


華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)熱烈慶祝 上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」的歷史性時刻

華特迪士尼公司 熱烈慶祝 上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」的歷史性時刻
多年合作結出碩果 —— 世界級的迪士尼度假區

The Walt Disney Company Celebrates Historic Grand Opening of Shanghai Disney Resort
World-Class Disney Resort Result of Years of Collaboration and Partnership


The Walt Disney Company is proud to celebrate the opening of Shanghai Disney Resort, the first Disney resort in Mainland China and the sixth Disney resort worldwide. A three-day grand  opening celebration commemorates the culmination of one of the largest foreign investment projects in China’s history, and Disney’s largest investment to date outside of the United States. The resort’s opening is the result of a long collaborative relationship with the Shanghai Municipal Government and joint venture partner Shanghai Shendi Group, and offers a new world-class tourism destination for guests from China and around the world. At opening, the first phase of the resort is within a land area of 963 acres with additional land available to accommodate future expansion, including additional theme park and other related resort development.


“The grand opening of Shanghai Disney Resort is one of the proudest moments in the history of The Walt Disney Company, and we’ve planned a truly spectacular celebration worthy of this historic achievement,” said Bob Iger, chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company. “Just like the park itself, the next three days will be a grand experience filled with great joy and excitement along with stunning entertainment experiences. We are honored to be joined by so many distinguished guests for this momentous occasion, and look forward to officially opening the gates and sharing this extraordinary authentically Disney, distinctly Chinese destination with the world.”

       6月14日是三天慶典活動的第一天。當天,百老匯熱門音樂劇《獅子王》的首個中文製作版本將在「華特迪士尼大劇院」進行全球首演。大劇院位於「迪士尼小鎮」,能容納1200名觀眾。 6月15日,將在「奇幻童話城堡」舉行「夢想開幕」音樂晚會,由為《臥虎藏龍》等電影創作音樂、屢獲殊榮的著名作曲家 譚盾 擔任指揮。音樂晚會結束後,將在「明日世界」舉行「星光歡慶派對」。 6月16日,將在「奇幻童話城堡」前舉行開幕典禮,上海迪士尼度假區正式開門迎客。

The three-day celebration begins on June 14 with the global premiere of the first Mandarin production of the Broadway hit THE LION KING at the 1,200-seat Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown. It continues on June 15 with a grand opening gala concert at the Enchanted Storybook Castle led by award-winning composer Tan Dun, known for film scores including “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” followed by a Starlight Celebration dessert party in Tomorrowland. On June 16, there will be a festive dedication ceremony in front of the Enchanted Storybook Castle to officially open Shanghai Disney Resort to guests.


Shanghai Disney Resort is a first-of-its-kind resort that combines the very best of Disney in a way that is distinctly Chinese and tailor-made for the people of China. At opening it features a newly designed Magic Kingdom-style theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, with six themed lands filled with immersive attractions, including Adventure Isle, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Tomorrowland, Treasure Cove and Fantasyland. These lands are located around the iconic Enchanted Storybook Castle, the tallest, largest and most interactive castle at any Disney park. The resort also features world-class live entertainment, two exquisite hotels, a shopping, dining and entertainment district called Disneytown and a 98-acre recreational area called Wishing Star Park with a lake that is open to the public.

       度假區展示了迪士尼行業領先的諸多實踐,包括質量和安全標準、創新技術以及營運最佳實踐等,這些推動了主題樂園產業及上海旅遊業的發展。而這一切都離不開 迪士尼「演職人員」與「幻想工程師」以及中國仍至全世界的數千名藝術家、設計師、建設工人及供應商的多年的合作與創新。

The resort showcases Disney’s industry-leading practices, including quality and safety standards, the introduction of new innovative technologies, and operational best practices -- all of which contribute to the overall theme park industry and the development of Shanghai’s tourism industry. It is a result of years of collaboration and innovation, with contributions from Disney cast members and Imagineers, as well as thousands of artists, designers, construction workers and suppliers from across China and around the world.

      2011年,上海迪士尼度假區破土動工。 2014年4月,度假區股東聯合宣佈提前擴建計劃,以期借力中國旅遊業的繁榮發展,通過增加遊樂項目、娛樂演出及其他內容,提升開幕時主題樂園的接待能力。

Shanghai Disney Resort broke ground in 2011. In April 2014, the resort’s shareholders jointly announced an accelerated expansion plan to capitalize on the tremendous growth in China’s tourism sector – adding more attractions, entertainment and other offerings to increase capacity at the theme park on opening day.


Throughout its development, Shanghai Disney Resort aimed to not only build a world-class tourism destination, but also serve as a valuable community partner and active corporate citizen in Shanghai and China. Working within the community, the resort provides support to address a wide range of needs for children while creating opportunities to strengthen relationships with the important adults in their lives. Last week, in honor of the grand opening of Shanghai Disney Resort, The Walt Disney Company announced a $3.1 million USD (RMB 20 million) donation to support the creation of Disney-themed play spaces in 50 children’s hospitals throughout China.


Shanghai Disney Resort also adopted a number of new technologies and design elements to enable Shanghai Disney Resort to reduce its environmental impact, including a leading new technology to supply the resort with heating, cooling and compressed air, which is anticipated to improve the estimated energy efficiency for resort operation by 300 percent and reduce greenhouse emissions generated from resort operations by 60 percent.


Additional information is available at, the destination’s official website for news and information.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)熱烈慶祝 上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」的歷史性時刻
華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)熱烈慶祝 上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」的歷史性時刻
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