


第一屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」圓滿結束

首屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」


Fun, safe and green running experiences in first-ever “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K
Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality”

Magical event underscores Disney’s significant values of safety first and eco-friendliness

       首個香港迪士尼樂園官方跑步活動 ─「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」於9月10日及11日假樂園度假區舉行。活動反應熱烈吸引近9,000名不同年齡的跑手報名參加。跑手不僅可以在舒適的綠化環境下,愉快及安全地參與跑步活動,更有一眾「迪士尼朋友」化身成「啦啦隊」沿途打氣,引領大家投入奇妙的 迪士尼運動體驗!

The inaugural “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA  Vitality” has received an enthusiastic response, as close to 9,000 runners of all ages enrolled in the event  over the weekend of September 10 and 11, 2016. Runners enjoyed a fun, safe and eco-friendly event in the  same spirit as how Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is operated, cheered on by Mickey and Friends along the  magical course of the first-ever park run.

       香港特別行政區政府食物及衛生局局長 高永文 今天早上為活動中其中一項比賽項目 ─ 「米奇、米妮3公里親子跑」主持開跑儀式,並於賽後頒發獎項予「米奇10公里賽」得獎健兒。一直致力推廣健康生活的高永文局長於活動中表示:「多參與安全的戶外運動有助建立健康的生活模式,對我們的身心均有莫大的益處。我非常高興見到香港迪士尼樂園度假區積極履行企業責任,舉辦是次健康的戶外活動,為家庭賓客及不同界別人士帶來獨特又充滿樂趣的運動體驗。」

Officiating the event, Secretary for Food and Health of the Government of the Hong Kong Special  Administrative Region, Ko Wing-man, kicked off the Mickey and Minnie 3K Family Run with the start pistol,  as well as presented awards to the Mickey 10K Run winners this morning. “It is vital to maintain a balanced  lifestyle by undertaking adequate safe outdoor activities that contribute to our health and overall well- being,” said Ko, “I’m delighted to see Hong Kong Disneyland Resort taking the social initiative in organizing a  healthy outdoor event that is unique and fun, bringing together families and diverse segments of the  population.”

      是次活動為不同跑手設立共四個比賽項目,包括「米奇10公里賽」、「迪士尼小熊Duffy 5公里跑」、「米奇、米妮3公里親子跑」及「兒童100米 及200米跑」,其中最受歡迎的賽事為 3公里親子跑。參賽家庭一嘗跑入樂園部份主題園區,與為他們打氣的迪士尼朋友合照,包括米奇與好友、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay 及 「貓畫家」小東尼、《優獸大都會》的狐狸阿力及兔仔茱迪、「迪士尼公主」、《星球大戰》人物及其他「迪士尼朋友」等,一起紀念這個千載難逢的愉快時光。

Four race categories including Mickey 10K Run, Duffy 5K Fun Run, Mickey & Minnie 3K Family Run and Kids Races (100m & 200m) were organized, catering to runners of different ages. Among the four categories, the Mickey & Minnie 3K Family Run received the most enthusiastic response. Family runners were able to run in the various themed lands throughout the park for the first time. Along the route, runners stopped and gleefully took photos with their favorite Disney Characters including Mickey and friends, Duffy, ShellieMay and Gelatoni, Nick and Judy from Zootopia, Disney Princesses, as well as Star Wars and many others who were cheering along the route.

       「迪士尼小熊Duffy 5公里跑」及「米奇10公里賽」分別於昨天及今天進行,各參賽健兒可跑入樂園七大主題園區,包括「美國小鎮大街」、「幻想世界」、「明日世界」、「探險世界」、「反斗奇兵大本營」、「灰熊山谷」及「迷離莊園」。香港知名長跑好手及教練紀嘉文亦參與了「米奇10公里賽」,與其他參賽健兒一起在迪士尼的主題氛圍中盡情跑動享受跑步的樂趣。比賽期間,跑手們遇到更多為他們打氣的「迪士尼朋友」,包括 鋼牙奇奇)及 大鼻蒂蒂)、丁滿勞蘇胡迪翠絲巴斯光年愛麗絲 及「白兔先生」,以及 多位 表演者、樂師及樂隊。參與這次跑步活動的一些跑手更邀請家人與好友齊齊親臨樂園,為他們沿途打氣,同享特別又歡樂的一天。樂園特別將是次跑步活動部份收益捐贈予兒童癌病基金,幫助有需要的兒童。部份來自這基金的小朋友和家人,更參與今天的3公里賽事,親身感受運動的樂趣。

The Duffy 5K Fun Run and Mickey 10K Run spanned across two days respectively, taking guests through the seven themed lands in the park – Main Street, U.S.A., Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Adventureland, Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point. The 10K Run was joined by famous Hong Kong runner and coach Gi Ka- Man. Runners were cheered on by more Disney Friends including Chip ‘n’ Dale, Timon, Lotso, Woody and Jessie, Buzz Lightyear, Alice and White Rabbit, as well as various performers, musicians and the Hong Kong Disneyland band. Some participants even brought along their friends and family as their own cheering team, adding joy to the special day of fun. Part of the event proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Cancer Foundation to support children in need, of which some of the beneficiaries participated in the 3K Family Run.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「香港迪士尼樂園首個官方跑步活動成功推廣了健康的戶外活動之餘,亦為家庭賓客及他們的親友帶來無限樂趣。今次更是首次米奇老鼠與好友在樂園奇妙氛圍下帶動的一個跑步活動。我們秉承著樂園的營運理念,以賓客及演藝人員的安全至上,同時將對環境保護的重視延伸至今次活動之中。我們邀請了本地的環保團體回收今次活動中產生的廢棄物,循環再用,亦為是次活動引入碳中和計劃,希望為環境生態多盡一分力。」

“This first-ever official running event at Hong Kong Disneyland achieved the objectives of promoting health-enhancing outdoor activities while having fun with family and friends,” said Samuel Lau, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “What’s more, it marks the first time that Mickey and Friends hosted a park run along such a magical course. We organized the run in the same spirit the park is operated on a daily basis – that is, always placing safety first for our guests and cast members. We also encouraged runners to be eco-friendly in line with the park’s green ethos of carbon-reduction and waste management. Local environmental groups were invited to help recycle the waste collected in the event and help make it a carbon-neutral event, allowing us to do our part in protecting the environment.”


“The inaugural event has laid a solid foundation for future events. We look forward to even greater participation and magic for all runners next time,” said Lau.

       友邦香港及澳門 首席執行官 陳榮聲 表示:「『AIA Vitality健康程式』全力支持首個香港迪士尼樂園官方跑步活動,讓參賽者在迪士尼的奇妙世界裡,體驗全新而獨特的運動樂趣。今次的贊助貫徹了AIA『真生活 真夥伴』的品牌承諾,我們未來會繼續將健康生活訊息滲透至社區每一個角落,幫助市民活出更健康、豐盛及快樂的人生。」

Jacky Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong & Macau said, “This fun-run and race presented by ‘AIA Vitality’ gives participants a truly new and exciting experience of running by taking them into and around Hong Kong Disneyland for the very first time. This sponsorship underscores AIA’s commitment to our brand promise as ‘The Real Life Company.’ We will continue our efforts to bring the message of healthy living to every corner of our community and help people live healthier and happier lives.”

       「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」是樂園與香港業餘田徑總會合辦活動,當中「米奇10公里賽」的成績將可納入香港排名。每位完成賽事的健兒,於衝線後獲即場頒發獨特的 迪士尼獎牌,獎勵參賽健兒挑戰自我,展現無窮活力。為了鼓勵各參賽健兒,香港迪士尼樂園度假區更特別為10公里賽的優勝者準備了豐富的獎品。賽事分為四個年齡組別,每個年齡組別中最快完成賽事的首三位選手可贏得樂園度假區內其中一間酒店之住宿1晚或酒店自助餐。

The event was also co-organized by the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association, and the results of the 10K Run were recognized in the Hong Kong rankings. All runners passing the finish line were awarded an exclusive Disney-themed medal to applaud their triumph in challenging themselves. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort also presented special accommodation and dining rewards to winners. The three fastest runners of each of the four age groups in the 10K Run were awarded one-night accommodation at one of the resort’s hotels or a buffet in one of the hotels’ restaurants.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


~ 「迪士尼朋友」與「演藝人員」 ~
~ Disney Friends & Cast Members ~

~ 比賽場地  ~



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第一屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」圓滿結束
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