上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)於2016年夏季推出「官網粉絲夏日歡慶節」(Disney Fans Summer Celebration)推廣活動,賓客透過度假區官網、官方APP 以及 官方微信 購買2016年8月14日至8月21日的全日票,入園當日即可享專屬福利。除了有八折購物優惠外,首800名完成「秘密任務」的賓客更可以得到「點亮奇夢:夜光幻影秀」迪士尼粉絲專屬觀賞區 的入場資格。根據官網英文版內容,相關「秘密任務」是與最少三位「迪士尼朋友」合照。
*** 中文版內容 ***
* 部分商品不參與本次8折優惠活動,折扣不可與其他優惠同時使用。
.福利2:參與尋寶互動,贏大禮!兌換粉絲專屬手環的同時,你將在現場拿到尋寶互動的秘密任務提示,當日完成任務的前800名粉絲將得到在「奇幻童話城堡」舞台前「點亮奇夢:夜光幻影秀」迪士尼粉絲專屬觀賞區 的入場資格,近距離觀賞煙花!
- 當日門票購買確認函
- 門票與身份證
.福利2:參與尋寶互動,贏大禮!兌換粉絲專屬手環的同時,你將在現場拿到尋寶互動的秘密任務提示,當日完成任務的前800名粉絲將得到在「奇幻童話城堡」舞台前「點亮奇夢:夜光幻影秀」迪士尼粉絲專屬觀賞區 的入場資格,近距離觀賞煙花!
- 當日門票購買確認函
- 門票與身份證
*** English Version ***
Celebration Rewards:
.Celebration Reward 1: Enjoy 20% Discount on Merchandise!
20% off Shanghai Disney Resort merchandise.*
* Discount is valid for selected merchandise at Shanghai Disneyland stores.
.Celebration Reward 2: Meet up with a Disney friend and get a reward!
.Celebration Reward 1: Enjoy 20% Discount on Merchandise!
20% off Shanghai Disney Resort merchandise.*
* Discount is valid for selected merchandise at Shanghai Disneyland stores.
.Celebration Reward 2: Meet up with a Disney friend and get a reward!
Take a photo with at least 3 Disney Friends and redeem a reward! Rewards include access to the exclusive Fan Viewing Area to enjoy Ignite the Dream – A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light, or surprise runner-up prizes!
Terms and Conditions:
.Offer Period: Visit dates between August 14th to 21st,2016
.Valid for ticket holders of 1-day and 2-day park tickets purchased through the official Shanghai Disney Resort website, APP or Wechat store.
.Celebration rewards must be redeemed on the same date as ticket valid date.
.Discount is valid for selected merchandise and cannot be used with other promotions or discounts.
.Shanghai Disney Resort reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Disney Fan Summer Celebration promotion without notice.
Terms and Conditions:
.Offer Period: Visit dates between August 14th to 21st,2016
.Valid for ticket holders of 1-day and 2-day park tickets purchased through the official Shanghai Disney Resort website, APP or Wechat store.
.Celebration rewards must be redeemed on the same date as ticket valid date.
.Discount is valid for selected merchandise and cannot be used with other promotions or discounts.
.Shanghai Disney Resort reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Disney Fan Summer Celebration promotion without notice.
Shanghai Disney Resort