華特迪士尼世界度假區(Walt Disney World Resort) 正式公佈以《慈善星輝布公仔》(“The Muppets”;台譯:《布偶歷險記》)為主題的「PizzeRizzo」餐廳將於2016年秋季在「迪士尼荷里活影城」樂園(Disney’s Hollywood Studios)的「Muppets Courtyard」園區內開幕!根據餐廳的背景故事,Rizzo The Rat 將會負責管理這間餐廳。
官方簡介(轉載自 Disney Parks Blog):
Rizzo The Rat owns and operates the pizzeria, where guests can grab a pizza pie and a cold drink. Enjoy a casual Italian-American dining experience in a whole new way, through the eyes of the lovable, wisecracking Muppet.Walt Disney Imagineering hid hints of Rizzo, his extended family and friends who have visited PizzeRizzo over the years throughout the two-story quick-service location. In addition to the expansive indoor and outdoor seating area, guests will be able to dine in a “cheesy” banquet room, or take five in a special booth designated just for Rizzo’s celebrity friends.
Walt Disney World Resort