Free dessert offer at “Walt's Cafe” for the Magic Access Members
(July 15 to August 30, 2016)

於2016年7月15日至8月30日期間,「奇妙處處通」會員 在「華特餐廳」享用「華特餐園晚餐」(每位港幣$368 至 港幣$498),即可獲贈「紅桑子朱古力慕絲脆餅」甜品一份。
Starting from July 15 to August 30, 2016, Magic Access Members will be entitled to enjoy a “Crunchy Chocolate Cake with Raspberries” when ordering the “Garden and Grilled” Menu (HK$368 - HK$498 per guest) in the “Walt's Cafe”.
預訂(Reservations):+852 3510-6000
「華特餐園晚餐」供應時間:晚上6:00 至 晚上9:30
“Garden and Grilled” Menu: 6:00pm - 9:30pm.
* 價目均為港幣及另加一服務費。
* Prices are in Hong Kong dollar and subject to 10% service charge.
# 此優惠不可和其他餐飲折扣優惠同時使用(會員酒店餐飮禮遇除外)。
# This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other food and beverages offers, promotions or discount (except Magic Access hotel dining benefits).
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort