


上海 學生們在 上海迪士尼度假區 慶賀人生里程碑,度假區「Youth Programs」將於2016年9月1日起正式啟動!

學生們在 上海迪士尼度假區 慶賀人生里程碑

Students Celebrate Lifetime Milestones at Shanghai Disney Resort
Immersive Disney Experiences to Inspire Young Guests to Foster Spirit of Innovation and Creativity

       暑假將至,全新開幕的 上海迪士尼度假區 成為各年齡學生慶祝學業收穫、共度青春時光的神奇之地,陸續有眾多師生來到度假區歡慶學年完結、迎接夏季開啟。在考試結束後或畢業時刻,來到安全、快樂的全球迪士尼度假區展開了一段充滿神奇與想像的旅程,已經成為學生們的一種傳統選擇。

Shanghai Disney Resort is set to become a key venue for local students to celebrate key milestones in their youth and academic pursuits, as hundreds of students and faculty descend on the resort’s theme park to celebrate the end of school year and start of summer holidays.  Disney resorts around the world are traditionally key destinations for students to celebrate the end of exams, celebrate graduation moments and pursue their imagination and creativity in an exciting, safe and friendly environment.

       現在這個傳統也被帶到了上海。今日來自不同小學、中學和高中、各年齡層的500多位師生賓客來到上海迪士尼樂園。他們有些剛剛通過了期末考試,迎來暑假,有些則即將畢業,進入新學校。校方特意組織師生來到 上海迪士尼度假區,以鼓勵同學們收穫的學業成就,並慶賀年輕的人生中迎來新的里程碑,以特殊的方式共度富有意義的時刻,收穫珍藏一生的回憶。

To celebrate the start of this tradition in Shanghai, today over 500 students and teachers from elementary, middle and high school celebrated at Shanghai Disneyland, capturing photo moments and celebrating the success of their studies and friendships.  The energy and optimism of youth is a special emotion and Shanghai Disneyland is a perfect venue for our youth to cherish their friendships, celebrate the success of their studies, foster their imagination and creativity, and follow their dreams.

       上海迪士尼度假區總經理郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)也攜手 米奇 米妮 在樂園與師生們合影留念。他表示,「今天我們非常高興地迎來了一批充滿活力的青少年學生遊客們,走進我們的神奇王國。幾十年來,迪士尼樂園及度假區一直關注關懷青少年的成長發展,讓不同年齡層的學生在探索迪士尼神奇世界的同時,激發靈感、放飛想像。」

The General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort, Philippe Gas, and Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, will join students and faculty members in the park today. "For decades, Disney Parks and Resorts have been committed to supporting the healthy growth and development of our youth, providing students of all ages with a chance to embark on unforgettable journeys through the world of Disney. We hope that Shanghai Disneyland will become a beacon of creativity and imagination for young minds from across the globe.” said Gas.

       師生們暫別平日世界,在迪士尼的故事講述中體驗了眾多熱門的遊樂項目,例如「雷鳴山漂流」、「加勒比海盜——沉落寶藏之戰」和「七個小矮人礦山車」;他們還欣賞了精彩紛呈的娛樂演出:《人猿泰山:叢林的呼喚》、《冰雪奇緣:歡唱盛會》以及《風暴來臨 —— 傑克船長之驚天特技大冒險》。學生們還爭先恐後地和來自漫威電影世界的超級英雄們互動,與 米奇傑克船長、迪士尼公主 及 其他經典的「迪士尼朋友」們 合影留念。

Shanghai Disney Resort inspires young minds to step out of their everyday lives and into a world of wonder at Disney, where students discover magic, creativity and innovation through Disney's immersive storytelling experience. During Wednesday's visit, students and faculty members will enjoy the comprehensive offerings at Shanghai Disneyland, including popular attractions like Roaring Rapids, Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and TRON Lightcycle Power Run. They will also experience the world-class entertainment offerings like "Tarzan: Call of the Jungle," "Frozen: A Sing-Along Celebration" and "Eye of the Storm: Captain Jack’s Stunt Spectacular." Students will also have the exciting opportunity to meet superheroes from Marvel Cinematic Universe, and have their photographs taken with Mickey Mouse, Captain Jack Sparrow, Disney princesses and other beloved Disney Characters.

       上海迪士尼度假區 將於9月1日起 正式啟動「迪士尼青少年」項目。「迪士尼青少年」項目是全球迪士尼樂園和度假區的傳統之一。上海迪士尼度假區 結合本地教育專家的建議,針對各學齡層的不同需求和成長軌跡設計了種類豐富的青少年項目。無論遊樂項目或慶典活動都緊扣充滿意義的主題,通過體驗為青少年賓客留下難忘的回憶。

To further support the development of youth in our community, on September 1st Shanghai Disney Resort will officially launch its Youth Programs, bringing this special global Disney tradition to students in China.  Working in partnership with local education experts, the resort will introduce a wide range of informative and entertaining programs and activities for students of all ages, leveraging Disney’s legendary immersive storytelling experiences to help create extraordinary memories and inspire innovation and creativity among young guests


‧參加「迪士尼主題樂園探索之旅」的青少年遊客可享受樂園門票的特別價格。詳情請聯繫「迪士尼青少年」活動團隊 或 致電上海迪士尼度假區預訂服務中心(400-180-0000 / +86-21-3158-0000

‧Interested in Disney Youth Programs? Please visit the resort’s official website to learn more:

‧Did you know?  Students participating in Disney Theme Park Adventure are eligible for special theme park ticket pricing. For more information, email Disney Youth Programs at or call the Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Center at 400-180-0000 / +86-21-3158-0000

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海 學生們在 上海迪士尼度假區 慶賀人生里程碑,度假區「Youth Programs」將於2016年9月1日起正式啟動!
上海 學生們在 上海迪士尼度假區 慶賀人生里程碑,度假區「Youth Programs」將於2016年9月1日起正式啟動!
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