


全新「小鎮珠寶店由PANDORA呈獻」及 限定「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」隆重登場!

香港迪士尼樂園 全新「小鎮珠寶店由PANDORA呈獻」及 限定「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」隆重登場

Main Street Jewelers Presented by PANDORA opens at Hong Kong Disneyland along with launch of Disney’s Charming Afternoon Tea

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區與國際知名珠寶品牌PANDORA的合作一浪接一浪,充分體現企業聯盟的協同效應。繼上年年底於樂園內推出全新遊樂設施 「童話園林 ― 由PANDORA呈獻」後,全新PANDORA珠寶店 ─「小鎮珠寶店由PANDORA呈獻」亦於今個夏日正式進駐「美國小鎮大街」,一系列令人著迷的迪士尼珠寶系列,連同香港迪士尼樂園酒店「華特餐廳」全新推出的「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」,為賓客帶來一個與別不同的童話式體驗!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort further enhanced its corporate alliance relationship with PANDORA with the opening of the Main Street Jewelers Presented by PANDORA this summer. The new PANDORA store on Main Street, U.S.A. is yet another magical addition presented by the renowned jewelry brand, after Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA launched late last year. Celebrating the glamorous occasion, Walt’s Cafe in Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel introduced an elegant Disney’s Charming Afternoon Tea to embellish the exquisite shopping experience with culinary indulgence, a perfect complement to the guests’ magical exploration.

       樂園今天與PANDORA攜手為全新珠寶店進行了隆重的開幕儀式,由香港迪士尼樂園度假區營運副總裁 盧沛德、PANDORA香港澳門總經理陳民迪 以及 藝人岑麗香 共同主持,見證 PANDORA 在樂園內的旗艦店正式營運。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and PANDORA today celebrated the grand opening of PANDORA’s flagship store in the park. The ceremony staged in front of the store was officiated by Peter Lowe, Vice President of Operations, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort; Patrick Chan, General Manager, Hong Kong and Macau of PANDORA; and artist Eliza Sam.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區營運副總裁 盧沛德 指出:「香港迪士尼樂園一直與PANDORA緊密合作,以不同方式加強賓客的奇妙童話體驗,除了『童話園林 ― 由PANDORA呈獻』,我們亦於今年春季推出PANDORA香港迪士尼樂園獨家系列串飾。全新珠寶店的開幕,不僅令現時香港迪士尼樂園度假區內的PANDORA銷售點增至第5個,亦提供更多元化的珠寶產品,為賓客帶來豐富的購物樂趣。為慶祝全新珠寶店的開幕,樂園與PANDORA更特別推出期間限定的『迪士尼絢麗下午茶』,務求讓賓客盡享具特色的童話式體驗!」

“Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has been working closely with PANDORA to enhance fairy tale experiences for guests,” said Lowe. “In addition to ‘Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA’, we also introduced PANDORA Disney charms exclusive to Hong Kong Disneyland this spring. With the new store, there are now five PANDORA retail locations in the resort, offering our guests an even more dazzling range of jewelry choices. Other than enriching the shopping experience, the celebratory offer of Disney’s Charming Afternoon Tea for a limited period will add flavors to the bedazzling themed experience.”

全新珠寶店   逾350款商品任君選擇
Behold more than 350 glittering shopping choices

       全新「小鎮珠寶店由PANDORA呈獻」位於「美國小鎮大街」,聯同度假區內其他PANDORA專櫃為賓客提供逾350款商品。珠寶店以粉紅色及白色為主要色調,設計簡約典雅,配合店內柔和的燈光,讓賓客可舒適地挑選合心意的珠寶首飾。店內主要售賣PANDORA 迪士尼系列串飾,賓客可以自行選配串飾串成手鏈,每顆串飾均由閃爍的鋯石、色彩繽紛的琺瑯及明亮的琉璃打造,價錢由港幣$399起至港幣$3,999,大部分以「迪士尼朋友」或迪士尼故事為主題。除了原有的手鏈和串飾外,新店更引入多款璀璨動人的PANDORA Moments系列,包括戒指、耳環與項鏈,為賓客提供更多元化的款式及選擇。

The new Main Street Jewelers Presented by PANDORA on Main Street, U.S.A and the other PANDORA retail locations in the resort indulge shoppers with an extensive range of more than 350 jewelry items. Using pink and white as the theme colors, the new store is simple and elegant in design. It is even more inviting with the harmonious lighting and cozy decoration. Guests can find their favorite PANDORA Disney charms here to make their own unique bracelet. The charms are made in cubic zirconia, colorful enamel and shiny Murano glass and most of them feature Disney characters and Disney stories, (price ranges from $399 to $3,999 each). In addition to charm bracelets and charms, the new PANDORA store now extends its jewelry items to rings, earrings and necklaces, offering a wider selection for guests.

       PANDORA香港澳門總經理 陳民迪 表示:「PANDORA 迪士尼系列串飾自上年推出,一直深受歡迎,隨著全新珠寶店開幕,一系列全新珠寶亦會陸續推出,包括將於11月份登場的21款PANDORA秋冬迪士尼珠寶系列,當中5款更為迪士尼樂園獨家款式,另外亦有PANDORA Moments系列的戒指、耳環與項鏈,令賓客可以將樂園內的難忘回憶帶回家中。」

“The PANDORA Disney charms have captured shoppers’ imagination since the launch of the collection last year,” Chan said. “A new collection will be introduced to mark the opening of the new store. Look out for the 21 PANDORA Autumn Winter Disney collection to be unveiled in November, in which five of them are exclusive to Disney Parks. The rings, earrings and necklaces of the PANDORA Moments collection are must-haves for bringing home the happy memories from the park.”

期間限定的 迪士尼 及 PANDORA 主題下午茶
Enjoy stylish Afternoon Tea while it lasts

       為慶祝全新珠寶店的開幕,樂園與 PANDORA 亦推出期間限定的特色下午茶。由即日起至11月30日,賓客於香港迪士尼樂園酒店「華特餐廳」內可以 港幣$538* 與摰愛好友享用精緻的「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」,當中美點以「迪士尼朋友」及 PANDORA 珠寶為主題,呈現出夢幻童話與優雅高貴的絢麗感覺,包括:皇冠造型的鮮雜果餅、PANDORA經典串飾造型的士多啤梨慕絲蛋糕及配上米妮蝴蝶結的戒指造型白朱古力蛋糕。

Disney’s Charming Afternoon Tea is available until November 30 to mark the opening of the new PANDORA store. Guests can enjoy the enchanted tea set ($538)* with friends and loved ones at Walt’s Cafe.  Among the dream-like creations are items themed after Disney characters and PANDORA jewelry, such as crown-shaped Exotic Fruit Cake, Strawberry Mousse Cake fashioned after PANDORA charms and ring-shaped White Chocolate Truffle Cake with a Minnie bow.

      現凡享用「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」的賓客,於度假區內商店購買 PANDORA 珠寶系列 滿港幣$2,500或以上 更可享9折優惠。

After the tea break, guests can enjoy a 10% discount upon purchase of PANDORA jewelries with a total value of HK$2,500 or above within the resort.

暢遊「童話園林 — 由PANDORA呈獻」
Visit the magical Fairy Tale Forest – Presented by PANDORA

       「童話園林 — 由PANDORA呈獻」於2015年底進駐香港迪士尼樂園「幻想世界」,透過優雅的園景和小模型設計,為賓客呈獻5個迪士尼公主的經典故事,包括:《魔髮奇緣》、《雪姑七友》、《美女與野獸》、《仙履奇緣》及《小魚仙》。賓客於園林內可轉動魔法故事書和音樂盒裝置上的曲軸,啟動各個故事的場景及聽到耳熟能詳的音樂,猶如親身經歷每一個童話故事。

Fairy Tale Forest – Presented by PANDORA, inaugurated in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort in late 2015, takes guests into a storybook realm. Classic scenes from five all-time classic fairy tales – Tangled, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and The Little Mermaid – are brought to life in captivating animation, choreographed to the iconic tunes of those scenes. Guests can activate the scenes by turning the cranks on the storybooks and music boxes and relive the classic fairy tale magic.

       賓客暢遊幻想世界的「童話園林 — 由PANDORA呈獻」後,不妨到全新「小鎮珠寶店由PANDORA呈獻」選購一系列PANDORA 迪士尼系列珠寶,再到「華特餐廳」享用「迪士尼絢麗下午茶」,享盡 香港迪士尼樂園 與 PANDORA 締造的一系列童話式體驗!

Guests can enjoy a dream-come-true experience and visit the magical Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA, then shop to their heart’s content from the PANDORA Disney collection at the Main Street Jewelers Presented by PANDORA and luxuriate with Disney’s Charming Afternoon Tea at Walt’s Cafe. The complete PANDORA themed experience encompassing shopping, dining and fun is available only at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

* 供兩位賓客享用,需另收 10%服務費
* For two guests and subject to 10% service charge

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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