains from 24 Disney stories are crashing the party at dusk as they have threatened. From now till October 31, “Disney Halloween Time” will be in full swing, bringing wicked fun during the day and spine-tingling thrills in the evening, the “Double the Fun” special offer for Hong Kong residents entitles guests to two park visits for a full experience of Disney Halloween Time, as well as a glimpse of Christmas magic in the run-up to the year-end festive season.
Party time with Mickey and Friends for younglings and families
一個個精心雕琢的鬼臉南瓜現已遍佈樂園「美國小鎮大街」,連同「小鎮廣場」的巨型米奇南瓜,營造出萬聖節詭異氛圍。米奇與米妮於日間化身成「萬聖之王」及「萬聖之后」跟一眾好友換上萬聖節新裝,在「美國小鎮大街」與賓客會面拍照,共度鬼馬趣怪的萬聖節。當中 Duffy 的最新好友-貓畫家小東尼(Gelatoni)更是首次現身樂園的萬聖節活動。
Main Street, U.S.A. is all decked out with a giant Mickey Mouse Pumpkin at Town Square and carved pumpkins in various locations. The reigning King and Queen of Disney Halloween Time, Mickey and Minnie, and their friends look sharp in their newly tailored Halloween costumes. Duffy’s newest friend, Gelatoni the cat artist, is also making his Halloween debut at Hong Kong Disneyland. They are awaiting to share hugs and snaps with guests on Main Street, U.S.A.
喜歡扮鬼扮馬的小賓客,將有機會參與「Mickey & Friends化妝派對」。「演藝人員」每天在「美國小鎮大街」會挑選 16-20位 最精心打扮的小賓客們參加派對,由派對主持帶領他們學習趣怪舞步,與米奇及好友齊齊在「睡公主城堡」前載歌載舞,一起慶祝萬聖節。於「Mickey & Friends化妝派對」被選中的一眾穿上搞鬼服飾的小賓客,亦會隨行於「米奇Halloween大街騷」壓軸演出,在這個千載難逢的趣怪時刻,記得拍照留念!
Young guests dressed for the occasion might have chance to join Mickey and Friends in the daily Mickey & Friends Costume Party. Cast members on Main Street, U.S.A. will invite 16 to 20 children in their finest Halloween costumes to join Mickey and his pals in the costume party every day. The party hosts will introduce everyone to the Halloween Time theme song and all the key dance steps as they show off their costumes alongside Mickey and Friends in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. And just when they think things couldn’t get any more fun, they will be invited to play a part in Mickey’s Halloween Time Cavalcade later in the day.
日間,米奇、米妮 與 高飛 將在三個巨型南瓜造型花車上鬼馬出巡,連同一眾好友包括:唐老鴨、黛絲、布魯托、鋼牙、大鼻、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 與 ShellieMay 及 貓畫家小東尼(Gelatoni)和其他表演者,為賓客帶來全新的樂曲。而被選中的小賓客更會隨行壓軸演出,將派對氣氛推向最高點!
Mickey and Minnie, together with Goofy will spread Halloween cheers and lead the Cavalcade from atop three giant Jack-o-lantern whirlies. Their friends Donald and Daisy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, Duffy and ShellieMay as well as Gelatoni the cat artist, will form a festive entourage with the parade performers. And for the grand finale, young participants of Mickey & Friends Costume Party, in their creative costumes, will complete the entourage, bring to all a fun-filled day-time Halloween fanfare.
「迪士尼惡人」夜間「驚」世現身 密謀反轉樂園
Disney villains turn park upside down after dark
As dusk falls, villains from 24 Disney stories crash the party and take over the park, casting spells over the nighttime spectacular and in Fantasy Gardens. A spooky professor will also lead guests on a nightmarish journey in the Pavilion through the darker realms of Disney Stories.
滿腦子惡念的「邪惡皇后」與 無惡不作的巫師 賈方 在「迪士尼惡人大出巡」赫然登場,並率領一眾「迪士尼惡人」包括:「紅心皇后」和 奸狡的 鐵鈎船長(台譯:虎克船長),以及《怪誕城之夜》的 阿積(Jack)浩浩蕩蕩出巡,以勁歌熱舞及投影特效為賓客帶來精彩的夜間巡遊。與此同時,「黑巫婆」將以巨大淒厲的笑聲及城堡投影效果邪惡現身,誓將城堡變成她的魔域,「黑巫婆」一瞬間幻化成巨大魔龍,更以邪惡火焰將城堡吞噬。
The Evil Queen and Jafar have hijacked the nighttime spectacular, will lead the nighttime cavalcade Villains Night Out! while scowling down from a great height on all who dare to look. The short-tempered Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, and Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, are also joining the devilish procession, fascinating the crowd with songs dancing and visual projections. Announcing her arrival with her blood-curdling evil laugh, Maleficent appears on the walls of the Castle and morphs into a ferocious dragon, breathing real fire as she crashes through the walls to lunge for the crowds.
樂園的「展藝館」搖身一變成「詭夢實驗室」,大名鼎鼎的 怪異教授 帶領賓客走進詭異的機關,穿過隧道和迷宮步入疑幻似真的連場詭怪夢魘。賓客穿梭於《公主與青蛙》的黑暗世界、《魔盜王 ── 決戰鬼盜船》的監獄 和《反斗奇兵》中 阿薛 的玩具箱之餘,亦會遇上《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》的「瘋帽子」。大家只有緊緊跟隨 怪異教授,才可以安全走出連場詭怪夢魘。賓客要份外留神,「迪士尼惡人」及 詭異夢境 隨時嚇你一驚。
The Pavilion is commandeered for The Nightmare Experiment and turned into a mind-bending dreamscape of laboratory, tunnel and labyrinth leading to the dark realm of The Princess & The Frog, the jail of Pirates of the Caribbean, the mutant toys box of Toy Story and Mad Hatter’s lunatic asylum in Alice in Wonderland. Ominously, there is only “The Professor” to guide the dreamers out of the nightmare.
* 賓客身高最少須為102厘米(40英吋),而 7歲以下小童必須由16歲或以上賓客陪同。
* Guests must be 102 cm (40in) or taller; guests under the age of 7 must be accompanied by a guest aged 16 or older.
「幻想世界」的「夢想花園」已被一眾惡名遠播的「迪士尼惡人」佔據,變成「迪士尼惡人花園」。《101斑點狗》的女魔頭庫伊拉、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的「紅心皇后」、《小飛俠》的鐵鈎船長(台譯:虎克船長)、《怪誕城之夜》的 阿積(Jack)和 惡巫先生(Oogie Boogie)及《三隻小豬》的「大壞狼」正發揮好「嚇」精神,準備和大家來一張惡形惡相的合照。充滿膽量的賓客更可於花園內參與「迪士尼鬼馬Trick-or-Treat」,看看得到驚嚇還是驚喜!
“Fantasy Gardens” is no more during “Disney Halloween Time”. Wicked Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians and other frightful baddies have taken it over and made it “Villains Garden”. The lot of them – including Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the Big Bad Wolf from Three Little Pigs – dare guests to come close for a photo. The Disney Trick-or-Treat Booths in the gardens will also dish out fun performance treats, but do so at your own peril as their evil is unmatched.
「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay及 翠絲 也趁着萬聖節,來到樂園湊熱鬧。大家暢遊樂園時,請細心留意他們的蹤跡…… 一看見他們出現,小賓客記得鼓起勇氣,向「迪士尼朋友」說句「Trick or Treat?」!可能他們會送你意想不到的大禮,讓大家盡興而歸。
Also, Disney Duffy, ShellieMay and Jessie from Toy Story have arrived at their own trick or treat locations to meet and have their photo taken with guests this Halloween Time. Remember to be part of the frightful merriment by asking them for treats — kids may even be rewarded for their efforts.

Guests will be able to unleash their artistic flair by drawing their favorite Disney Halloween characters, including Jack Skellington and Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the vampire Mickey.
Awe-inspiring Halloween treats abound
樂園商店已準備好一系列期間限定的萬聖節主題紀念品,喜愛購物的賓客絕對不容錯過!多達100款的萬聖節主題商品,包括:公仔、徽章、服飾、文具套裝、家品等,現正發售!貓畫家小東尼(Gelatoni)更加入 Duffy與朋友系列商品,並以得意的萬聖節造型投入「Tsum Tsum」系列,必定令賓客愛不釋手!
Plenty of Halloween treats are to be found among the all-new Halloween Time souvenirs, available for a limited time only. Park stores will offer over 100 different kinds of Halloween Time souvenirs, including plush toys, accessories, apparel, stationery and home décor. Don’t miss the awesome new Halloween Time Tsum Tsum collectibles that include a new Gelatoni in the Duffy and Friends’ assortment as well as a brand-new bewitching “Tsum Tsum”.
Settle down in between screaming fun to enjoy the Halloween special menus and tea sets as well as themed pastries and concoctions. Restaurants in the park and the two hotels are serving over 50 kinds of Halloween-themed special drinks and devilish bites during Disney Halloween Time, including the “Halloween Afternoon Tea Seat” at Walt’s Cafe, as well as a whole new “Coca-Cola® Halloween Special Set Menu” featuring the Duffy Pumpkin Shake at the Corner Cafe.
The new Discover Your Inner Villain mobile game and Wicked Fun with Disney Villains digital kiosks

樂園將於9月底推出全新手機網上遊戲「惡玩詭怪面」,讓賓客可發掘內心不為人知的惡人一面,看看自己與冷酷無情的黑巫婆、嫉妒成性的「邪惡皇后」、詭計多端的賈方、口甜舌滑的 霍博士 有沒有共通點。賓客分享測試結果,更隨時贏取香港迪士尼樂園門票!
Guests can find out if they are heartless like Maleficent, envious like the Evil Queen, cunning like Jafar or a smooth-talker like Dr. Facilier with an exciting mobile game - Discover Your Inner Villain. Launching in end September, Discover Your Inner Villain mobile game enables guests to take a fun quiz, scan their face and discover their heart’s true desire. They may even share their results for a chance to win free entrance tickets to Disney Halloween Time at Hong Kong Disneyland!
此外,賓客於樂園內亦可透過4款全新「詭異大變身」互動遊戲,走進詭異的惡人世界。 他們有機會赫然看見「黑巫婆」的魔角長在自己頭上,或 以霍博士的塔羅牌展示絕技,而與親朋好友分享惡人影片的賓客,更可獲豐富樂園禮遇!立即加入惡人聯盟,一齊「惡」玩狂歡,反轉香港迪士尼樂園!詳情請留意 香港迪士尼樂園 Facebook 專頁。
Guests can also immerse themselves in a whole new world and get ready for more wicked fun with the four Wicked Fun with Disney Villains interactive digital booths in the park. They can see Maleficent’s horns grow out of their head or play tricks with Dr. Facilier’s magical deck of cards. For those who share their clip with family and friends can redeem a variety of surprises in the park. It is time to have some wicked fun and join the villains in turning Hong Kong Disneyland upside down! For more details, please visit Hong Kong Disneyland Facebook fan page.
升級服務 及 港人專享優惠 「玩」轉迪士尼
Special offers extend wicked fun
賓客可隨時選購 迪士尼樂園觀光服務,升級「玩」轉Halloween!參與「迪士尼賞樂之旅」或「星戰VIP之旅」的賓客可以額外港幣$1,200享用升級服務,不但有專人度身設計行程,更可直接入場暢玩「詭夢實驗室」,並與一位指定的「迪士尼朋友」作近距離接觸。
Guests who booked a Disney Spectacular Tour or STAR WARS VIP Tour can enjoy more thrills at a top-up price of HK$1,200 will enjoy extra wicked customized spook-tacular fun, including direct entrance to The Nightmare Experiment and a private character greeting session with a designated Disney Friend.
另外,由即日起至11月13日,香港居民只需以港幣$599,即可於香港迪士尼樂園官方網站(www.hongkongdisneyland.com)購買「雙重節日『玩轉迪士尼』優惠」套票。賓客不僅可以在即日至12月15日期間*暢遊樂園兩次,玩盡香港迪士尼樂園萬聖節及聖誕節的一系列豐富活動,更享有 9折餐飲和購物優惠,以及「迪士尼朋友」造型雪條買一送一優惠。
The “Double the Fun” special offer lets Hong Kong residents experience both Halloween and Christmas magic at the park in two visits for just HK$599. The visits can be made in the designated period from now till December 15 * when the park stages Disney Halloween Time followed by Christmas celebrations. The offer is also sweetened with 10% discounts for dining and selected merchandise in designated restaurants and park stores and buy-one-get-one-free Character-head lollipop in both visits. The package is available for booking from now till November 13, 2016 through www.hongkongdisneyland.com.
This great – value package adds yet another reason to take your loved ones for the ever so wicked experiences at Halloween and the upcoming Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland resort.
* 不包括10月28及29日
* Excluding October 28-29
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
- 「Disney Halloween Time – 反轉迪士尼」活動揭幕禮:http://bit.ly/2cTAqvg
- 更多「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」活動影片:http://bit.ly/2cfS10W