


香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」將於明天登場!

「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」明天登場

With all-new parades of daytime fun and nighttime thrills,
Disney Halloween Time is coming tomorrow!

24個迪士尼故事惡人「驚」世現身    「詭夢實驗室」引發連串詭怪夢魘
Wicked Villains from 24 Disney Stories reveal their presence
Mind-bending Nightmare Experiment sets spooky challenges to the daring

       「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」將於明天登場!由明日起至10月31日,一連47天的日與夜,賓客可以整天在香港迪士尼樂園盡情「惡」玩!化身成「萬聖之王」及「萬聖之后」的米奇米妮,將舉辦一個盛大派對,歡慶萬聖節,但來自24個不同迪士尼故事的迪士尼惡人「驚」世現身,密謀聯手反轉樂園,將為大人及小朋友賓客帶來無窮驚喜!

Disney Halloween Time is upon us! For 47 days from tomorrow until October 31, the new King and Queen of Halloween Mickey and Minnie will lead a wholesome daytime Halloween parade that will appeal to young guests and their families at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. But the infamous Villains from 24 Disney stories will make their evil presence felt and steal the nighttime spectacular, bringing wicked fun for guests of all ages.

Mickey and Minnie lead glorious parade on Halloween Time whirlies

     米奇 與一眾好友將換上萬聖節新裝,為大家呈獻萬聖節最盛大的日間巡遊「米奇Halloween大街騷」。米奇米妮 將與 高飛 在三個巨型南瓜造型花車上鬼馬出巡,連同一眾好友包括:唐老鴨黛絲布魯托鋼牙大鼻、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 與 ShellieMay 及 他們的最新好友-「貓畫家」小東尼(Gelatoni)和 其他表演者,跟隨全新的鬼魅金曲起舞,為今個萬聖節添上詭趣氣氛!

Mickey & Friends are putting on their brand-new Halloween costumes for the grand unveiling of the all-new daytime Halloween parade in the first ever Mickey’s Halloween Time Cavalcade. The new King and Queen of Halloween, Mickey and Minnie, together with Goofy will spread Halloween cheers from atop giant Jack-o-lantern whirlies. Their friends Donald and Daisy, Pluto, Chip ‘n’ Dale, Duffy and ShellieMay, as well as the Disney Bears’ newest friend Gelatoni the cat artist, will form a festive entourage with the parade performers.

       於「Mickey & Friends化妝派對」被選中的一眾穿上搞鬼服飾的小賓客們,亦會隨行於「米奇Halloween大街騷」壓軸演出,在這個千載難逢的趣怪時刻,記得拍照留念!

Young guests who stand out in their creative Halloween look at the Mickey & Friends Costume Party will be invited to join the parade. What a wicked moment for an once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity!

Disney baddies cast wicked spell on nighttime procession


The daytime fun will end as Disney Villains from 24 Disney stories come out in force to play after the sun goes down. The infamous villains come from Disney stories including Aladdin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Princess & The Frog, 101 Dalmatians, and Three Little Pigs.

Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas 

Big Bad Wolf from Three Little Pigs

Captain Hook from Peter Pan

The short-tempered Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland

《101斑點狗》自恃甚高的 庫伊拉
The evil Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians

       滿腦子惡念的「邪惡皇后」與 無惡不作的巫師 賈方 將於夜間「迪士尼惡人大出巡」登場,並率領一眾「迪士尼惡人」包括:「紅心皇后」與「啤牌士兵」、奸狡的 鐵鈎船長(台譯:虎克船長) 和 猙獰海盜,以及《怪誕城之夜》的 阿積(Jack)浩浩蕩蕩出巡,以勁歌熱舞及投影特效為賓客帶來精彩的夜間巡遊。與此同時,「黑巫婆」將以巨大淒厲的笑聲及城堡投影效果邪惡現身,誓將城堡變成她的魔域,「黑巫婆」一瞬間幻化成巨大魔龍,更以邪惡火焰將城堡吞噬。

The Evil Queen and Jafar will lead the nighttime spectacular Villains Night Out! while scowling from a great height on all who dare to look. The short-tempered Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, and Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas are also joining the devilish procession, fascinating the crowd with songs, dancing and visual projections. Meanwhile, Maleficent will appear on the walls of the Sleeping Beauty Castle and morph into a ferocious dragon with her blood-curdling evil laugh. She is determined to claim the castle as her own, and will breathe real fire as she crashes through the walls to lunge for the crowds.

Wicked fun in a nightmare experiment

       樂園的「展藝館」搖身一變成「詭夢實驗室」,大名鼎鼎的 怪異教授 將帶領賓客走進詭異的機器,透過隧道和迷宮步入疑幻似真的夢境。賓客穿梭於《公主與青蛙》的黑暗世界、《魔盜王 ── 決戰鬼盜船》的監獄和《反斗奇兵》中 阿薛 的玩具箱之餘,亦會遇上《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的「瘋帽子」。大家只有緊緊跟隨 怪異教授,才可以安全走出連場詭怪夢魘。

The Pavilion has been commandeered for The Nightmare Experiment – a mind-bending dreamscape journey through a laboratory, tunnel and labyrinth that leads to the dark realm from The Princess & The Frog, a jail in Pirates of the Caribbean, an encounter with mutant toys from Toy Story and the Mad Hatter’s lunatic asylum in Alice in Wonderland. Ominously, there is only “The Professor” to guide dreamers out of the nightmare.

港人專享       雙重節日優惠
Awesome ticket bundle delivers twice the magic

       由即日起至11月13日,香港居民 只需分別以 港幣 $428 或 港幣 $599,即可於 香港迪士尼樂園 官方網站(購買「雙重節日『玩轉迪士尼』優惠」之小童或成人套票。賓客不僅可以在9月15日至 12月15日期間* 暢遊樂園兩次,玩盡 香港迪士尼樂園 萬聖節 及 聖誕節 的一系列豐富活動,更享有9折餐飲和購物優惠,以及「迪士尼朋友」造型雪條買一送一優惠。

The “Double the Fun” special offer lets Hong Kong residents experience both Halloween and Christmas magic at the Park in two visits for just HK$428 (child) or HK$599 (adults). Visits can be made in the designated period between September 15 and December 15* when the park stages Disney Halloween Time followed by its Christmas celebrations. The offer is also sweetened with 10% discounts for dining in designated restaurants and selected merchandise in park stores, as well as buy-one-get-one-free Character-head lollipops, which are all applicable on both visits. The package is available for booking now till November 13, 2016 through

* 不包括10月28及29日
* Excluding October 28-29

       今年萬聖節,香港迪士尼樂園全新「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」一系列日夜截然不同的嶄新娛樂惡玩體驗,將為大人及小朋友賓客帶來無窮驚喜!

Make this Halloween one to share with all those close to you, whatever their age is, as this year’s Disney Halloween Time at Hong Kong Disneyland promises non-stop fun and thrills every day and evening.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
©  Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」將於明天登場!
香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time –– 反轉迪士尼」將於明天登場!
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