Magic Access Member Exclusive: 50% off for "Finding Dory" merchandise and
30% off for Disney Halloween merchandise

「奇妙處處通」會員 可於 2016年9月16日至25日期間 專享半價選購《海底奇兵2》商品。
Starting from September 16 - 25, 2016 Magic Access members will enjoy 50% off discount for “Finding Dory” merchandise!
There more than 90 Halloween themed merchandise at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Magic Access Members can also enjoy 30% off discount during the promotion period!
* 此優惠不適用於「香港迪士尼樂園奇妙店」(設於香港國際機場 一號及二號客運大樓)。
* This Offer is not applicable in The Magic of Hong Kong Disneyland (At Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 and 2).
^ 此優惠不適用於購買合作品牌商品和本公司不時指定的產品。
^ This Offer is not applicable to purchase of co-branded merchandise and other selected items as HKITP may specify from time to time.
# 「奇妙處處通」會員必須出示有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡方可享受此優惠。
# Magic Access Members are required to present valid Magic Access Membership Card to enjoy the Offer.
======================== 更新(Update) ========================
September 16, 2016:

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort