迪士尼 推出全新遊戲應用程式「Disney LOL」,現階段只限美國用戶下載。「LOL」是近年流行的網絡用語,當中意指「Laughing Out Loud」或「Laugh Out Loudly」。
Google Play:http://bit.ly/29kooIn

Bring on the fun! Bring on the weird! Bring on the LOLs! Put your hands up for a brand new app jammed with vids, GIFs, pics, and more.
Ready to beat the boredom blues? Brace yourself for an overload of awesomeness, like:
- A daily dose of OMG-worthy GIFs, videos, and more from Disney, Pixar, Disney Channel, and Disney XD
- Swipe to explore a random heap of categories like Fun, Fail, and Weird
- Tap the heart to show your love
- Save and share with your BFF, your bestie, and your everybody else
- Search to discover relatable moments from your fave movies, characters, and shows
Yes, you CAN even! Download today and LOL away!
Got an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus? Disney LOL supports 3D Touch in two exciting ways!
Get back to the laughs with just one touch and show more love when you press the heart.
Disney, & Disney Interactive